60 and Over

smaller amount of semen?
ram55 19318 reads

Any of you other older guys had this experience?  I'm wondering if it's just a sign of getting older, but my output is not as plentiful, and the consistency is thicker than it used to be. I get my PSA and prostate exam annually, and everything is OK there.  It's not really a problem, but I'm just curious if everybody has this happen.


Even though we  stay well hydrated and get our rest and nutrition it just a fact of life the the body doesn't produce as much "joy juice" as when we were younger.  It still feels great though.

Be sure to drink lots of fluids, not just before but daily to keep the volume up, and to overall assist your internal organs.

Also, eating walnuts is a good way to build up semen volume.

Drinking pineapple juice will make the semen taste more palatable as well.

I never had a lot to begin with, never would make a porn star even amateur. I have had providers look at the condom and wonder if I had actually come. My two boys will attest for the fact that it doesn't take a lot. Even within those parameters I do notice how well hydrated and how long its been since the last time definitely effects the amount, but have not noticed an age decline. As a matter of fact it actually has increased some maybe because I drink more water then I used to.

Posted By: ram55
Any of you other older guys had this experience?  I'm wondering if it's just a sign of getting older, but my output is not as plentiful, and the consistency is thicker than it used to be. I get my PSA and prostate exam annually, and everything is OK there.  It's not really a problem, but I'm just curious if everybody has this happen.


Sad but true.. But saw palmetto really helps to increase the volume. Do the research for the right dose.  Ever had a prostate massage? I volume associate with a good massage makes me look like a pron star!

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