60 and Over

Thank you. ;-) eomteeth_smile
KissMyAuraDora 2723 reads


Ladies. Thursdays are usually a hard work day for me. So when I get home first thing I do is crack open a beer and crank up the computer to see those beautiful, hott, Pics. A kiss and a hug to yall. THANKS!!!l

KissMyAuraDora3956 reads

"Miss Popularity" contest in some ladies minds.
You know who are, lol.


G22865 reads

He's technically correct, this sort of post isn't really appropriate for any of the national boards.

The problem is his constant cynical attitude on multiple boards on the subject of providers being on TER has gotten rather predictable and tiring.

Yes, some of them are self-promoting, but this is a commercial enterprise, as much as we might like to think it's all love and kisses.  So I don't know why he considers it necessary to constantly remind everyone that providers are selling something, and yes, they're also marketing a service, and yes, that means keeping a board presence.  

This isn't exactly news at this point, but maybe it's news to him.  
Since he hides behind an alias, we won't ever know.

KissMyAuraDora4670 reads

This alias has as many reviews as you located by his name up top.

But the dude behind this alias has "Contributed" many, many reviews of the fine ladies here on TER.

You have contributed nothing to TER but the typical pitiful "alias' response. That is what you hide behind. Now that's rather predictable and tiring, don't you think.

You are welcome to my many Review Contributions.

Quite honesty...hobbyist such as you should not be allowed to post on TER unless they "Contribute" reviews to TER, so they can earn the right to post, instead of taking up board band width w/their predictable anti alias drivel.

You can post on the newbie board w/no reviews where you will feel a little more safe...that is the only board non reviewers like you should be allowed to post. If you pay VIP, you can then read My Juicy Details in My Reviews, but no posting until you step up to the plate.

G24446 reads

I've been on TER for 12 years.  I obviously choose not to post and I have a VERY good reason for it.  But it's none of your business.  Sorry you don't recognize that there are other ways to contribute here.

I'v been a VIP on and off during my time on TER, but I'm currently not very active, again, for personal reasons.  As a result, I'm not currently a VIP, so I'm afraid I'll never get to see the words of wisdom I'm sure your reviews contain.  Somehow, I'll manage to live with the disappointment.

Sorry you take such a one-dimensional view of the proceedings here on TER that you can't recognize the contributions of anyone different from you.   I've been around long enough to see many with your attitude come and go.  They're rarely missed when they depart, and within a short time, their indispensable reviews are out of date and quickly forgotten.  

It's the ultimate expression of arrogance to think that I would have even the slightest interest in reading about your sexual exploits.

KissMyAuraDora3900 reads

as much proof as an alias. Great explanation...yours was bigger than mine!

You have been an Ali-ASS on TER for 12 years.
Thanks for nothing "Taker".

You have read my sexual exploits goof ball, LMFAO!

& Your welcome, put them to good use!

Thank you for your presence on this board, although you ad nothing of value (See "Taker" point).

You're just like me...an alias poster, with arrogance, but you are a WK...defender of ALL the damsels in distress that can't defend them selves (they'll rip you a new ass hole in a NY minute)& what matters most in America today.

Run for a political office based on your posts on this Fuck Board MR. Knight in Shining Armor.

Bloviate on....


I was walking down the street the other day
Who did I meet
I met a friend of mine and he did say
Man I can smell your feet a mile away
Smile away, smile away, smile away, yeah smile away
Smile away, smile away, smile away, yeah smile away

G2, Smile away, smile away, smile away, yeah smile away
Smile away, smile away, smile away, yeah smile away

I was walking down the street the other day
Who did I meet
I met a friend of mine and he did say
Man I can smell your breath a mile away

G2, Smile away, smile away, smile away, yeah smile away
Smile away, smile away, smile away, yeah smile away

Who did I meet
I met a friend of mine and he did say
Man I can smell your teeth a mile away

Smile away, smile away, smile away, yeah smile away G2, yes sir , smile away.....

Smile away horribly now....
Yi Yi Yi  Yi Yow....

Smile away G2...Smile away!!!!!!!


G24723 reads

You clearly haven't matured enough to appreciate this board.

KissMyAuraDora4051 reads

you're right about that...I'm not 60, but even though you are...."Please take your anger and hostility back to the General Discussion Board."

Only one displaying that here is you.

Way to change the subject.

Looking forward to your future reviews.

Can we get back to the reason this thread was started? To show appreciation to the ladies for their photos. I don't know how or why it jumped the track but lets go back to the appreciation part OK? Thanks.

KissMyAuraDora3450 reads

Typical pitiful "alias' response. That is what you hide behind. Now that's rather predictable and tiring, don't you think.

Thank you for your attention & contribution.
Thank you for your contribution & attention.



Let’s get this straight.

G2 sounds like an elitist asshole who craves attention but has no Reviews

KissMyAuraDora plays into G2’s hands by providing that attention and Posts with
                   an “Alias”

I guess we need to learn to play well with others?

Thanks to the Ladies for the very lovely photographs. Wasn’t that the original intend of the Thread anyway?

I have been getting email from even Ladies that are going to my website and I'm Loving It.
So Thank You
So much for all the attention
It's been a pleasure
Squirting Fun
Tori Blake

KissMyAuraDora3532 reads

your extreme vanity of 'clickity clicking' your own pix on the theme threads to show you are "The most Popular & Fairest of them All" on the pic thread...even if you're the last poster, lol.

This is a  nice sneak ad too you just posted too, make sure you 'clickity click' it too to drive up your post count.

We all know you are here to Shake things up on this board . but this board is a laid back easy-going over 60 board and I might be wrong but I think most of us here (me for sure) really don't need or want the rude remarks or the argumentative play back and forth between two posters. If you guys want to do that why don't you just PM each other and the rest of us can go on enjoying the maturity of this board and the interesting posts. At the very least if you want to do what you do start your own thread on the subject instead of completely changing the original subject of the thread. Sincerely, With my only alias, Vince59!!

Big-Bad-John3625 reads

Or is it the other way around?
Some people just seem so infatuated by clicks. You can have mine. I have no need for them.

BTW; yes one set a date with me :)   So a big THANK YOU.  

Posted By: Big-Bad-John
Or is it the other way around?
Some people just seem so infatuated by clicks. You can have mine. I have no need for them.

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