60 and Over

retirement planning
Claudius42310 13 Reviews 12195 reads

everyone has some need for touch. going without sensual or therapeutic touch can be a significant stressor. in my case i have professional work that is very stressful PLUS chronic disease whose symptoms are aggravated and whose progress is accelerated by stress.

i can't imagine stopping short of retirement from my profession. it has that much of an effect on my health. but once i retire, perhaps, i could make do without.

While to outsiders it's pretty obvious why someone would call an escort/provider I feel men see us for many different reasons. Some men purely for the physical while others for companionship and I guess most want the perfect mix of both.

I have always said "it's the journey that gives the most pleasure while the destination by all accounts is a fleeting display of fireworks that cums quickly and goes just as fast". Now I know how much gentlemen put cumming as the "be all to end all" but what if you couldn't cum at all ? Would you still want to See a provider.

I have a few men I have seen for a long time. One gentlemen is  90 and another is 86 ; both seldom cum. If they do nothing does slip from their "penis" into my mouth. I love when they laugh and say "oh how did you do that, I finally got there". If they didn't tell me I wouldn't know and they always stop me at some point for fear of tiring me out. We makeout and they enjoy eating pussy.

At what point in your journey through visiting with different ladies here will you call it quits ? If you couldn't cum again would that end your need or desire to be close, to spend time with us in the flesh?  Is not being able to have intercourse where you draw the line ?

It's going to be a rainy day here in Orlando but at least it's warm. Hope the sun is shinning where ever your paths travel.

Kisses Haley

your friends have set.. 86 and 90 !!! I guess I'm not as far over the hill as I thought I was..

In answer to your question, as long as it gets hard, I'm going to want to put it someplace.. whether or not it squirts is of no consequence.. I've often gotten to the edge and not been able to push it over and I've also gone over the edge with little or no ejaculate... painting the ceiling is in my past, but having fun is not..

I agree.. it's the Journey, not the Destination that counts.. especially when the chemistry is bubbling...

and it's sun shine and warm in Arizona.. gorgeous sunrise this morning to go with my coffee... if life was any better, the g'ment would slap a luxury tax on my ass for living it...

everyone has some need for touch. going without sensual or therapeutic touch can be a significant stressor. in my case i have professional work that is very stressful PLUS chronic disease whose symptoms are aggravated and whose progress is accelerated by stress.

i can't imagine stopping short of retirement from my profession. it has that much of an effect on my health. but once i retire, perhaps, i could make do without.

I guess, when the equipment stops working.  But even then, I might go just for the intimacy of holding a pretty woman close, and touching.


I guess when it's no longer doable and/or affordable, I'll get out of it.

I guess if I'm lucky they'll both run out at the same time.

Which is worse?  Having the money but not the spunk, or vice versa?

Oh well, whatever happens, I've had more than my share of good fun already, so I won't kick about it.

Mostly thinking "Will I ever quit?"  If I find someone to spend the rest of my life with I'd quit. I started because there was no one. Sometimes I wonder if I'd be able to quit even if I did find that person.
I know this, I don't ever want to be without the touch of a woman. So SO or Provider I'll be seeing someone.

about the old man who was married to the hot, sassy 23 year old.

Every night 2 of his sons would come over to the house and place him gently on top of his bride.

Every morning 4 of his sons would come over and take him off of her.

When a neighbor asked why it took 4 sons in the morning, he smiled and said.

"I fights them in the morning!"

So, I guess when I can't fight any more it will be time to stop.

It is very difficult to imagine not enjoying the companionship of a lovely, lively and sexy woman regardless of my own physical prowess. I inted to live as long as possible, but I have no intention of giving up being human.

G26522 reads

There's an indescribable excitement that comes from being in the presence of a beautiful woman, and it can happen just as easily while at lunch in a nice restaurant, or naked in the bedroom.  

Have you ever noticed how having a pretty woman walk in the room completely changes the way a group of men act?  Maybe not, because you've probably always been the woman getting everyone's attention, but it's very obvious, and I've seen it happen at all ages.  Introducing just one woman into the mix changes everything.

My point is, it may take many different forms as we age, but the enjoyment of being in the company of an attractive woman will always bring out the same reaction in we men.  We may act on it differently due to our age, but inside, we feel the same things.  So I can't imagine ever reaching the point where I would no longer want to experience the little tingle that comes from the touch of a woman, not matter what form it takes.

So, I'm sure I'll be like you're older clients someday.  It won't matter that much what happens during our time together, as long as I'm there with a pretty lady and she's making me feel all those same great feelings again.  That's how I'll spend my last Social Security check!

I only recently started. Too soon to think about when I'll stop. LOL

at some point.   I don't know but a skilled lady can work wonders if it is possible at all.  A great provider will "finish what we start" what ever & however it takes.  In my case a certain lady will BJ but add fingers when needed for friction or switch to a HJ or breasts.  What's not to love?  Frankly the most intense O I've ever had was a highly skillled HJ.  

old_sam6209 reads

Do providers visit Nursing Homes?

I volunteer  at a nursing home and have for over 20 years. There are very strict laws in place to protect a residence's privacy. If the door is shut you have to knock and wait for the person to answer. Also every person working on a given floor knows when a resident is having company and unless called on will let them be. There's an older couple who put a private sign on their door all the time. They still hold hands and kiss. I'm sure there is playtime going on behind closed doors and it makes all of us smile.

Finding the right lady willing who will feel comfortable is the problem but i'm sure someone would be willing. Verification would be hard since HIPA laws will not let anyone release a name of a resident.

Kisses Haley

Posted By: old_sam
Do providers visit Nursing Homes?

the equipment stops working, then I would have to consider hanging up my hobby phone.

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