60 and Over

What are those "small details" of a woman that turn you on, I have two...
smallsteps 4 Reviews 1278 reads

One girl would lightly stroke the palm of my hand or wrist with her fingertips while we were sitting or lying next to each other.   I'm not sure why, but no one else could duplicate that awesome feeling she gave me.  

The second, which always looks hot to me, is this: it's when a gal pauses, puts both arms up above her head and to puts her hair into a ponytail or under a baseball cap.

Sounds exciting..
We all have our own favorite positions..and  how our partner should look!!
the cap is a turn on..gets the hair out of the way so you can see whats happening down there!!!
Good post!
Thanks for sharing
Hugs to all and  happy weekend!!

Keri Diamonds VIP
TER IS # 72774

Posted By: smallsteps
One girl would lightly stroke the palm of my hand or wrist with her fingertips while we were sitting or lying next to each other.   I'm not sure why, but no one else could duplicate that awesome feeling she gave me.  
 The second, which always looks hot to me, is this: it's when a gal pauses, puts both arms up above her head and to puts her hair into a ponytail or under a baseball cap.  

in general, if she lets me undress her, I become almost unbearably excited...

Love how woman shape their eyebrows to make them look sexy. Especially when she raises one while looking at you.

-- Modified on 7/25/2015 9:19:29 AM

Every woman is different...usually I connect on some level with my partners, I love the diversity....it kind of depends where the energy connects.  Details, hmmm, not usually physical unless its that she makes an effort to take care of her mind and body.  

The Get To Know You Chat is the key to finding that detail.  Good sex is in the mind.  

Recently a new lady and I sat down, she said, "Are you mad at your wife or a hobbyist?"  I said, "Hobbyist".  She said, "We'll be a good fit.  Let's go to the bedroom."  -CLICK- She was right.

Last year, another lady and I sat on the sofa for a get to know you chat, realized neither had much to say, and began an amazing kiss. Something magical happened at that point. Either she is the world's greatest actress, or we connected. Matters not to me as the experience was intense. I am at a loss to describe the beauty of my time with her. Mutual caresses and touches alone are the stuff of fond memories.

Physical?  Yes.  When I actually met a lady, now retired, I saw the image of Botticelli's The Birth of Venus as I walked into her home.  I was done for.  It was just the way she was standing there in the hall, the morning light behind her blonde hair, the enigmatic smile, the position of her hands, her classic beauty...it's in the mind.

Sometimes you actually feel that electric connection when you touch - I did not include this in a review because it sounds sappy but with a submissive lady I actually orgasmed from the energy alone.

How about confidence - she doesn't color her hair - sending the "I'm hot, I know it, and this grey hair says I'm experienced" message!

How about the mystique of shared danger?  Both she & I walking into an unknown situation, not on our home ground, both nervous, both relieved to realize we are safe, and the realization leads to honest play.

Probably not what the OP was thinking of but for me it is in her yummy mind.

and the things they do that bind them to my mind can be quite poignant.  Case in point:

I met a Korean gal a long time ago at her AMP, and we hit it off.  In time we  were spending time together off campus, including weekends together.  She was a fairly refined and culturally involved person like myself, so among our activities, we visited a lot of museums.  There is one particularly excellent museum in my area that is noted for exhibits reflecting the ancient culture of many Asian countries, including Korea, so I invited her to see it with me.

At the entrance to the exhibit was  large ceremonial gate that was common to many Korean villages, meant to ward off evil.  When she saw the gate, tears welled up in her eyes as it reminded her of the village she grew up in.  She needed several minutes to compose herself.  She was extremely grateful to me for bringing her to the exhibit, and it deepened our relationship.

Just one of several oblique moments that have enriched my life, courtesy of the hobby.

What's interesting about all those moments is that few of them involved any overtly sexual activities.

ideas, dreams, feelings, family, and some even have young children to care for.  

After several months of spending time with a wonderful woman, she confided in me that she had a two year old daughter who she was raising by herself.   Over some time, I noticed that she had almost no pictures or photographs displayed of her little girl.  With me knowing how quickly children change and grow up, she allowed me take many pictures of her daughter and the two of them together.  

One Christmas, I printed out dozens of them and took them to a professional photography studio who specialized in family portraits and unique ways of displaying experiences and events.   They cut, cropped, arranged, and physically pasted those images into a large rectangular collage.   It was then beautifully framed.

She said it was the best gift she ever received, and she's had some good ones.  That moment too had nothing to do with sex or money.  In fact, the gift itself cost relatively next to nothing.  A copy of that collage would be a good choice for your time capsule.  

I think that experiences like these are more rewarding, binding, memorable, and enjoyable  than the physical and material ones.   At least they are for me

Physically, I love "Venus dimples".

Emotionally, I am a sucker for a gal that makes feel like the most important person in the room. Ego?

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