60 and Over

Re: I use Viagra. I take it a few minutes before entering her in call. ...
nightcal 19 Reviews 530 reads

I'm 68 and I have no problem getting hard the second time I do however have a hard time releasing the second time and bothers me. Age is an issue for us all, sorry to say. Even with any of pills. I still love to fuck

On the General board someone implied that old farts like me can fuck straight through for two hours if they use the Blue Pill. I don't need the blue pill, but maybe I NEED the blue pill. Those of you with experience, does the pill actually extend your play time?  What about after the first cup, do you just take five and then hop back on board?  And if so, do providers mind that you are "milking" the date so to speak?

AZCalvin69696 reads

but for me I take the blue pill about 30 minutes before and it works as advertised. Duration depends on the situation and the lady, I've found. As far as recovery times it doesn't work on that part of the equation. Again, a lot depends on the situation and the lady.

due to the pill?  Is that fable or fact?  And would it be dangerous?  I could read a bunch of ads, but figured I can go directly to the experts who have field tested this Rx.

AZCalvin69599 reads

That has never happened. A few times it took a little longer to cum, maybe ten min., but not sure it was the effct of the pill or other factors. Since it's not your average experience I suspect not.

...for me the longer it's in my system the more it effects my ability to orgasm. I don't want to go the whole session. There were a couple times before I learned to take it minutes before entering her place where I wasn't sure I would orgasm. I was hard the entire time. Now I don't experience that. My recovery time doesn't appear to be effected by the pill. Age and other factors would influence whether or not the pill allows you to be the Energizer Bunny as it were.

I'm 68 and I have no problem getting hard the second time I do however have a hard time releasing the second time and bothers me. Age is an issue for us all, sorry to say. Even with any of pills. I still love to fuck

about 1/2 of 25mg.  It helps me keep it up.  I find no advantage to taking more...  it does not get appreciably harder.  It does make side effects like stuffy head more.   It doesn't seem to effect recovery time & I remain a one shot kind of guy like I was before.   I can feel residual effects the next day...   I suspect the doses required to shorten recovery are way beyond prescribed doses & asking for trouble.

less side effects..but i think Cialis is a every day pill..
Viagra is good but the newer brands "tweeked" the side effects!
any way..
WITH ME NO PILLS NEEDED..but it is fun to ride on top for a lot LONGER!!! lol
have fun!

Hey oooh!!!

Posted By: keridiamonds
less side effects..but i think Cialis is a every day pill..  
 Viagra is good but the newer brands "tweeked" the side effects!  
 any way..  
 WITH ME NO PILLS NEEDED..but it is fun to ride on top for a lot LONGER!!! lol  
 have fun!  

89Springer685 reads

I got slight headaches from it. Viagra worked, although if I was nervous, it wasn't 100% effective. Also, once I came, that was it for the erection.

I heard something about injections, and researched those. They sounded more promising, as guys said that they could vary the time duration of the erection based upon the dosage. And they said that they could come multiple times.

It was a bit of a rocky start, but now the injections are working well for me. I can stay hard for 3 hours or more if I want. I lose the erection after coming, but it comes back in 10-15 minutes. I wouldn't want to have an erection with any med past three hours, because of the risk of a priapism.  

I wish I didn't need anything, but them's the cards I was dealt.

Vitamin V definitely extends my playtime.  I don't worry about losing my erection as I would without it.  It has no effect on my recovery time:  I'm one and done.  I've never had a girl complain about going at it for a long time.  On the contrary, they usually commend me on my energy and enthusiasm.

It is NOT a mechanical, predictable thing.  

I used cialis last weekend.  Had two very excellent shots over three hour period.  For some reason the second was super.  The second was just total passion.  Surely was more to do with the girl than the drug.  But I guess I would say that with cialis there was no drop off.  When I got enamored again I got hard again.  Not rock hard but good hard.  And everything felt very natural.  

I have been having some unusual bladder problems that had been giving me some negative effects.  That therapy is starting to work, and the sex performance is no longer impeded.  At our age it is a complex formula.  The girl in question knew about the problem and was impressed about the improvement.  

The twenty first century is the best century.  

If this seems unusually candid it is because I have been drinking.  :)

Kudos to Harborview for being up front. This stuff is not magic but awful useful.    


-- Modified on 3/2/2015 6:55:26 PM

Posted By: phi68psi
It is NOT a mechanical, predictable thing.  
 I used cialis last weekend.  Had two very excellent shots over three hour period.  For some reason the second was super.  The second was just total passion.  Surely was more to do with the girl than the drug.  But I guess I would say that with cialis there was no drop off.  When I got enamored again I got hard again.  Not rock hard but good hard.  And everything felt very natural.    
 I have been having some unusual bladder problems that had been giving me some negative effects.  That therapy is starting to work, and the sex performance is no longer impeded.  At our age it is a complex formula.  The girl in question knew about the problem and was impressed about the improvement.    
 The twenty first century is the best century.    
 If this seems unusually candid it is because I have been drinking.  :)  
 Kudos to Harborview for being up front. This stuff is not magic but awful useful.    
 -- Modified on 3/2/2015 6:55:26 PM
I tried Cialis for the first time last week while in Europe.  Up until that point, I had only used Viagra on occasion, including on this trip.  

Viagra:  As other have written, I was a hard as a rock and stayed as hard as a rock, but had no sensation at all.  My plumbing felt like concrete.  The lady couldn't even get me to cum with a handjob.

Cialis:  I agree with your assessment.  I wasn't as hard as with Viagra, but I was hard enough.  It also felt natural and I came during sex even while wearing a condom.

Interestingly, my experiences with the two meds were two weeks apart with the same lady in the same club!

I didn't notice any appreciable differences in the side effects.  I did feel a little dehydrated and had a slight headache.  There was some soreness, but I'm not sure if that was caused by the drug or by working out.

CuriousSort661 reads

Read up on L-Arginine in conjunction with Pycnogenol

They are both over the counter.

since I have no trouble getting hard (yet! "knock wood"), I should not mess with Rx because the risk/reward ratio doesn't pay in my favor.  Who needs unpredictable timing, possible headaches, even priapism when it does not seem to promise a second cup.

89Springer546 reads

and what the ER docs have to do to treat them. You won't take the idea of a priapism lightly after that.

I've started to have some issues getting completely hard, (and just started Medicare) and have begun to consider trying one of the enhancement pills.   Just want to say thank you for all of the honest info you guys have provided.  Nothing better than actual experience from the trenches to let us know what to expect. This is a great board!

Being 65 I have started to have "issues". Up until I was 60 I had no problem with 2 cups in an hour, and even 3-4 in a night (6 was my record when I was about 50). I experimented with Viagra, Cialis and Levitra to enhance my performance on special occasions like swinger parties and orgies and threesomes - those were the days!!! I learnt that for me Cialis did nothing, Viagra worked pretty well but I flushed terribly, while Levitra works like a charm and lasts long enough that I am still good to go the next morning. I have found on line sun drugstore to deliver good Levitra at a decent price (maybe not as potent as the us version - but way lower cost - I use a whole 20mg pill whereas I only need 1/2 of the legit stuff.  I can perform without but the pill makes me like a rock.

The second cup issue is technically known as the refractory period (look up on webmd) and is typically 5-10 minutes in your twenties but can be 24 hours in your seventies (Heaven forbid!). I have read that Yohimbe (GNC and elsewhere) works on the refractory period - just bought mine yesterday - stay tuned!

I usually book 90 minute sessions and I take the blue pill.  I'm in my early 50s, well fit, and can keep an erection through the entire session with no problem.  I just wish I could get that second pop like I used to.  Any advice?  Thx.

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