60 and Over

Two most terrifying reality you don't want to know....
2horses2many 639 reads

1. Age have caught up with you and can no longer get a boner naturally, lost all the feeling of sensations and the worse is with the help of medical science and medications and injections etc, will help you temporarily and eventually just a matter of time all the horny feelings will completely abandoned your genitals and your heads..

2. Next will be a marathon to achieved orgasm and most of the time can't make it to the finish line... the fucking nuts can no longer produces the little swimmers, the tanks are empty dried up...the feeling of orgasm is zero, nada, nil, gone, just cut the sucker off and throw in away, all your issues and test got nothing to do with it....

Urologist is just a band aid....They call it geriatrics my man...

Jack B. Nimble1946 reads

So what happens when you go to the urologist?
Do they just ask you about the issue and prescribe meds? Or put you through... a bettery of tests and stuff?

ATLDAWG774 reads

My assumption is you want a prescription for an ED medication.

Tell the Doc what the deal is and tell him what you want and of course ask what he recommends.

Doc's have preferences-mine likes Levitra over Viagra as an example and........You Get Free Samples !!  Ask for samples of each-can't hurt to ask !

If you are a little apprehensive about seeing a urologist, in most cases your primary physician will be glad to prescribe whatever you ask for.....and yes, they normally have samples.

Junk-Yard-Dog663 reads

You really should go see a urologist tell him your problem and get examined. you need to know why your dick went limp.

Get checked if you have the big "C"  (which I hope you do not have) you need to know it as early as possible to have it treated, and rid yourself of it.

Jack B. Nimble542 reads

Well yes it's an ED thing -- but mainly with my wife, not in the hobby (though I hear I might get an extra pop and better rebound).
I would expect to get prostate exam, but apart from that .. do they take your word for it or try to figure out 'natural' solutions before prescribing stuff?

I would hope a doc would try to, as you say, figure out natural solutions and look for any underlying causes before jumping to a prescription.

That's especially true if the ED is mainly with one partner. That indicates that it's mostly not a physical thing. Another reason to be absolutely honest with your doctor. They aren't there to judge or rat you out, and they can't diagnose and prescribe accurately without complete information about what's going on.

Posted By: Jack B. Nimble
Well yes it's an ED thing -- but mainly with my wife, not in the hobby (though I hear I might get an extra pop and better rebound).  
 I would expect to get prostate exam, but apart from that .. do they take your word for it or try to figure out 'natural' solutions before prescribing stuff?

Junk-Yard-Dog587 reads

I have no idea when you last had a complete physical but I suspect the urologist might want a full blood test (including PSA)
apparently they can tell a lot from a blood test. and yeah the dreaded prostate exam. as I trust you know 50+% of all men have an enlarged prostate. you need to know if yours is. If so there are meds to take care of that and "V" can be taken when needed with those meds. just follow the doc's instructions.

do they take you word for having a limp dick, well yeah I'm sure they do but IMO any good and responsible doc will want to check/exam you  before giving a prescription  for "V" or anything else for that matter.  

I do not think the doc will  try to figure out 'natural' solutions before prescribing stuff,  he should just make sure you are in good health to take "V".

Do not make take any chances see a doc. hopefully there is nothing wrong and it is just the natural progression of life and that some "V" will straighten you out....so to speak

Don't be embarrassed to tell your doc that your SO doesn't do it for you, but a bit of strange gets you hard as a rock, if that's the case. You're going to a physician, not confession. The urologist has many tools in his arsenal to help you keep the home lady happy.  The only thing they emphasize is to use protection when you hobby. They never judge. At least mine doesn't.  

ATLDAWG561 reads

Certainly not all that unusual that the wife or SO no longer does it for you.  

  That is one of the reasons one should question the theory of being tied to one woman (or one man for that matter) until death do you--- etc.....!

Get checked out asap. Blood test and maybe a stress test/ Healthy heart / healthy penis. Could end up saving your life. The same plaque that restricts blood flow to the penis can be present in the coronary arteries.

if he/she is a good urologist they are going to want to check the equipment. Be prepared that they will want to check prostate as well as penis and testicles. You will be asked to complete a survey on sexual function and any possible urinary issues. Needless to say, be very honest on the surveys, as it gives them a starting point to how to help you.  A really good uro will also want to have a health history and current list of medications.  Remember, they are called "pecker-checkers".
As others pointed out, if you just want a prescription for hard on pills, just ask your primary care doctor.

Just had prostate biopsy....😳.  All is well, but wow.

2horses2many640 reads

1. Age have caught up with you and can no longer get a boner naturally, lost all the feeling of sensations and the worse is with the help of medical science and medications and injections etc, will help you temporarily and eventually just a matter of time all the horny feelings will completely abandoned your genitals and your heads..

2. Next will be a marathon to achieved orgasm and most of the time can't make it to the finish line... the fucking nuts can no longer produces the little swimmers, the tanks are empty dried up...the feeling of orgasm is zero, nada, nil, gone, just cut the sucker off and throw in away, all your issues and test got nothing to do with it....

Urologist is just a band aid....They call it geriatrics my man...

I take care of more than 1/2 dozen men int heir 80s who after losing a spouse have remarried and with their new wives are having the sex life to fair lives. Prdivous marriages were good and long for all the partners involved men and women and now both partners in each marriages have rediscovered passion.  Sone the men have have heart failure others have other problems, but there is joy and really pleasure and passion one each of thee new marriages of old people.  
Most of the couples are traveling a lot tho many are just raging home together.
I would say that more than half to the men and women I see are hight functional people who, if for 30 years earlier would have been dead or demented. They are not now because of excellent easy to tolerate blood pressure medications which have kept them clear thinking and alive (along with some excellent cholesterol medication, great vaccinations, much better delivery room technique.  
Many of my male patients have survived ver prostate cancer without having need radical prostatectomy.  
I don't know what I'll be missing when I die within the next decade or two and don't get to see medicine of fifty years from now.  

MotorCityBadBoy566 reads

Discuss your concerns with him/her. If you have an issue that can be treated safely with meds, they will be able to prescribe the appropriate medicine confidentially.

I would think your GP, assuming you have one you see regularly, knows your health history better than anyone.

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