60 and Over

Re: Okay... My working assumption is that most here, both guys & gals...
1705218 10 Reviews 2164 reads
1 / 24

I have been wondering if the politics of providers or clients differ as a group. Are Clients more conservative than Providers or vice versa?
I would post this in the politic group but I don't think my skin is thick enough to withstand the potential attack. lol. I decided against the General group because of the always looking for a fight no matter what the topic.
I chose to ask the question to this group because I think the saying "Older is wiser" describes the participants best. There seems to be fewer, if any, irrational combative participants.
With that preface I think that the clients seem to be more conservative and the providers more liberal. What do you think?

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 630 reads
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i usually bang Democratic women..they seem to be less conservative..

mrfisher 108 Reviews 712 reads
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I think the guys are a couple of notches more conservative since they tend to be more in the so called 1%, but I've met a few gals who are definitely in the Republican mold, at least about fiscal issues.

But there is a lot of variation even there.

For example, I met one gal who while very progressive about many issues the Democrats are keen on, it vehemently anti-choice.

I kind of like the exposure to so many points of view.

Senator.Blutarsky 699 reads
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Is it possibly gender based? Or based on occupational assumptions?  

Also, are you speaking about fiscal policy? Or social policy?  

I agree with mrfisher... In my experience with the ladies, I've seen a wide range of views... Not that we have ever delved into it very deeply... I hate to talk about work when I'm with a lovely lady

1705218 10 Reviews 652 reads
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Probably a social slant. I have not come to a conclusion, just a glimmer of one. Since I have not been involved in this hobby for long and the small  number of providers I have seen, I am basing a a very tentative opinion based mainly on the dialog in the General  Discussion Board. It was my attempt to learn more about the relationship between provider and  client. It may not have any relevance whatsoever.

josulli 15 Reviews 645 reads
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I'm very pro choice for starters... My Dad was a DR in a small town.. and practiced before Roe Vs Wade.. about the 5th or 6th time finding a teenager bleeding out on our front porch kind of makes you understand why a legal approach is better than illegal hack jobs.. not interested at all in arguments to the contrary..  
I also believe strongly that there is a huge class of poverty stricken folks who are victims of the 1% as wealth seems to be more and more concentrated. I amin favor of common sense regarding spending and taxes but that includes everyone paying their fair share.. Many of out fiscal woes would be solved if we had some sane tax increases those who can afford it. so call me liberal.. I don't mind that is not a label that I have any issue with.. Those that are critical of the current administration embarrass themselves in view of our recovery.. I'm very concerned about the super conservatives that seem to ignore everything in favor of their restrictive dogma.. and I have zero tolerance for religious based conservatism.. no apologies..

1705218 10 Reviews 561 reads
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While I agree with your political stance that does not address my question which ask the question of what do you think are the political bent of providers and clients.
I really don't want this to be a liberal vs conservative battle. The politics and religion discussion board.

inicky46 61 Reviews 658 reads
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First of all, I tend not to talk politics with girls because why risk a debate, let alone an argument?  But what I have found is it's hard to categorize people with such a broad label.  Most women (and many guys here) are quite liberal on social issues.  They also may be conservative on financial and foreign policy issues.
I break more to the liberal side but am more of a pragmatist.

1705218 10 Reviews 620 reads
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I don't start any political conversations with a provider either. I use the dialogs on various boards TER to get an idea of who is what.  I should probably widen the choices to include an "idiot-troll? 8o)

WEDAZ 1 Reviews 597 reads
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My political persuasion cannot be classified.  I'm very conservative about adhering to the Constitution.  Example, would be the issue of gun control;  the 2nd amendment is clear and if one reads Madison's notes on the Constitutional Convention it is clear that the purpose was to ensure that individuals could bear arms.  My view is that if this is important enough then the Constitution has the amendment process.

Now, I'm Catholic but just cant bring myself to adopt the right to life dogma as inviolate.  I do embrace the sanctity of life but don't reject an individual's right to choose.  I do struggle with this issue personally.

Finally, I don't think there's all that much difference between political parties, their primary motivation is reelection rather than political philosophy.

One of my ATFs is ultra liberal and it's one of the things I find so attractive about her.  

Maybe I just to continue to be confused!!!!!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 485 reads
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Foodyguy 29 Reviews 475 reads
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Senator.Blutarsky 609 reads
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...lean liberal on social issues. We are engaging in an activity that is frowned upon by the social conservatives and I don't believe you should legislate morality.  This is for each individual to work out on their own.  The only restriction would be to protect minors and the mentally ill. I don't like other people telling me how to live my life and don't believe I have a right to tell them how to live theirs.  

Just my dos centavos...

Senator.Blutarsky 521 reads
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shammer29 9 Reviews 590 reads
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Erik_S 30 Reviews 658 reads
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So you could be either liberal or libertarian. I personally never thought to bring it up with a provider. I'm usually busy thinking about more personal things. I have no idea why it would ever come up on a date with a provider. With a civvie, yes. A provider I probably won't ever propose to so why should I care.

mojojo 1 Reviews 610 reads
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It's interesting. I enjoy a good political debate, and or discussion as well as the next person. But that's something I rarely do on a hobby site. When I come here, I want to discuss one thing, pussy. However, since you seem like a nice guy, and this seems like a non combative thread, and forum, I'll join in.  

I'm neither liberal, nor conservative. I'm a moderate. I have liberal views on some issues, and I have conservative views on others. Is there a way you might create an anonymous poll? It would be fun to be able to answer your question.

1705218 10 Reviews 542 reads
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Thanks for your input. I didn't word my initial message very well. As I have explained I didn't want a political debate or what individuals were. I just wanted to know how providers and clients perceived their opposite group based on TER personae . I think this probably is not easily done. I am definitely not capable of designing anonymous poll. I do want to thank this group of 60+ for not turning this into a heated political debate. I was right about one thing. This group is not only chronologically mature but also intellectually mature.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 641 reads
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but he is a hard ass, so screw him.  I agree with you.

I enjoy political discussions too, but in small (4-5 people) groups where people remain civil.  Luckily I found an interesting group of friends on line where we do bandy about the major issues of the day; not that we resolve them of course.

The odd thing with providers is how many opt to begin political discussions without any prompting from me.  I'd prefer to not even get into the topics (There being much more interesting activities to enjoy, obviously.) and from there standpoint, political discussions could only have a downside and not much of an upside.

There was one gal I met in particular who was a fairly comely gal and did a very good session, but her fairly strident tone on politics definitely put a damper on my enjoyment of her and I opted not to see her again.

1705218 10 Reviews 588 reads
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Right screw him lol.
I used to enjoy the mild banter about politics with a small group. This may sound conceited or bragging but after having followed Presidential politics through elections since 1952 I feel like I have heard it all. With the internet and wall to wall tv coverage I think  that every opinion has been presented.  I avoid talking politics when I am having a ball,  cavorting with a lovely woman.

emorf4077 65 Reviews 546 reads
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One problem of modern politics is the confusion of labels. Modern liberals , aka progressives, can be quite illiberal on many issues. Progressives are also very regressive on issues that I would think many TERites hold dear: choice of how one lives and earns a living. Having a big heart doesn't mean your progressive, just as looking out for number one doesn't automatically make you conservative.  
Providers, particularly independents, are small business owners. One would think they would skew libertarian. Clients want to avoid any "imperial entanglements." Thus, we share a mutual interest in limited government and should agree on most issues in a perfect world were the only issue is being left alone to pursue our happiness.

radiodictum 35 Reviews 491 reads
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I'm very liberal. And I never bring up politics on dates. I sure wouldn't want a provider of another persuasion to give me less than the best service because of philosophical disagreements. I might like to spend an hour with the former governor of the nations largest state though

vamikey 74 Reviews 491 reads
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encounters.  Had that happen once (don't remember how it got started) and quickly learned that we were politically opposite.  It did diminish  the pleasure from the session, so I now avoid that on first or second visits.  But with providers whom I have seen several times, it is natural that we eventually get around to discussing how we feel about certain things, but by then I usually know the lady well enough to avoid things that we might disagree on.
I also don't think most people can be accurately described with just one label.  I am quite liberal on social issues and individual freedom, but fairly conservative on fiscal & defense/foreign policy issues.  In my experience, providers I've been able to talk about these things with tend to equally liberal on individual freedom & many social issues, but quite hard line conservative on everything else.
But I don't know if that's universally true.  Best advice I have to give is don't go there until you think you know the lady well enough to survive a possible disagreement.

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