60 and Over

This does not need to be seen as a problem:)
AngieSummers See my TER Reviews 1040 reads

There are many ways this can go depending on your mindset. The journey is the most important part of the equation. A skilled lady can prolong the end in many ways.

 I do doubles with a very good friend who specializes in tease and denial. She has been able to come up with head games and scenarios to entertain and keep things interesting for many 2 hour and longer doubles sessions with one particular gentleman...it's all about touching other things and creating head games, but not touching the jewels until the final few moments. (He's once and done).

 On other occasions, I have given msog with other entertainment and/or conversation in between during downtime.  

 In my opinion you do not have a problem to be dealt with, at all, but a special talent which an experienced and conscientious provider can enjoy and exploit.

Bordello692805 reads

Hi to all,
It's been awhile since I have been  around, but nice to pop in and see you are all having fun. So my question is what do you ladies do if you get a guy like myself with a hair trigger and it no fun at all, I can go from ??? if I'm lucky to with the erection to ejaculation almost upon penetration.

Now in a Nevada brothel meany years ago the lady just said you're done, so it was a learning lesson to say I want a 2 or 3 cum party and go from there. Plus she said that's all in a very insulting tone and I was in my young 20's so think of how I felt.
Now there was a gentleman on here sometime ago that was using injections and said the even if ejaculating he.still maintained an erection. My urologist said their is no drug that is legal for P.E. so I had no luck with him. I use the V.A. so I could not change doctors but maybe with the new rules I might.
What do you ladies do if you get a client like myself.

-- Modified on 12/20/2014 3:58:24 AM

Well reviewed ladies will mostly allow multiple shots on goal.  If you have PE, and booked say 2 hours, you could try for another round.  Or go with a BJ to start...  warn her & perhaps it could be extended some...  and go a second round after suitable recovery.  Do not be embarrassed.  Consider it a challenge to plan around.    
To book you'll need VIP to read the details of reviews...  

By the way, Viagra is shown to slow PE some...  A provider told me of the study I've linked:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16422868   I disagree that Viagra will have the same effect in men without PE...  at least I see no studies on it.  

More info on PE at:  http://www.webmd.com/men/news/20020529/viagra-paxil-help-premature-ejaculation

-- Modified on 12/20/2014 9:19:08 PM

Bordello69755 reads

Thanks for the links and info, it's a real bummer and not having a steady sex life does not help. I will  do my homework and find a well reviewd provider but it's a shame that due to our laws you can't really ask about it ahead of time.


First....harborview gives good advice.  

Second...if you were with me and you popped quickly, I wouldn't say you are done. I would probably ask if you wanted a back rub which would turn into rubbing more then your back....we'd chat a little and then test the waters again starting out with my favorite thing to do with a man's private parts; coddle them! mmmmm~lol
If nothing else happened I would give them a little something to remember for next time.  
Now, if you told me you were sensitive and came more quickly then you wanted, I would avoid certain activities while enjoying less stimulating activities.  

Third...relax and enjoy the company of the lady you are with and she will enjoy the company that she is spending time with

Bordello69711 reads

Thanks for a nice reply to a sensitive issue and being an understanding provider. The worst part the man is there is little enjoyment in it for either party and I can understand why a lady would not want a relationship in real life with him.  

Keep up the wonderful attitude,

Good advice. Providers are often much better at understanding and wanting to make it a good experience for the hobbyist than wives and gf's, who tend to be more in it for themselves. As a young man I popped quickly the first time with a couple women who got real mad, and ended the relationships. I'm not so quick anymore but now if I pop before I want to, providers have asked if I can go for a second round.

I really think if it's a well reviewed provider you don't have to say anything before the first session, which could make it appear that you're LE. But after you're there and have snuggled a little, well, if you can talk about it she'll listen, and she'll do what she can to make accommodations. Just enjoy the time.

They are expert in building you up to just before the point of no return, then backing you off so that you don't come too soon.  They can repeat this for up to 30 minutes and when you do release, it will be fireworks.

There's also a home study method whereby you masturbate just to the point of no return (8 on the 1 to 10 scale where 8 is the acceleration to the point of no return [9].  10 is actual ejaculation.)  Repeat as necessary until you master lasting for around 30 minutes or so.

As a big advantage to this, you also get multiple orgasms (Orgasm does not equate to ejaculation.)

You could really turn this lemon into lemonade with the right assistance.

Bordello69695 reads

Now that was something I had not thought of as I did not know exactly what they did or how far they would go. Thanks for bring it my attention.


e:Now there was a gentleman on here sometime ago that was using injections and said the even if ejaculating he.still maintained an erection. My urologist said their is no drug that is legal for P.E.

I may have been the gentleman (thank you) who said the erection  lingers on after ejaculation. That is true but has nothing to with PE. I have never tried for another orgasm though. I imagine it would take a lot longer than the first one. I may try for a second one, just in the interest in science, of course.  

The concoction that is injected, is legal and requires a RX from a MD and is legal. It is only done by Compounding Pharmacy, It is called Trimix (Papaverine plus phentolamine plus Alprostadil (Trimix). If you want more info google "trimix"

In my younger years I did have PE but found several beers slowed down the time to climax.

Many of my Gents..love them..also they have one that Viabrates..really helpful..you can get the vibrating on in packs of Select Trojans..yep at the Cvs or walgreens sell them..the coolest!
just my 4 cents...
Hugs...and kisses..to all!
keri Diamonds

Bordello69648 reads

I was hoping you (assuming it was you and I do think so) would chime in. Thanks for listing the  mixture.  I guess the trick is to tell the urologist that the pill are not working because when I told last time he said he can't legally prescribe any meds for P.E. as none are approved that.

Thanks for joining in,

What the MD said may be true but the trimix has nothing to do with PE. It just makes you hard and it will remain hard so if you try for seconds it might prolong the event. The directions to trimix  say to take sudafed if the erection lasts 4 hours. I usually take a sudafed after my lady leaves. Who knows what a penis knows about nasal congestion? When I think about it, if my nose is congested I Blow it and since I can't reach my penis to blow it, I just find one of my favorites ladies to do that for me LOL

Bordello69564 reads

Merry Christmas and that answer made my LMAO

Thanks for all the info,


Cigar56613 reads

I use Trimix and have been able to ejaculate and continue on without losing the erection. Trimix is a fabulous drug but must be used carefully.

Obviously it takes one thing off the table, and that would be an issue in a relationship, but with an escort?  You can still get oral after, both ways, a massage, and so on.  

Just find a nice lady, it's a non-issue.

I understand where the OP is coming from because I lost the ability to have an erection due to a bad medical procedure, I was able to cum  and I loved doing it with several ladies. It is just more fun to have different options rather than just oral (which I love). All that said, you make a good point.

Bordello69722 reads

Well, that is something of a reply I had not expected but it is welcomed.  I guess it is a man thing, now I do enjoy giving oral and had ended up in a relationship with a married lady that could care less about penetration and would not normally cum that way but she could.  

Her preference was oral, we had an 11 year affair.  She is still married but only because of history with him and the adult kids.  But then I had no problem with the erection only the P.E. thing.

Merry Christmas and thanks,

There are many ways this can go depending on your mindset. The journey is the most important part of the equation. A skilled lady can prolong the end in many ways.

 I do doubles with a very good friend who specializes in tease and denial. She has been able to come up with head games and scenarios to entertain and keep things interesting for many 2 hour and longer doubles sessions with one particular gentleman...it's all about touching other things and creating head games, but not touching the jewels until the final few moments. (He's once and done).

 On other occasions, I have given msog with other entertainment and/or conversation in between during downtime.  

 In my opinion you do not have a problem to be dealt with, at all, but a special talent which an experienced and conscientious provider can enjoy and exploit.

Bordello69715 reads

Merry Christmas and thanks for another nice post and point of view.  Maybe I forget and don't like to think aout I'm paying for a ??? session.   I like to get that part out of the way and behind us and then think of it as a date.  Perhaps that is why us gents seek out those that think like you do.

If I saw you picture on your website and nature did it's thing then be flattered that you were picked, even when I was younger at 5" 4" and 117 lbs    I was overlooked by many gals and I don't blame them.   LOL  Size doe mater.

Thanks so much,

Even men who do not have trouble with erections tend to lose their hard-on during prostate stimulation, and most do not miss it.  You do not need one to enjoy it.  You can experience pleasure of unparalleled intensity during a prostate massage, and, if you can fully relax into it and not fight the intensity of the sensation, the most intense orgasms of your life are possible.  The better I get at giving them, the less often anyone (with an erection or without one) wants me to stop what I'm doing so that we can explore more traditional forms of pleasure.  It just feels so damn good and incredibly intense compared to what most men are used to.  Do you know how, right before you ejaculate, the pleasure gets way more intense and incredible?  That's because the prostate is contracting, and stimulating it directly with fingers or a curved toy allows you to ride out that incredibly intense level of pleasure for an extended period of time.  You can stimulate your penis at the same time, but it's not necessary especially if that would make you come immediately and you want to ride it out.  You can orgasm from prostate stimulation alone without touching your cock, and the orgasms are longer, more intense, and course through your entire body... pretty amazing!

Often when I meet men who can ejaculate on a hair trigger, I can help them learn new ways to enjoy a second round, even if it is usually not otherwise possible for them.  I find prostate stimulation to be a highly expansive option for enjoying deeper types of pleasure - and often more of it as well.  :)

Bordello69740 reads

Well that is also a different thought, the trouble is unless you know a provider well you can only try to figure out from their ad what is available as you cannot come right out and ask. I'm temped to move to Nevada only because I walk into any of the houses and say exactly what I want.   But I don't want to pay 50% to the house.   I am a lady supporter and she should get all the money she is working for.

I have never had a provider do that, LOL the only thing close is my urologist so not even in the ball park.

Thanks for bringing it to light and I hope other men may benefit from your advise.


Posted By: Bordello69
... the trouble is unless you know a provider well you can only try to figure out from their ad what is available as you cannot come right out and ask. ...
Have you tried reading reviews, babe?  You do realize that this is a review site and that reviews exist for the purpose of solving the conundrum you just mentioned?  Many ladies including myself do not have any issue with openly communicating that we are very interested in working with the prostate.  And even more ladies who might not openly advertise as such will have mention of their interest in their reviews.

Of course, if you are not interested in prostate stimulation, I wouldn't recommend pursuing it.  But claiming that you have NO WAY of finding a lady who has those skills is a sorry excuse not to try it.  If you really want to look into it, the resources are literally at your fingertips.  ;)

agree with Zoey .Prostate stimulation is great with someone who enjoys doing it and is experienced. I have ED  associated with my  diabetes  .I've always enjoyed prostate stimulation and have just discovered a friend of Zoey's who is really into  it. Our sessions have been great .

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