60 and Over

Yep !
BadBraelyn See my TER Reviews 3210 reads
1 / 24

So I have noticed twitter has taken off  as a way to advertise for new potential clientele. My question to all of you esteemed handsome mature men:
1: Do you have a twitter account?
2: Do you actively engage in twitter?
3: If you do use Twitter,  do you prefer finding your next companion via twitter?
Just wondering out of curiosity....

Happy hump day!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 185 reads
2 / 24

Call me a dinosaur if you want, but I see lots of problems with social media, and few pluses.

cspatz 67 Reviews 150 reads
3 / 24

... I will occasionally check an escorts twitter if it is open to the public. They sometimes post lovely photos of themselves.  

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 206 reads
4 / 24

I'm with Mr. Fisher on this one.  And I could be a dinosaur too.  Like a Sexisaurus Rex.  ;-)

What social media does exceedingly well is make connections.  Such as linking friends, acquaintances, ex's, accountants, sex workers, business partners, and grandmas all together.  Sounds like a great idea, right?

Well, not in the hobby world.  We like to keep things on the down low here.  We only introduce our ATFs to our grandmas when absolutely necessary.  :-0

Most sites like facebook want access to all of your contacts, and pictures, and email, and phone, and... which makes me very nervous.  As it has no idea who is who.  Or anything resembling the notion of discretion.  They call it "social networking."  I call it "invasion of privacy."  Or at least annoying.

Perhaps tech savy, security conscious providers can keep private and public friends separate, but as a hobbyist I steer clear of the social media sites.

Oh, I almost forgot - bah humbug.

And stay off my lawn!

theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 207 reads
5 / 24

2. I spend nest to no time there. (Sorry.)

3. I haven't found a companion on Twitter, but that could change. Meanwhile I have read tweets by providers I've discovered elsewhere.

ThePeopleRule 154 reads
6 / 24

if a gal starts off an ad with "so"....
she is too young for me.

TheKarateKid 7 Reviews 148 reads
8 / 24

I guess that I'm a modern day dinosaur, since I have a hobby account on twitter and follow some providers. LOL  I keep it completely separate from my personal account, with a separate email, different username, etc.   I see twitter as  another way of getting to know some of the providers better through their tweets.  Some also post their schedules, if they're touring which is helpful.  Needless to say, I like the photos that some of the providers post too.  

What gets many twitter and other social media users in trouble is that they don't understand how all the privacy setting work and they end up give the apps permission to access personal stuff like contacts, etc. without even being aware of their actions.  If you learn how to use twitter the right way, it's no different than posting on any other public forum.   Even TER is open to the public, so everyone can see what we are posting.  Needless to say, providers and hobbyist need to be discreet on what they post on any public forum whether it's here on TER or twitter.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 155 reads
9 / 24

I set it up a few years ago for hobbying. I think I've used it a couple  of times when a provider I used to see liked to tweet and then she retired.  

I do get on twitter when I see they have a link to twitter on their TER profile. Interesting what you can find out about them when they tweet and it's not always good.

BadBraelyn See my TER Reviews 191 reads
10 / 24

Absolutely true!! Great answer!! I do witness a lot of frantic situations when providers and clients make a mishap with the privacy settings.

sweetman 93 Reviews 129 reads
11 / 24

I honestly do not even know what twitter is, what it is for, or how it works. I've never even seen it or seen somebody's twitter in use. Why do I need it? Life is glorious as is and complex enough as is with 2 email accounts, PM accounts here and on SA, plus texts.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 147 reads
12 / 24
OldCodger 131 reads
13 / 24
Valida 17 Reviews 173 reads
14 / 24
Senator.Blutarsky 160 reads
15 / 24

...especially since I'm only a few years behind you. But you may want to reconsider. Where do you think I get all these great pics that I share here?  So far the only downside I've seen from my twitter feed is it's another thing to waste time. Kind of like the boards here.

voyager-43 11 Reviews 153 reads
16 / 24

I recently started an account, because I found out one of my favorites posted a lot of pictures there. I don't post anything, I just lurk. I also don't spend a lot of time there. It can get tiresome real fast.
I've also found that you can find out some interesting details about some providers'  thoughts. They will write stuff on twitter that they would never think of exposing to potential clients in any other mode.  Even if you don't follow a particular person, lots of tweets get re-tweeted.  
Agree about the privacy settings. Be careful.

ATLDAWG 157 reads
17 / 24

Following gal's on twitter gives you terrific insight as to how they really feel about the industry and their clients !  Don't follow them if you can' t handle the truth !

Cardinal_Richelieu 2 Reviews 163 reads
19 / 24

A provider's Twitter feed can provide great insights into her attitude and what may or may not be on her menu.

That said, I don't recommend subscribing to a provider's feed if your peeps know your Twitter handle:  they can look up who you are following!

Autumn Breeze See my TER Reviews 119 reads
20 / 24
LillianWest See my TER Reviews 115 reads
21 / 24

I resisted using Twitter for a long time and then my friend Kiwi got me going on it. I made a couple of tweets and still didn't see the point; seemed like just one more thing to maintain and answer to. But I began to realize that I can tell a story on Twitter better than a lot of other sites. Facebook won't let me post the pics I like and the way it links up to everyone in your phone's contact list is frightening. On Twitter, I can post a pic (worth a thousand words) and say just a few words without having to "compose" and orchestrate something uber-clever. I feel I can just be myself and let the postings tell the story.

Hedonist51 1 Reviews 128 reads
22 / 24

1: Do you have a twitter account?  
2: Do you actively engage in twitter?  
3: If you do use Twitter,  do you prefer finding your next companion via twitter?  

#1- No
#2- I do check out Twitter accounts if a provider has one, and find them to be helpful and fun.
#3- Twitter for me is at most only a way to get more info or ascertain a provider's personality better than a website. And I like the more natural pics generally posted there, rather than heavily photoshopped website pics.

TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 141 reads
23 / 24

twitter is a great tool for gentleman to find personality, likes and dislikes on ladies. Follow me!

souls_harbor 147 reads
24 / 24

If you (as a client) have regulars you might enjoy their tweets.  If you are trying to find your next adventure, twitter isn't the place for leads (as far as I know.)  Once you find someone you might peek at their twits.  I have looked at twitter for a few who someday I might visit, but so far none of the ladies I've seen have I viewed their twitter (if they have one.)

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