60 and Over

Re: It depends
milesandmiles 2 Reviews 3703 reads
1 / 14

So here’s my situation/dilemma. Mid 60’s, very happily married for 40 years and basically sexless for the last 5. I’ve hobbied a bit but always feel horrible/guilt ridden afterward. My feeling is I had a don’t ask don’t tell understanding with my wife I would actually be able to enjoy sex again. For those of you that have had this discussion I’d love to know how you approached it and how it went. Last thing to know is my wife is a sweetheart but a bit like Mary Poppins. Not sure how receptive she would be and I don’t want ruin all the other great aspects of our life. Thoughts, suggestions?

JustLayingLow 167 reads
2 / 14

relationship and not have it "ruin all the other great aspects of our life."  So, I hobby & deal with the guilt - but in fairness, I REALLY ENJOY the hobby sex, so it's an easier call.  If it helps, since there is NO emotional commitment involved, I view visiting a provider like seeing a physical therapist, not that the wife would see it that way.  

-- Modified on 10/31/2020 6:29:55 PM

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 149 reads
3 / 14

But if she hasn't volunteered the permission on her own volition I'm not sure it'd be clear sailing asking for it.

cuppajoe 165 reads
4 / 14

This hobby was never going to work for me unless I never tell and never feel guilt.  OTH I knew  I would happier and a much more congenial, forgiving and giving companion. You get to a certain age, you winnow out the BS society and religion and make your own decisions. You know yourself, if you can't do it on those terms, don't do it.

josulli 15 Reviews 168 reads
5 / 14

Of a talk is to.make you feel better?  It may kill your wife..why? I went 15+ years without intimacy.. never felt any guilt except financial for seeing girls.. I don't want to hurt my wife..not worth it..

mrfisher 108 Reviews 142 reads
6 / 14

you can never have it perfectly or without some compromise or complication.

So, here's the rational I used:

Life is short, and then you're dead for a very long time.

Maybe it's too clever, but it seemed to work very well.

Steve_Trevor 155 reads
7 / 14

WHY haven’t you had sex with your wife for the past 5 years?  Have you talked with her about it?  Is she happy without sex?  Does she know how unhappy you are about it?  It appears she loves you, thus she wouldn’t want you to be unhappy.  For me, having this discussion with my wife was the breakthrough that got her to agree to go to joint counseling with me (after many years of her saying No to that) and that led to my learning the real reason she didn’t want to have sex, which led to a much better marriage.  Things are really good.

But still no sex, not even kissing (multiple rounds of counseling didn’t resolve everything, there’s a lot to unpack).  But my wife loves me and wants me to be happy, so one day out of the blue she told me that if I wanted to see other women for sex, that was ok with her.  She doesn’t want to know any details and asked me to be safe and discreet.  And she trusts me to not fall in love with someone else.  (Which I won’t, I don’t do affairs.)

So my advice is, have a conversation with her about the lack of sex if you haven’t already and see where it goes.  See if she has any interest in sex any time in the future, or if she’s done with it.  Once she finds out how unhappy the lack of sex makes you, she might ask what could be done about it, and you can see what she thinks hypothetically 😉 about your seeing professionals just for sex (you, uh, know a guy who’s done that).  But if I were you I wouldn’t volunteer anything about your past activities.

And who knows, this discussion could lead to an improvement in the sex department with your wife.

milesandmiles 2 Reviews 152 reads
8 / 14

Steve, I agree with your school of thought. We originally had that discussion  a ways back and her reasons are simply that doesn't have the desire any more. It's actually a bit physically painful. Has nothing to do with me, etc etc and I believe her 100%. There's nothing shady going on and outside of the whole sex thing we do a lot together and love each other and each others company. I do give her a hard time about false advertising because the early years were fantastic but I think it's a common theme as women get older. I can definitely broach the subject about "it's hard to believe we'll never have sex again" and see where it leads. We're in a place where I can finesse it without exposing myself. She always jokes that if she goes first I'll be calling escorts before she's cold in the ground. She knows I'd have no tolerance for another relationship. Thanks for the input.

Steve_Trevor 142 reads
9 / 14

No desire and physical pain from sex are different things. There’s ways to work around the physical pain and still have fun together. But if the lack of desire goes beyond pain from intercourse, that’s harder. If you haven’t tried seeing a counselor who specializes in sex therapy I recommend it.

milesandmiles 2 Reviews 167 reads
10 / 14

Great input from all. Can anyone share their experience with having the talk? Am I the only one?

WICardinalfan 30 Reviews 134 reads
11 / 14

Much, much easier said than done.  

barebear3 38 Reviews 146 reads
12 / 14

Here are a few questions:

Do you still find your wife physically attractive? If yes then:

Are you willing to massage your wife and receive massages from her? If yes, offer to give her non-sexual massages and ask her if she would massage you.

Have you encouraged her to talk with her gynecologist about why sex is painful? If not then talk with her about seeing her gynecologist.

Do you still sleep in the same bed with your wife? If so, ask her if she minds that your jerk off with her next to you. If she minds, then talk about her unwillingness to let you jerk off. If she doesn't mind, then jerk off. Repeat and at some point she if she is willing to jerk you off or give you a blow job. Ask her to masturbate some time while you do. If she doesn't want to masturbate with you in the bed, talk about that.  Side-by-side masturbation is one way to restart passion.  

If none of this works, then talk to her seriously about your unhappiness with the lack of sex.  

If you do all of that first then you can bring up a "Don't ask, don't tell" agreement.

Steve_Trevor 142 reads
13 / 14

It took years to get there. But it was worth the time and effort, for me anyway.

AzureD See my TER Reviews 131 reads
14 / 14

@milesandmiles...no  you're not...

I am only too familiar with this topic....1. as a woman myself, and around the same age as yourselves and spouses ... I know first hand exactly what your ladies are going through, because I've had the same issues as mother nature wreaked havoc. It's called menopause where symptoms range from hot flashes that can stop you in your tracks as you try to regulate, , to waking up in the middle of the night in a puddle ..sometimes more than once (night sweats) night after night could lead to sleep deprivation which will wear on a person's mental/ emotional state aka mood swings. Then we have the painful intercourse, low libido, hormonal weight gain, sometimes all together... Our situation isn't too much different from men as we all get older, you experience Low T and we no longer produce hormones progesterone and estrogen... our vaginal walls start to atrophy and in the absence of estrogen the walls will become thin that is why sex becomes painful. So I was going through this first hand, I looked into my options regarding hormone replacement therapy ... but my research produced information about the process and what can be done with "synthetics" with side effects  of stroke or blood clots.. Not knowing anything different , scared the bejeebers outta me and said nope and sucked it up for a few more years until she raged again (mother nature).

 The symptoms got intense, Then hormonal weight gain came out of nowhere... and my mental/emotional state was fragile, wanting to rip people's faces off ... my libido was low... I didn't care about sex...besides, it hurt. So I was feeling frumpy and grumpy. This time I learned about Bioidenticals...a compound cream custom made ... the "perfect recipe"  with the right ingredients in the right dosage, derived from natural sources and health risks were minimal,  leveled me out, got everything in balance. I wasn't ready to accept the fate that Mother Nature was extending, instead I was going to recapture my vitality, embrace my sexuality, I looking and feeling better than I had in years....basically dropped kicked her to the curb. The guys on the other hand, what your were up against with your relationships i'm sure didn't feel there was much you could do about it and knew if the wifey decided she wanted to accept the hand of fate that was Mother Nature , you were doomed never to have sex again.  

 It was right around the same time I entered this arena (2011) and along the way, I was hearing a common theme among my clients, sharing with me their situations at home, their relationships with their spouses (or lack of) as to why they were doing what they were doing....seeing me. In hearing their stories, I could relate, i understood their confusion and frustrations and even hurt. And when I offered my side of it and what my outcome was, suggesting their wives look into getting their situation under control by exploring their options. I was surprised to hear that 50% of the men said their wives had already, either explored the Hormone Replacement Therapy but got scared off when they found about synthetics ...some knew about bioidenticals but still rejected the concept....but why?  Why would they forgo filling better, more balanced, and more vibrant? My clients  would tell me they loved their wives and expressed to them that they weren't going to divorce over menopause but they were looking for something, needing something they weren't getting.  

Then I had an epiphany.  It occurred to me there was another hang up, this was more a generational thing, and it had never occurred to me before till then.  Again because I'm in that same generation and being a woman, I remember there were certain expectations bestowed to me as I was growing up.....a set of belief systems and expectations that dictated to us what our roles (and responsibilities) were in our society.. as a daughter, son, husband, wife, father, mother. Even occupations were stereotyped for women as what we were suited for like waitressing, hairdresser, teacher, secretary.... be a stay at home mom, with actresses like June Cleaver as our role models....  As a girl growing up, education was impressed as important so I was told to go to school, get good grades, graduate, get a job., get married, buy a house, have kids, in that order...and I did, literally!!!  And I remember my step dad telling me as he was noticing me, that he told me he would rather have me learn the birds and the bees from him instead of learning it out on the streets and get knocked up...Because boys as would be young men, would do that... he knows.  I remember somewhere within that time, in those moments...that SEX was not meant to be fun....it was a duty, a function to carry out as part of our womanly, wifely duties!  

So you see, Mother Nature comes along and dries us up, fertility wise...makes sex painful, and even though most of these women knew they had options and what they were regarding menopause, hormones, treatment, still chose to not do anything but accept the hand that Mother Nature was handing us, not really caring or wanting to look, feel, or be sexy... why?... standing on the above biological technicality that they did what they were built for, procreation, and they were done....done, done....DON'T TOUCH ME done!!   And these poor gentlemen, many who had already had "the talk"  when they asked their wives ..."Okay you're deciding that you don't want to have sex anymore, that's your decision for you...but what about me, what am I supposed to do?"   And you got that look that told you....you're in it for the long haul.  

I feel I became evolved..... when I understood the dynamics of our... biological makeup and it's functions, the societal norms and expectations, intertwined with religion, and realizing those things didn't apply to the 21st century any more....especially when options were available and we could change our direction. But to stay with old ideas and practices when they didn't relate any longer and to superimpose my will onto someone who is supposed to be  important in my life, near and dear to me and realize how my decisions will impact them and expect that person to adopt the same outlook?....because we were married?  Seemed selfish to me.  Women need to understand that the decisions they make when they approach this phase of their lives, will impact not just them, and the expectations of fidelity, monogamy, are they reasonable or selfish? If women understand the latter, then they need to evolve... have "the talk" with you men, letting you know that her decision and the implications it presented aren't fair and maybe in so many words or less, gives you the green light, and set the ground rules. If a woman can do that then she has evolved..  

You may have to revisit that @milesandmiles by asking her direct questions like what  @Steve_Trevor suggested with,  "So my advice is, have a conversation with her about the lack of sex if you haven’t already....Sorry for the "War and Peace" novel... but this topic has been an issue and further challenges the concept, "Monogamy, is it ridiculous?"  Thanks for reading

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