60 and Over

Re: Lets see if I can break it down
Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 4953 reads
1 / 12

What's this?
I've done it a few times
I once had a contest and who ever guessed it right..won a freebie.
I was sitting around in my hotel room bored out of my mind in my first year of this so called hobby and I knew nothing about acronyms
I decided to make up one of my own
Happy Tuesday to you all
Are there some acronyms that are interesting that you can share?
Do you have a fav?

ChiefRedbeard 18 Reviews 3549 reads
2 / 12
brwneyedguy 9 Reviews 4552 reads
3 / 12

I have MOST of it...but fuzzled on  the W D T C part...  now my day is going to be wasted figuring this out...  even without the aforementioned freebie as a reward....

I can come up with 11 of 15...73.3%  

Guess I will have to attack the other part of Your post and find a new acronym..

How about this..?  ACCMWNT  ?

Sphinxnc 19 Reviews 4079 reads
4 / 12

BBBJ - Pretty obvious
WDTC - While Driving - To Completion
CIM - Again not much of a challenge
NQNS - No Quit No Spit (a rare talent)

Never have made it to the TCNQNS.  I'v always been afraid of the PVID that would follow.

(P)ut               (V)ehicle                  (I)n                       (D)itch

ps.  I cheated....  I've read some of your older blogs....

brwneyedguy 9 Reviews 5093 reads
5 / 12

Sphinxnc   you are the man...!  lol

So do cheaters still qualify for the prize  ?

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 2869 reads
6 / 12

I do love your PVID
very cute

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 3551 reads
7 / 12

I guess the Patriots are a fine example of that!!

brwneyedguy 9 Reviews 4560 reads
8 / 12

lol  good point..but I promise not to try to collect on this bet. I don't want a freebie...(plus I did not solve the puzzle anyway !)  does not mean I dont want a meet...just not a freebie..

okay...i lied...  i would love one ! but, I believe one should pay for quality, I would never give a freebie to my clients, I tell them if they want me to stay in business to help them in the future, there is a cost to that..

mrfisher 108 Reviews 2508 reads
9 / 12

But then I'm not sure what the C after that could mean.  Maybe "completion", but that's kind of redundant with the CIM.

By the way, watch it with the Pats cracks.  Some of us are fans of theirs.

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 4575 reads
10 / 12

Pat my crack
pat a tat tat
sorry bout your pats crack an opener
Spank me if you MUST

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 3379 reads
11 / 12

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