60 and Over

Swim, you do a great job with the Newbie Board! Not sure who moderates this one....
BeautywithBrains See my TER Reviews 662 reads

......but it is always a pleasure to read; no sniping, no hatred, and no one being condescending.  We all accept others for who they are.

      I have been traveling a lot, and forget to read this Board!  

Hugs and Kisses,

Just a random observation, The people who contribute to this old farts forum generally seem much nicer and much more courteous than on some of the other forums. Even when we disagree it is with a certain restraint. Is this because we were raised differently or just because we have 'been there done that'?

I credit the persons who frequent and post on this forum.  I host the newbie board, and as it's a place to offer help, it too has a nicer climate than say the GD board.  I try to keep it that way when I think comments are going the wrong way.


I never even read the GD Board anymore.. who needs the tension..

if the GD Board (or any other board) makes you feel tense, you are taking it far, far too seriously.  It's just a bunch of immature shit-stirrers and I am just one more monkey in The Monkey House.  It's mostly in good fun.  And when it does get nasty it's usually because someone has stalked another member or given some really bad advice.  Those kinds of things should be corrected so newbies and lurkers don't get the wrong idea and do unsafe things.
You might learn something.

I think  "feel good" and " back patting" is wonderful!!

isn't that why we are all here?    to feel good

......but it is always a pleasure to read; no sniping, no hatred, and no one being condescending.  We all accept others for who they are.

      I have been traveling a lot, and forget to read this Board!  

Hugs and Kisses,

Remember, I'm not a moderator, I'm the host.  Unfortunately, I have no power on the newbie board, but I do try to keep the peace.  I guess that's why admin asked me to host the board.  I was previously a moderator until admin decided to self-moderate all the boards.  Personally, I wish they had kept the member moderators, but it's their site, their rules.


I really don't care which board it's on but I'll be rude to anyone who posts stupid crap.  And I'm not accusing you of doing that.  In fact, you're right that this board is generally pretty civil.  But from my point point of view (not shared by most here) it's also pretty boring.
I got flamed for pointing that out here a short time ago by another denizen.  In fact, the thread is still down near the bottom of this page because so few people post here.  i wonder why?
Here's a link

-- Modified on 3/29/2015 10:58:59 AM

Just sayin.. I ignore the GD Board because of the unnecessary crap there.. You can do the same her if you choose to do so.. or you can participate ..I simply consider this board a bit more genteel.. we have nothing to prove to anyone..

Here_I_Go573 reads

Posted By: inicky46
I really don't care which board it's on but I'll be rude to anyone who posts stupid crap.  And I'm not accusing you of doing that.  In fact, you're right that this board is generally pretty civil.  But from my point point of view (not shared by most here) it's also pretty boring.  
 I got flamed for pointing that out here a short time ago by another denizen.  In fact, the thread is still down near the bottom of this page because so few people post here.  i wonder why?  
 Here's a link

-- Modified on 3/29/2015 10:58:59 AM

I guess you feel it is useful to be doing your duty by being rude on the GB.  I agree that there are a ton of stupid posts there, but escalating them into a flame war seems entirely futile to me.  Skunks in a pissing contest.  No one wins.

nom_de_plume667 reads

... compared to the GD board--besides the limited demographic, of course: instead of sitting around posting on discussion boards at all hours of the day and night, we're out DOING stuff: work, golf & other sporting activities, kids/grandkids, having sex... you know, enjoying life.  

And IMO you're mistaking civility for boredom.  They may be the same in your book, but I'll wager the people who appreciate this board know the difference.

If you want to equate quantity of posts to quality, go ahead.  It doesn't usually work that way elsewhere in the world, though.

I'm part of the problem?  How can that be if I hardly ever post here?  Perhaps I just project such negative energy even when not posting? Yeah, that's it!
As for quantity vs. quality, nice tits.
Hint: if there's no life on a board, quality can't exist either.  And it's true on other boards here.  Just do a survey.  Lots of boards haven't had a new post in days.  It can't all be me.
PS: Why does everyone get so fucking sensitive every time I point this out?  Please unbunch your tight-whiteys.

nom_de_plume536 reads

Posted By: inicky46
I'm part of the problem?  
Where did I say you're part of the problem?
Posted By: inicky46
Hint: if there's no life on a board, quality can't exist either.  And it's true on other boards here.  Just do a survey.  Lots of boards haven't had a new post in days.  It can't all be me.
You're absolutely right about that last comment--it's not all about you.  ;)

Not sure what you consider "no life", but there's been over 40 posts here in the past week. Some boards would love to have that much activity in a week.  And some of the posts are yours.  Why do you bother with such a "dead" board?  Obviously you see some value in it or you wouldn't post here.

Posted By: inicky46
PS: Why does everyone get so fucking sensitive every time I point this out?  Please unbunch your tight-whiteys.
Sensitive?  It appears YOU are the one who can't accept anyone disagreeing with you.  And if it bothers you so much that there's not a large volume of posts here, why don't you spend your effort and time on the boards that have more activity?  Does it really matter that there's fewer posts here than on, say, the GD board, if the people participating here find value in it?

Did I mis-read your first comment about my initial post here?  Perhaps, but it seemed to suggest I was the problem.  And that, by definition, posting on the GD Board is evidence of not having a life.
Clearly, (to everyone but you) my comment "it can't all be me" had nothing whatever to do with an assertion "it's not all about 'me'."  Nice try.  Not.
Yes, some of the posts here are mine and I do check this board once in a while.  That's how I know it's a very quiet place with far too much "feel good" back patting about what a swell place it is.  And don't twist my words into the idea I think it's awful here.  I just find it grating when people slap each other on the back about how nice they are. Instead, how about some posts about issues that related to older players?
Finally, now I'm the sensitive one?  Give me a break.  I love some good disagreements and could care less if someone takes an opposing view.  Where in anything I wrote is the idea that I can't tolerate disagreement?  That's a classic Red Herring.
Are you a lawyer in Philadelphia?
Why do you have such a problem with someone who won't agree with the rest of the crowd.

nom_de_plume485 reads

I can't control what you think a post "suggests."  If you think someone's singled you out as "the problem", well, that's your opinion.  Do you look over your shoulder much?  ;)  

It does seem to me that you have a problem with posters here saying how much they enjoy this board.  Last I heard, it was not a crime to enjoy participating in a discussion board, and to state that opinion in public.  Why is it so "grating" to you?  Why does this discussion have to be only about "issues related to older players"?  Why can't it sometimes be about those older players just chewin' the fat with each other--maybe even doing a little back slappin'?  Does it always need to be about "issues"?  There's lots of that here, too, if you haven't noticed.  But who wants to talk about issues all the time?  Why not have some fun too?

As to your being the sensitive one... yes, I believe you're over-sensitive about what goes on here--or doesn't go on here, or doesn't go on here often enough.  Instead of whining about that, why not start some threads on some of those issues related to older players that are so important to you?

Maybe next time you'll come up with something more original than "epic fail".  Been a little over-used by you over the years, hasn't it?  But I suppose as good a way as any to avoid points made by others... just toss out "epic fail."  Easy-peasy.

Epic fail is, I'll admit, a cliche.  But it's one I hardly ever use. How do you know how much I've used it over the years?  You must be very deep into research on me and I guess I should be flattered.  In any event, you're wrong, so do improve your research methods.
As for having a problem with back-slapping posts here, when you've got two threads about it on the same page I'd say it's a bit much.  Also amusing to see you describe my acerbic posts here as "whining." Nice try but that's a classic red herring.  I would have hoped you could do better.  My advice is stay on this board because you'll get eaten alive on that nasty GD Board with weak-assed shit like that.
And I'm hardly "over-sensitive" about it.  I just think it's amusing how many like you get their panties in a wad when I point it out.  So pot=kettle=black.
Anyway, I'm done with this.  If you're desperate to have the last word, please take it.

...from some of the other boards.  Stupid crap is just that, stupid crap.  A good sense of humor, however, is always appreciated.  I chime in when I have something that I feel contributes to the OP's topic.  Maybe a lot of us old farts just get it about when to speak up and when to just STFU, so yeah, "been there done that".  Would be nice if more individuals would contribute to this board.

We've been around long enough to know you can disagree agreeably.  We also know the difference between life and death decisions and discussion versus "fun" and enjoying yourself. For us as hobbyist, this should never become all consuming and a point of angry contention.  This crew is old enough to understand the difference.

Hell Ya..lets say were mofre "diplomatic"...
Keri diamonds

Some people do like to stir up the muck and sling it but I think most people don't like to be on the receiving side of that 'slinging'.  
The GD board pretty much is full of that muck.  
Which is too bad because sometimes there is some worthwhile and interesting information that, at least I miss, because I don't often spend the time to read that board in detail.

I always smile when I read the over 60 board - and I'd rather smile then sling muck!  

~big hug and kisses~

I found that the 50/60+ plus crowd is very friendly and great regulars. No grumpy men here!  
Happy Hobbing Gents,

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