60 and Over

pubic hair
kismet93 9 Reviews 8115 reads

I hope this will spark some discussion but personally I have lost my taste (so to speak) for a bald pussy and really think a woman is more attractive with a nicely trimmed bush. I was all for the bald pussy in the 80's when it first started taking off but now not so much. I like a little mystery and intrigue that hair provides. My campaign slogan is "Bring back Bush".  Anybody else feel like me or am I a lone voice crying in the wilderness (or lack of wilderness). I have asked my current ATF (who is bald BTW) to ask her other clients what they think. I will report back...

at least to  what my clients  have shared with me  ....I like a little hair  cushion

Yes, shaved was fascinating at first but even then I still thought to myself there should be hair. There is no one that enjoys the sight of a beautiful woman's pussy as much as I do. But there needs to be some hair down there. The landing strip is good. I actually like more than the landing strip but neatly trimmed. I always like the feel of her hair as I enjoy DATY. I have seen some providers that have a little hair down there. They keep it neatly trimmed and get a kick out my reaction when I see it. One grew it for me per my request prior to an appointment. She subsequently shaved it. Later she asked on another site board and grew it out again in response to the answers she received.  
I'll be very interested in hearing the results of your current ATF's survey.

I agree with you, XYZ.  Back then I was all for bald.  I remember the first provider that I met who had a bald kitty.  That was quite a turnon.  Now I would prefer to see a nicely trimmed kitty.

I remember one lady whose kitty hair was as fine as silk.  I loved DATY so I could bury my face in that silk.

I agree.  Nothing like a dark, luxuriant bush (clean of course) to nuzzle into.  That flash of pubic hair is a great visual (think a glimpse of a pantyless crotch under a skirt) and a huge turn on.  I loved  my hippie days when natural was the standard, and would love to find a provider (or 2 or 3) who don't do much, if any trimming.  Of course, the worst is stubble...better nothing than that.

i don't mind a little landing strip but I prefer bald. If there is hair trimmed or not. It seems there is always a rogue hair that wants to get loose and end up in your mouth.

It's still all new to me but I find a smoothly shaved pussy to be an incredible turn on, both visually and for DATY

Posted By: vince59
i don't mind a little landing strip but I prefer bald. If there is hair trimmed or not.

seadoo696180 reads

girls that shave, but have not done it for a couple of days.  Girls are always saying how they don't like guys with stubble licking their nether parts, but how about us liking stubble????  Not fun.  Ladies, if you're gonna shave, do it every day you have clients to see.  I shave when I have a date, as I dont' want her to have to deal with my stubble, and I don't want to have to deal with yours.

Oh goodness no you have to shave it everyday. I don't like the feel of the stubble myself so I know you gentlemen wouldn't.

Ok, mine is bald...I've tried to grow it out a little but its been hairless for so long that I can't stand the feel of hair down there now....what to do, what to do....

Alot of men say they love it smooth and soft like that.....what is the reason that you like the hair?? I just don't quite get it, it collects moisture and odor so quickly.

Thats no problem . Leave it bald. Bald is beautiful. I keep mine bald too but of course its definately NOT beautiful but at least no hair in the way.

...lots of men do say they like it bald. I don't know if you could also say lots of men like hair (have to get specific about how many is lots huh?) but right now there is another thread on one of the boards about the same subject. One guy posted asking where are the providers with a bush? There have been other discussions about this too. The responses are mixed. Some like it, some don't. I don't know if it's necessarily making a "come back" so to speak or maybe it's that lots of older guys like it.
As for the moisture and odor...I'm not sure that's an issue in this situation. You already shower and make sure you are clean before a session so the hair would be clean. What ever odor and moisture developed during the session would be due to the activities. As far as I'm concerned, that smells Good. You would shower before the next client so again you would be clean for him.
You ask, what to do? Not sure you need to do anything. I don't consider a provider that is shaved a do not see. It's not that important to me that I would just not see her. It's just a preference.
Why I like it? Not sure. I just know there is a pleasurable reaction when I see it. I know I like the feel of it.
Some guys do say it makes them feel funny when the lady is shaved because it's like she is too young (underage). I have never felt that way. It's quite clear the ladies are definitely not underage. Like most things in this hobby it's different strokes for different folks.
I knew a stripper that had the same problem as you. She had been shaved for so long (even years before she began stripping. Late 30's when she started.) she couldn't get used to it. It felt uncomfortable. She finally did it though due to club rules and local ordinance. Once she did it and got used to it she told me she liked it. It was a landing strip.
One of the problems your having with it being uncomfortable is likely the itch of letting it grow and the stubby feeling. You just have to let it go long enough for that to go away. Use some exceptionally good hair conditioner on it. Maybe that would help soften it until it grows out enough to stop the "newness" itch.
Ok, didn't intend to go on like that but anyway, that's my two cents.

No I liked your going on....

The odor is just from daily activities that I would be bothered with....probably wouldn't be much but I'm one of those OCD kind of people that is a clean freak.

Since I only see one client per day it wouldn't be an issue.

It is a perplexing issue because there are so many things men like...

G25883 reads

I agree Kendra.  A hairy bush is not conducive to a fresh smelling kitty, and iIt doesn't matter how clean a woman is.  Normal activity will result in odor being retained in just a few hours.

Since far more of my experience is in the dating world than P4P, I know that a regular evening out for dinner or dancing is enough to make things less than fresh.  Now, that's not to say I didn't suck it up and dive down on 100's of pussies after a night on the town back when hair was the norm- just that I prefer today when most women are shaved and I'm met with a fresh smelling, delicious pussy when I DATY.  

Plus, there's nothing softer than a woman's smooth labia.  I just love the feel and miss it when it's not there.

Posted By: kismet93
I hope this will spark some discussion but personally I have lost my taste (so to speak) for a bald pussy and really think a woman is more attractive with a nicely trimmed bush. I was all for the bald pussy in the 80's when it first started taking off but now not so much. I like a little mystery and intrigue that hair provides. My campaign slogan is "Bring back Bush".  Anybody else feel like me or am I a lone voice crying in the wilderness (or lack of wilderness). I have asked my current ATF (who is bald BTW) to ask her other clients what they think. I will report back...

G25751 reads

I love the fact that women are now proud of their pussies and aren't ashamed to show them off to their sex partners!

Guys have always loved their cocks, but it wasn't always that way with women and their vaginas. I think that shaving is a positive sign that attitudes have changed and the true beauty of a woman's labia is now appreciated.

A landing strip or a neat triangle of bush is fine and provides a nice bit of decoration.  I just prefer everything from the clit south to be smooth.  

Not only does it make for more enjoyable DATY, but I also find the visual image of a woman's vagina to be very arousing, and not something I want to hide.  I remember 70's bush well, and it's highly overrated.  Of course, time and nostalgia for the past can make people forget the downside of an un-groomed hedge.  I won't fill in the blanks for you.

Precisely my sentiments. A bald pussy is visually pleasing and I love to start DATY by caressing and gently kissing the area around the bulls eye. I don't think I would find it as pleasurable if a bush was in the way. A landing strip could be nice but for me, please leave the target area hair free and smooth.

What are your thoughts on manscaping? Do you like it?

For DATY, a bald pussy is best, and it looks great too.

But rubbing my cock against a nice fuzzy patch is a big turn on too.

The only thing that is really offensive is stubble.

shudaknownbetter5410 reads

but it seems to naturally lay pretty flat so as not in the way.  I do not care for a thick bush, you have to find your way through.

Some men liked it and would ask each year if baby had her fur coat keeping her warm to be sure they would get what they liked. Other gentlemen would ask if baby was bald since they didn't like hair at all. Some would take baby either way.

Here's a post from my blog at the end of the winter and hope you like it

A eulogy for Baby’s fur coat…farewell till next year
By Haley on April 8th, 2010 ||

Baby woke up this morning a little hot and sweaty. I stroked her and let her know how pretty she looked in her beautiful winter coat of soft blonde fur. I touched and stroked her while she laid back and enjoyed all the attention. Once our playtime was over it was time to give Baby the sad news.

It’s time to lose that winter coat and let that soft pale pink skin once again see light.

Let’s start at the beginning. If you don’t know by now, I am a nudist. A nudist with white spots in all the right places to be exact. I love the look of tan lines but enjoy swimming and sunning naked more. Hence, plenty of waterproof sunscreen in all of Baby’s beautiful fur coat. Yes, it’s summer again and one visit to the nudist resort reminded me all to well why no hair. The weekend is coming up again and I plan to enjoy my pleasure time with Baby playing in the pool and floating on an air mattress soaking up all that Florida has to offer.

10AM called to make an appointment for Baby’s wax after I washed her nice and clean with no tears baby shampoo. May I say she cried all the way to the spa begging and pleading not to lose her fur coat she’s grown so fond of. By 2:30 PM Baby is bald and we are walking out the door ; dress blowing in the wind and Baby’s pink skin once again feeling all the breeze in her direction. Tonight she’ll get some extra special attention from me for being such a sport.

To all those who had a chance to put their fingers through Baby’s hair I want to thank you. Remember, starting in November a new coat will be on order and on it’s way for you to enjoy. For those that missed Baby’s fur coat and feel left out another day will cum and another chance to enjoy.

Please remember that Baby is heartfelt at losing her hair and being bald once more. Do make her feel wanted and beautiful just the way she is. Who could deny those pretty pink lips and beautiful smile.

Kisses Haley

PS :  Baby is bald this year but even when I grew it back it was very fine and sparse. Being a true blonde I never had much hair to begin with and waxing makes the hair grow less and less each time.

G27071 reads

After that, you better get out the wax or the razor.

Of course, on the west coast were I live, there's no need for winter bush and shorts weather can happen at any time.  So best to be prepared and stay silky smooth 365.

I like it trimmed or bald, I love DATY and can easily get lost in the forest. A little shrubbery outlining the path to nirvana is ok. But too many tree and I can loose my way!

On the man side I keep mine trimmed as well, the bare skin adds to enhanced sensation. I would go bald but the SO notices too much.

I also find for both it keeps it a little more fresh.

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