60 and Over

What I've done.....
oldguy666 65 Reviews 2735 reads
1 / 22

I know there are a lot of posts about various ED meds.  I'm interested in reputable online pharmacies, and the most recent discussion on this board about that, specifically, is dated October 2011.  

I ordered a supply of generic Cialis (from India) in January 2012, and my supply has lasted until now, believe it or not (I cut them).  But, I need to order a new batch, and half of the sites recommended in October 2011 are now gone.

So, can we have an updated discussion about best places to get ED meds?  I have already seen my doctor about this, and he wrote me a Rx back in 2010 for Cialis.  But I don't want to keep paying $20 per pill...or, worse, have that Rx on my medications record, since I never have sex with my wife, and her seeing a Cialis Rx would raise uncomfortable questions.

Hope y'all can help!



josulli 15 Reviews 1047 reads
2 / 22

I use Kwikmed.. and not because it's cheap.. it's nt.. but to keep from going to my local doctor.. just too close to home for my taste..I have ordered 15  100 Mgs Viagra.. split them so it will last a little while.. maybe..  

This si the thread.. but my post was pretty recent there.. http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewmsg.asp?BoardID=64&SortBy=DateCreated%20desc&Search=Kwikmed&SearchType=1&DayFrom=90&DayTo=0&MessageID=15092&frmSearch=1#15092

-- Modified on 2/3/2014 7:55:32 AM

Sonny-60 4 Reviews 954 reads
3 / 22

I use Nippon Pharmacy.
Delivery is in about 13 days USPS, and you have to sign for it. Price is as good as it gets. Credit card statement showed charge to Starcom, and personal info was not compromised.
 60 Penegra 100mg (made by Zydus in India) costs 100 USD. Foreign conversion fee 1.30. There are cheaper ones, you can get Nizagra for 68.00 USD (both are generic Viagra).They sell all kinds of  generic meds, not just sex stuff. Lipitor (Atorvastatin) also made by Zydus, 10mg 90 tabs for 64.00 USD. Google Nippon Pharmacy

mattradd 40 Reviews 888 reads
4 / 22

Was that the generic cialis that you tried?

houdini41 2 Reviews 887 reads
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I get my antibiotics from overseas labs. I think it's a reasonable thing to do vs getting gouged by Kwikmed.

I have been told that if customs happens to open your package they will seize the pills. But the chances of them doing that are low (never happened to me).

josulli 15 Reviews 856 reads
6 / 22

I read somewhere tha something like 60% of online drugs are counterfeit and don't work dependably.. I, frankly, want to know that my ED drug will be there and will work,, .. all I have ot worry about is MSOG..

houdini41 2 Reviews 859 reads
7 / 22

I think you can find indian and chinese suppliers rated and discussed on some forums.  And, I think once you find a source you can trust then you can feel pretty confident in that source going forward. Like anything worthwhile, it requires a little effort.

Kwikmed charges $411 for a 10-pack of Viagra. Personally, I'd rather spend that on the girl.

finguy 7 Reviews 1006 reads
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As far as generic Cialis goes, I have had good results with the Kamagra Store.  The pills are from India.  I particularly like their sublingual versions, which work faster than the pill version.


The best results I have had for "real" Cialis and Viagra is canadadrugs.com.  They require a prescription.  20mg Cialis is $17 per pill and a 100mg Viagra is $13.35 per pill.

MSON123 44 Reviews 889 reads
9 / 22

Doctors can not share your medical history with your spouse. Even when using online pharmacies a legit Rx from your doctor makes life easy.  

What you really need to worry about is marketing info sent by the companies. I was burned by a well known mens ed company in the US. It raised those same questions!  

Best way get a mail box at a place like mail  boxes etc And Always use that address even with you own doctor! Never give out your SSN even to your own doctor. (make one up) Never let anyone copy your DL.   Flash it only for ID purposes but do not let them copy your address

NomdeAmour 882 reads
10 / 22


Ridiculously cheap. I've ordered viagra and cialis. Both work just fine. Delivery is 2-3 weeks.

grayhair 63 Reviews 753 reads
12 / 22

Someone mentioned using Mail boxes, inc. for delivery as the items can be signed for----rather than having them sent to your home address.  Does this work for those who use this service?  Are there other places that have someone who can and will sign for them?  I recall trying that years ago, but  was concerned that the business could not sign for items like medications, etc. Advice would be appreciated

oldguy666 65 Reviews 687 reads
13 / 22

I checked once--years ago--about getting a mailbox at the Postal Service, but they needed my home address, and I didn't want stray pieces of mail coming in that I'd have a hard time explaining.  I have not checked at a Mailboxes, Etc.  I assume the same thing would apply there.  I'd love to know if I'm wrong....

For ED meds, I used a trusted provider once, who agreed to make the purchase for me and have the meds mailed to her.  I paid her for the cost of the meds, plus $100 for her trouble.  It worked just fine.

josulli 15 Reviews 767 reads
14 / 22

I have had them sent to my office.. Kwikmed uses FedEx.. and you can track where they are..Ihave not had an issue with that exceptformy panic when the idiots in the mail room put the envelope on the wrong desk..

shudaknownbetter 657 reads
15 / 22

I looked & couldn't find any & I'm thinking the capsules can not be easily split like hard tablets.  I an just guessing based on the web sites.  Please more info!

michael_z971 3 Reviews 829 reads
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I am getting calls from call centers in India from stuff I ordered over  5 years ago.

mibfig 4 Reviews 836 reads
17 / 22

Just went to the alldaychemist.com website and they do not appear to sell Viagra and Cialis any longer.

WymenLover 36 Reviews 700 reads
18 / 22

Posted By: finguy
20mg Cialis is $17 per pill...
My HMO covers 1/2 of the cost.  Just paid $16 per 20mg pill at Costco.  The
price has risen consistently over the past several years, but this time it was a drop
from $18 last year.

shudaknownbetter 644 reads
19 / 22

I have used Viagra...  
Currently looking at Cialis daily, my MD Rxd C 5mg daily & I used a voucher for a free trial.  I wonder if I could get away with 2.5mg.  (Divide cost by 2)    
My MD always Rxs V 100s & instructed me to cut them.  I can do with just 25 mg of V so divide cost by 4.    

Posted By: WymenLover
Posted By: finguy
20mg Cialis is $17 per pill...
 My HMO covers 1/2 of the cost.  Just paid $16 per 20mg pill at Costco.  The  
 price has risen consistently over the past several years, but this time it was a drop  
 from $18 last year.

G2 815 reads
20 / 22

I'm single, so this sort of thing is just an annoyance for me.  But when those little fuckers started calling my cell phone with marketing calls, and filled my email with re-order requests just a week or two after I ordered 80 100mg V, it really pissed me off.

The guys calling weren't even the guys I did business with, but they had my info, so the lesson to be learned is that ANY information you give them will be sold to all the other companies selling drugs in India.

I used a Postal Annex box, a Google Voice phone number and a Hotmail account I keep for hobby activities.  And even though I'm single, that wasn't enough to keep it separate.  Frankly, I don't know how they made a couple of the connections to my other accounts/emails/phone numbers.  So if you're married, be really cautious.  I kept getting an unidentified caller at all hours of the day, so after the 13th call, I answered and it was some guy in India trying to sell me more!  So don't be surprised.

The good news was the product they sold me worked fine.  Like others, I cut the 100mg pills in half, and even that seemed a bit too much, so I tried cutting them in quarters.  That worked, but it takes longer to take effect, as others have said.  My reaction (both good and side effects) was pretty strong at 50 mg, so I don't dare try the full 100 mg.

GreekDeprived 785 reads
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i've used CHEM-med on line for liquid C and V and will be trying another item they sell that requires being mixed with water and kept refrigerated.  


low_wood 511 reads
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I actually tried Nippon Pharmacy as recommended in this thread. I though you might find the feedback useful. I got generic cialis. I don't remember how much I paid but it was a fraction of the cost of the branded pills which I normally buy from accessrx (very reliable but not cheap, no rx required etc). Nippon was great. Got the meds in 10 days and they work great - just like branded. No chasing phone calls or anything. Thanks. Sorry I know using an alias is lame, but prefer to do that.

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