60 and Over

John_Laroche 161 reads

Had a Urolift done two years ago. Quick outpatient procedure with only moderate discomfort. Back in the game in less than 2 weeks. Unless you've done damage to your bladder, you may no longer need the pills. For me normal ejaculation resumed as soon as I quit taking them.  

The only downside that I see is that whatever causes BPH is still there working on your prostate, so eventually you'll need another procedure.

Question for any fellow old-guys who have had a surgical procedures for BPH: I am finally going to have to do something for the problem since the pills are only providing limited relief, I've reached the maximum dosage for each, and I am tired of getting up 5 times a night.  

Among the less invasive approaches I'm considering are two relatively new ones -- GreenLight Laser and UroLift.  Have any of you had one or the other done?  If so, how effective was it, including impact on sexual performance, particularly erection and ejaculation.  

Thanks in advance for any information about your experiences you can provide.  

John_Laroche162 reads

Had a Urolift done two years ago. Quick outpatient procedure with only moderate discomfort. Back in the game in less than 2 weeks. Unless you've done damage to your bladder, you may no longer need the pills. For me normal ejaculation resumed as soon as I quit taking them.  

The only downside that I see is that whatever causes BPH is still there working on your prostate, so eventually you'll need another procedure.

I had a Uro Lift about 3 years ago. I would say the procedure was about 50% successful. I experienced an improvement, but it was not a cure all.

Dmbs1160 reads

Am over 70’and had the TURP procedure and that was an improvement but not a cure all either.
Would personally be tempted to go with the Urolyft first  
Your Urologist is your best source . Was going to wait to do mine but was told at some point would affect kidneys if bladder did not empty better .

Thanks to  each of you.  

I think I may go with Urolift this first time. It seems the least invasive and to have the fewest sexual function side effects...........retrograde ejaculation, in particular.  

Further studying either procedure, I've Iearned what each of you have said: None are permanent and will require a redo at some point.

i had full laser surgery ..   made huge difference in urination ..  i pee now like a race horse .. even 6 years later....   as far as sex .. no difference other than i am getting older and ... well ...  not the same but it still works .....most of the time  LOL  

oh i told the MD since they were putting me out full anesthesia .. if the laser slips and something got cut off ...  just dont wake me up   LOL

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