60 and Over

Well of course...
RogueLuver 5373 reads

the time faction is always the plus. Trust however is a huge issue as well. The level of intimacy that can be shared is paramount as well as the magnificent bond that if not shared prior, is certainly shared there after.

Posted By: Angela_Petite2
I thought this would be an interesting topic . Your thoughts?


the luxury of not having to think about the clock.

All day long at work I live by the clock, and when I'm pitching woo, that's one thing I would love to leave behind.

Exactly and I should have mentioned that I also have off the clock
rates so if we go over 12 hours within reason it's alright. I am surprised that I got 82
reads on that on my board and no comments.

I must enjoy their company inside and outside the bedroom otherwise i'm sure the man would not enjoy his time with me. Sleep wise, closing your eyes and spooning with someone you don't trust could be very dangerous and hazardous to your health.

I love the few friends that I have that make plans to do something special for more than an overnight. I have done 3 and 4 day dates which have always been more like a vacation for me. It's the holding hands, laughing,small talk, kissing and intimate moments that make these memories true one of a kinds and very dear to me.

Kisses Haley

Same here I have to have met them . Gotten to know them and much more on the email phone call sides too in advance. I do like the 3 day weekends myself. I had a great time at the beach one in which I actually lived before so I was able to not only rekindle some memories, share some of my own history with him but had a great time too. Walk on the beach , cooking out dining out , it was wonderful.


RogueLuver5374 reads

the time faction is always the plus. Trust however is a huge issue as well. The level of intimacy that can be shared is paramount as well as the magnificent bond that if not shared prior, is certainly shared there after.

Posted By: Angela_Petite2
I thought this would be an interesting topic . Your thoughts?


I like to make it as if it were a honeymoon .

As I have stated in previous posts. i have had ATFs that did overnights with me . After our session we just stayed together for the rest of the night. There is nothing better than to be able to hold a beautiful woman in my arms all night . along with all the intimacy and talking etc. Its just great. My last overnight was with a lady I had seen once and had taken her out to eat later. On my next visit she asked me to take her out to eat. On the way back to her place she asked me if I wanted to stay overnight otc. Well, you know what I said. Stayed overnight each consecutive weekend for 2 more weeks. She then put a stop to it . Said she didn't want to get any closer. great while it lasted. I had one atf that i only did overnights with. She gave me great rates but still my budget was getting stretched so I cut back.

I know a provider that enjoys Fantasy Fests and we make a week end of it. I can't afford to do it offen but when we can it is fun for me for sure and i think she enjoys it also. We are scheduled to go to the Scarborough renasissance Faire in April. She is a delight to be with and we laugh at some of the looks we get. At a fantasy Faire every one is in costume so looks are normal. She dressed as a bar wench and I as a monk. I get us a good hotel room and then I pick her up or we meet there for the week end. I sure wouldn't try that on the first date as you need to be sure you both like the same things.

My ambition is for both of us to part with a smile and a desire to meet again. Fancyinheels (Houston) and I have become friends and each time we get together we take off from where we left. She has a sense of humor and is smart as a whip. Nicole(Fancy) has a seduction pad that screams F--- me but we spend time in other places only to return and screw like minks before we part. I have found my ATF. She is to drive up to meet me on Friday afternoon and on Sat morning we will attend the Festival. We may go back on Sunday or if the mood strikes us go some place else. We both have the same likes and dislikes so we just never know what we will do. Just so it is together. Sunday night some place nice to eat then cuddle up in the room or out for some drinks.

I saw pictures of these fests . If I am correct,you go naked and get your body art painted on you?
I am all for that and hope to attend one sometime...


AHH yes Key West and all of the body paint. The fests we have been to are period costumes so no body paint. My body would bring on torrents of laughter. I don't know of any way to send pictures here or I would attach some pictures of Nicole and myself. If you can picture a busty lady in a corset with boobs spilling out of the top and an old guy in a monks costume. At the Charles Dickens Festival in Galveston Nicole dressed in a most elegant green costume with boobs and a very pretty hat. We are the same height until she puts on her trademark high heels then she is taller than me. She will wear a different costume for the next festival. The people at these places are so friendly and every one is in good spirits.

I am dying to go to Fantasy Fest too.  If you need a travel partner, think of me!  hehehe

Posted By: Angela_Petite2
I saw pictures of these fests . If I am correct,you go naked and get your body art painted on you?
I am all for that and hope to attend one sometime...


It is so much fun and my favorite is the "washing winches" who have been with this tour group for over 15 years. I wonder if the one I go to is the same one you enjoy. I collect kaleidoscopes and most have come from that Fair.

Always thought joining in costume would be fun but never have. I think i'll put that I my wish list

Kisses Haley

We have one in the Phoenix area every year too. Its on right now. i have never been but have been trying to get there last couple years. Seems like I always have other things planned or stuff comes up. But I will get there sonner or later. Its a huge Fest.

Supposedly we have the biggest one in Plantersville TX(Texas has every bigger than any place else). I was amazed that I didn't run into any one that was grouchy or rude. If you are in costume you get in for half price. The shows on Sat are pretty much R rated but on Sun they are for the most part G rated. Take your camera as every one will pose with you. Some of the performers in grand costumes should be given a tip. We have a Shakespeare group that is rather raunchy but so damn funny.

nate19524610 reads

They so nicely emulate the events of a real date where the parties are interested enough to continue an encounter on into the night. And that includes all the sources of sexual tension that civilians feel: hope I don't snore, hope we can find enough to talk about, etc.

The major problem, for me, is that - even though the overnight rate usually represents a significant per-hour discount - I have to save my lunch money for a long time to get the cash required.

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