60 and Over

Re: why not just buy your own? No brainer
ATLDAWG 370 reads

Yes-of course you could buy it yourself-but......if your prescription has expired.....or if you are married and can't risk having an online order shipped to your home.......or you are retired so an office is not an option, that sort of circumstance.  

I am guessing many gal's would do this for a regular if asked.....


ATLDAWG1627 reads

Just a thought-any gal's provide access to Viagra, Levitra, etc...for their regulars ?  

 Additional charge of course!

...meds he's taking.

Research shows that Viagra’s active ingredient sildenafil does have a negative affect on patients who use nitrate drugs for pre-existing angina conditions. Viagra by interacting with nitrates can lower a person’s blood pressure to unsafe or life threatening levels. Pfizer, the drug company that manufactures Viagra, however has mentioned this on the prescription label. And cautions users not to take Viagra, if they use nitrate medication or have some form of pre-existing heart condition such as a heart attack or stroke.

Viagra should not be taken by people who:

Take nitrate medications for angina. Nitrates include nitroglycerin (Nitrostat, Nitrolingual, Nitro-Dur, Nitro-Bid, Minitran, Deponit), isosorbide dinitrate (Dilatrate-SR, Isordil, Sorbitrate), and isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur, ISMO).

Have had a heart attack or stroke within the last 6 months
Have coronary heart disease and suffer from low blood pressure
Have liver or kidney problems
Have blood disorders such as leukemia or sickle cell anemia
Have any stomach ulcers or any bleeding disorders
Have a rare eye condition called retinitis pigmentosa or,
Are on other impotence medications.

ATLDAWG436 reads

Yep-Know all of that-the question I raised has not been addressed.   Make the assumption that none of the problems that Papi raised are an issue...

Newto1000387 reads

and a provider that gave a client a ED drug would be a freakin idiot.  How could she know for certain that there wouldn't be a bad reaction.  And, if something serious developed you can rest assured that lawsuits would be forthcoming and, perhaps, a criminal indictment.

ATLDAWG367 reads

If that is a concern-book a 2 hour session ---or-----hold onto it for the next session !!!

-- Modified on 3/7/2016 6:27:12 PM

Hold on to it for the next session.  You may as well have them yourself.

play with the hoped for results of a gent's taking Viagra or Levitra etc... I don't think I would even offer the stuff they sell at gas station to enhance performance.  

Now if you want a cookie, ice cream, grilled cheese sandwich, juice, wine, beer, chocolate, mints or a bottle of water, I got that. Oh, and I'd even give you head. :0

ATLDAWG396 reads

Actually-you would order it (you can get it on line from numerous places)-keep it on hand-and sell it at a mark up !   Where did you get the idea I was referring to something you would buy at a gas station ??

I meant that I wouldn't give or sell  viagra or cialis to a fellow because I would be afraid of the reaction their body might have, since I am not a doctor :) I don't want to be responsible for any negative outcome .  I wouldn't want them to have a heart attack- then I'd have to call the ambulance and oh what a mess that would be! lol  

And the gas station comment I meant....

have you ever gone into a convenience store at a gas station and next to the condoms they sell male enhancement pills? Maybe it's me but it always catches my eye. Anyway, even that stuff which is probably just sugar pills, I wouldn't want to give to a fellow for fear of his possible adverse reaction.

On the other hand,  a little dirty talk, I can do, and it shouldn't give anyone a heart attack. :)  
!!!!!!!Big hugs!!!!!!!

Posted By: ATLDAWG
Actually-you would order it (you can get it on line from numerous places)-keep it on hand-and sell it at a mark up !   Where did you get the idea I was referring to something you would buy at a gas station ??

You are so cool AdelleAnderson! I love your measured and yet humorous response. I need lessons from you!  

I had an older fellow confess to me that he is on heart meds, but also takes viagra (or was it Cialis?). I said "gee I worry that you might have a heart attack with me". And he said, "well I actually did have a heart attack with my former ATF."  

Holy shit, that freaked me out. He obviously didn't die, but he was super lucky.  

I'm all about avoiding such drama.

They are controlled in the sense that they require a prescription. Distributing them to clients is probably not smart business.

ATLDAWG371 reads

Yes-of course you could buy it yourself-but......if your prescription has expired.....or if you are married and can't risk having an online order shipped to your home.......or you are retired so an office is not an option, that sort of circumstance.  

I am guessing many gal's would do this for a regular if asked.....


ATLDAWG404 reads

Think out of the box fella'!!  If you can't figure it out-dismiss it from your mind !

stucaboy327 reads

a simple fucking question ass hole

Posted By: ATLDAWG
Think out of the box fella'!!  If you can't figure it out-dismiss it from your mind !

ATLDAWG336 reads

And a precise answer sir !!

many sites offer Viagra...no big deal..some for over night delivery!!!
you can use a pre-paid card..they say it is form US pharmacies...I think most are from Canadian  
the price is higher..but no drs visit!!!

SURE THERE IS A RISK...but if you have taken the blue pill before the provider should keep some on hand for her Trustworthy gents...
and NEVER MIX MEDS...need a lil health history...
but I am sure you would not drop dead with one blue pill!!!

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