60 and Over

Re: How do you ladies put up with it?
Clrw_guy06 5004 reads

So if this tread is complaining about men, why do you start it out complaining about certain ladies?  Who, of course, have the absolute right to see or not see anyone they please, same as you and I.

I will readily admit an intolerance for intolerance.  If I see on a web site that a lady will not see black gentleman, I choose not to see her.  It is her right to choose whom she will see, but I too have that right.  There are two ladies I have seen, that expressed bigotry in our conversations, that I have chosen not to see again.

In reading some of the other forums here, I have noticed a number of men who basically hate women.  There is no other way to describe it.  They view women much as Simon Legree viewed slaves, a tool to be used and then discarded.

My question, after this far too long lead in, is how do you ladies put up with this scum?  Yes, I know that money is money, but these low-lifes do not even deserve Rose Palm and her five sisters.  

Not all money is good money is what I was told from the beginning. Its pretty amazing the strong instict one gets when screening.

Circling-Buzzard5674 reads

and Mr Righteous all wrapped up into one?

One thing that you have never learned is that a board persona does not usually equal a real personality. Guys like you also describe hobbyists that demand quality time and good business practices as man haters when most of the time it is the farthest from the truth.

I have also seen the whiteknight mangina types turn into stalkers and bad clients while their board persona gave no such indication.

By the way. We should all be discarding each other after the session is over, unless you feel that you are entitled to stay longer because of your persona.

dude, when someone in a crowd yells out "hey asshole," do you always answer "who, me?"

the op wasn't talking about guys like you.  he was talking about guys that disparage and disrespect the ladies in general on these boards.  not sure if you're on the reviewers only forum, but you can see a lot of what the op was talking about there.

wanting a good value for your money is not that same as belittling the women who perform in this hobby.

i am one of those that you talk about, always wanting a good value for my money.  but i also have seen the kind of disrespect and disdain for women that the op was talking about on these boards.

don't get so defensive, the man wasn't talking about you.

saturnsky3413 reads

I have had this discussion on the GD board. Why is it necessary to act so objectionable?

I mean if you read a providers posts who denigrated men and scoffed at those who pay for sex and made fun of old guys, fat guys etc, would want to see her? Even if she came on and said, Oh, I have that abrasive and hateful board persona, I am a real sweetheart once you meet me in person? No the hobbyists would be calling her a bitch and striking her off their little "to do" lists.

The internet has allowed rude, mean and ignorant people a voice because it's anonymous, even more so with the use of aliases.

It's not only guys like him who find some hobbyists objectionable. Some of the ladies do too.

Certain hobbyists get a bad rep for a good reason and it's not because they want emails returned  in a timely fashion or because they expect a woman to look like her photos or have services delivered as if she wants to be there , it's because they expect more time for less, overstay, quibble rates, push boundaries, threaten a bad review if a menu item not on her menu is pushed for and refused, complain about YMMV when they turn up un-hygienically sound and feel because they hand over money they are entitled to do whatever they want.

Clrw_guy065005 reads

So if this tread is complaining about men, why do you start it out complaining about certain ladies?  Who, of course, have the absolute right to see or not see anyone they please, same as you and I.

....the good in this intimate business STILL outweighs the crap.

Posted By: ChiefRedbeard
I will readily admit an intolerance for intolerance.  If I see on a web site that a lady will not see black gentleman, I choose not to see her.  It is her right to choose whom she will see, but I too have that right.  There are two ladies I have seen, that expressed bigotry in our conversations, that I have chosen not to see again.

In reading some of the other forums here, I have noticed a number of men who basically hate women.  There is no other way to describe it.  They view women much as Simon Legree viewed slaves, a tool to be used and then discarded.

My question, after this far too long lead in, is how do you ladies put up with this scum?  Yes, I know that money is money, but these low-lifes do not even deserve Rose Palm and her five sisters.  

I agree with Adora. I screen heavily before ever meeting a new gentleman. I then evaluate him in person (over lunch, coffee, or a cocktail) before deciding if I want to see more of him.

A gent must pass my background screening and convince me that he's not LE or a danger to my health or safety. Even then, if he is a total douchebag in person, I thank him for the drink and wish him well in his search.

I expect men select their lady friends with care. So do I. We ladies are not desperate and we also reserve the right to be selective for any reason we wish.

Just because a man has a dick doesn't mean he has to act like one.

men of other races do, but don't broadcast the shit because of such disdain expressed by some older white men.  If your bread and butter are older white guys who can't stand some hottie being pounded by a brother, they are not going to say if they do or not. ME? I don't have a race rule, I have dick size rule! If you are under the limit, you ride the ride end of story.

-- Modified on 6/7/2012 1:33:03 AM

-- Modified on 6/7/2012 1:34:11 AM

In had not thought about white males not seeing a lady who had seen a black man.  thank you London for the insight.

Clrw_guy065322 reads

Was curious how you screen for dick size?

I do not put up with bs, or men whom obviously feel superior to providers here.  I require a 50% deposit to book because I will never have my time wasted again.  After over a decade, I now turn down more sessions, than ever due to lack of chemistry.  I will not choose to spend my precious time with anyone whom I do not think sparks will fly.  Money is not worth it.  I am here to find like minded, mature individuals who respect & appreciate this great community!

Awesome post gentleman! xoxo Smile 4 me!

Amen, I'm right there with you. Everyday I turn gentlemen down whom I really don't feel are a good fit to me. Respect and appreciation for this hobby go alot further than what many of the men say on these boards.

these ladies can and do put up with it..they can also dish it out too..

Posted By: ChiefRedbeard
I will readily admit an intolerance for intolerance.  If I see on a web site that a lady will not see black gentleman, I choose not to see her.  It is her right to choose whom she will see, but I too have that right.  There are two ladies I have seen, that expressed bigotry in our conversations, that I have chosen not to see again.

In reading some of the other forums here, I have noticed a number of men who basically hate women.  There is no other way to describe it.  They view women much as Simon Legree viewed slaves, a tool to be used and then discarded.

My question, after this far too long lead in, is how do you ladies put up with this scum?  Yes, I know that money is money, but these low-lifes do not even deserve Rose Palm and her five sisters.  

There are some (not many but some) men who have very well crafted public persona that creates illusion of love, support, acceptance while in private they despise and hate women.  Often these guys hate themselves for seeing us just as much as they hate us.

These usually are the guys who post "OMG you ladies are so hot" under their main handles and at same time make alias posts bashing the ladies.  Often very same ladies they were just praising.

it takes time, but true colors usually come through.  If you stick around long enough, you get to know both personas of same man.

Once that happens it is kind of amusing to compare the tone of their alias reviews vs their main handle reviews.


saturnsky4586 reads

I don't. I can spot a woman hater hobbyist from afar. The email tells a lot and if he is arrogant enough to give me his reviews and handle, it's a no brainer...a polite no thank you.

I hate to say this but that attitude is pervasive within the hobbyist community. My clients are the complete opposite, gentleman, who treat me like a human being and not a like a warm body with holes to pound at and because he rented me for the hour, he can do whatever he wants.

I tell you, they have no idea what GFE means. GFE is an experience that flows and is more romantic or so I thought...even sensual. But these guys walk in, throw down the money and seem to think that for the whole (insert time) they can do whatever they please with no regard that there is a living, breathing, thinking, feeling woman in the same room. They actually disgust me.

If I had a boyfriend that treated me like that, well let's just say, my foot meet his rear and away!!!!

I won't say that he isn't arrogant but to assume so because he gives you this information is assuming facts not in evidence. There are many providers that want to know a guys handle. They want to read his reviews and see his white lists if he has any. A gentleman that is polite and respectful, truly seeking to be as accommodating as possible may simply offer these up front with whatever other information she has requested.

I consider your making the assumption that he is arrogant based on that to be as wrong as a client assuming his having dropped the envelope on the table entitles him to do whatever he pleases with no regard that there is a living, breathing, thinking, feeling woman in the same room.

saturnsky3030 reads

If a hobbyist is an ass and wants to see a lady, he most likely will not let her have his handle nor see his reviews.

The arrogance is when an ass gives his handle and reviews believing that because he has the money, any hooker should see him.

...you see that he has provided his handle and reviews?

I have no doubt that what you are saying happens. I won't argue that point. My point is you have made this very general about anyone that offers up his handle and reviews during what you make me believe to be first contact. Maybe you just didn't go into details to save time or didn't think it was necessary to make your point. (as I said, I'm sure this does happen) But the very broad brush you used to paint all guys that give you that information is unwarranted and unfair.

I may be wrong but it sounds like you use the term hobbyist as a separate category from other guys that see escorts. It sounds like you don't have a high opinion of "hobbyists". I won't assume that so I'm asking.

saturnsky4175 reads

You have misunderstood that sentence and are running with it. Look, it is NOT all guys that give that info...it's the guys who act like and ass on the boards and treat the women with contempt that stupidly hand over their details so the prospective lady can see what he is really like...call it arrogance or stupidity.

You are quite right in assuming that a hobbyist is a different type of guy who plays. Call the rest of the guys clients, "friends" customers, although client is typically the word used. Very different from a hobbyist.

For the most part I don't have a very high opinion. Maybe been on the boards too much.

sound of contempt.  And that is NOT a good thing.  If a prospect reads this he may indeed think you "hate" all prospects.  And somehow I don't think that is what you are truly attempting to convey.

As we discussed earlier, the folks that are here represent such a small piece of P4P.  And perhaps you might want to consider in your discussion which segment you are really addressing.  And if I may, I am thinking that you believe the one and done one hour fella is the guy you are directing your comments to.

As we also discussed, many posters are NOT who they seem to be.  And to paint them as such is naive.  And in particular on this board even more so.  The guys who are HERE have NO interest in the games played on other boards.  That's why this board is a sanctuary for many.

Saturn...consider again getting the VIP so you can chat with folks off the boards.  You might find that the behind the scenes chats will open up your eyes to things that you can't see here.

saturnsky4403 reads

and if it wrinkles your nose or bothers your delicate sensibilities, I can't help that.

I don't troll for prospects off this board, or any other board. I come on here to be entertained and join in the shit storm or two.

I don't need to kiss hobbyist ass or gain their acceptance. I feel free to speak how I really feel and it has zero impact on my business. Why do some of you guys feel the need to gently tell us off and how to behave on here for fear it might damage business. I obviously don't care.

You come across as the resident den father when you're not acting like a frat boy hurling insults just to get a reaction.

And if posters are not what they appear, that is not my deal...I am responding to what I read, as simple as that. I have no reason to get VIP or to meet their other multiple personalities.

Now, you concentrate on den fathering the other wayward girls and leave me alone.

And I guess you only have one persona.

Too bad...I thought there was some hope for you.

Any chance you'll ever connect your reviews so we can actually see what and who you are really trying to be?  I would guess not as you would have already done so.  

And if I had to venture a guess the reviews would tell the story.  It's always interesting to see a gal get all "put off" and defensive, and the reviews they have are generally saying the same story.

So the "gal" that claims she "won't get in the mud"...really?  So maybe there are different personas there!

saturnsky4292 reads

And no hope of connecting with reviews. I don't feel the need to prove anything to you or anyone else for that matter.  I have explained in plain English why I come on here. So my reviews are inconsequential.

Like I said, I don't need a den father to tell me what to do or how to act on a fk board.

And no one is telling you "how to act".  Frankly all I had suggested a while back is to learn the rules.  And based on your comment regarding this (Over 60) board you don't want to do that either.

I have to assume that you were a rebellious teen..and it's carried on all these years.

We don't have to agree on anything (and likely won't), but the way these games are played is someone posts...someone comments...someone posts.

If you don't want comments...simple solution is to not post.  But you didn't hear that from me :D

saturnsky3552 reads

Comment all you want...at least make an attempt to act like a grown up. I read the rules. Have been dinged a couple of times and obviously broke them. Until I get dinged again, and my posts make the board, I am following the rules, the board rules not yours.

saturnsky5536 reads

But I don't see you giving them the lecture about how to post so they come across not so contemptuous.

What I find naive is you expecting me to listen to the ...posters are NOT what they seem to be schtick. They are grown men and women. You seriously want me to believe that they come on here act like idiots and that's fine because they have other much nicer personalities they keep secret and I will only get to see that if I get VIP status? Do you work for this board trying to garner more members?

And it's not.

You have a lot of anger...and that's too bad.  This is supposed to be fun..and if it isn't for you why not find something to do with your life that will bring you some joy?  But to come on here, bash the boards, bash the reviewers, bash the fellas...and then have the audacity to claim that everyone else is contemptuous...really !?!

I am sad for you that whatever has happened apparently has left you with a hatred of men.  And your post on the GD board solidifies that observation.  Sure you'd do gals for free..why not?  But the "hobbyists", or "clients", or "gentlemen callers" that paid you for "your generous time"...scum of the earth..right?

You've painted yourself as a serious Feminist as I suspected when you first emerged.  And you've clearly confirmed that with your comments over the past couple of weeks.  

So yea...I get why you could care less how you come across.  You don't care, and it shows.  Too bad for any unsuspecting prospect should he be fooled by your ads...wherever they may be.  And that just confirms why you would never attach your reviews (if you even have any) to your handle.

Or maybe now you'll tell me that your clientele are such good guys and you're so particular.  Don't waste your breath...you're more full of yourself than any fellas/gals that have recently posted.

saturnsky6425 reads

A woman who speaks her mind and that does not tow the board line to the satisfaction of the self appointed grand poobahs  is always labeled as angry. Please try something a little more original.

I never mentioned that everyone else is contemptuous ..I said some of the guys posts are, just as you accused me of being contemptuous...two people voicing opinions.

You seem angry and bitter that I won't "do as I have been told".

Feminist I am not...equalist I am.

This is pay for play..so I choose to see women for free and have the men pay? I did not mention that the gentlemen I see are scum of the earth...your words not mine. I adore my clients.

You are all bent out of shape because I had the audacity to say that I am not a fan of some hobbyists. I am not alone in that thinking. I just voiced it.

I don't care because my lively hood is not affected by this board. My reviews are none of your concern...why would you care? You already have you opinion of me.

I did say we were oil and water and that we would disagree 99% of the time.  I was not about to do a 180 because you tried to "tell me how things work on here".

I will tell you my clients are good guys, no great guys.

And I am full of myself because I have an independent thought and don't jump off the TER cliff like a lemming?

They speak for themselves.  And just as you read what you will from various posters, so do the other folks here, myself included.  

I didn't need you to argue points that I observed.  They are ONLY my observations...nothing more.  But since you did and felt the need to defend them, that tends to speak volumes on how a person wants to actually be perceived.

FWIW I have no issues with gay lady's.  Or gay fellas.  Or tall, or short.  Or old or young.  Bigotry is not something that I have any interest in.  I play here (as you are as well) to seek out entertainment, and occasionally find like minded folks to learn from.  As well as folks with diametrically opposed views..they also can and do teach me to open my eyes and mind to other points of view.

What I don't have a tolerance for are stupid folks who only want to scream and yell to "convince" me they're right.  And neither do you...I suspect.

saturnsky3425 reads

"What I don't have a tolerance for are stupid folks who only want to scream and yell to "convince" me they're right.  And neither do you...I suspect."

hotplants3169 reads

SS doesn’t need my defense. But, seems as good a place as any to stop and just scratch my head. Hard to even pick one post to respond to. Honest to god you consistently come across as being, almost, unbelievable (here—and GD board). Are you for real? Whose rules are we playing by here? Yours? Did you make these rules?

With every post you make you reinforce the idea that you truly expect women to tow the line, always agree, stroke you, and …never….ever say anything that might pierce the thin veil of fantasy you want to cultivate…or…or….…else!

The ‘else’, of course being: any woman who does not hold her tongue will be crossed off “to do” lists.  It’s pathetically predictable.

The next predictable line of defense, for the "hobbyist" who feels the needs to keep providers in line is: any provider who does not demure, flatter, agree or take heed of the threat, is labeled a “feminist”.


You know CPA, even women who don’t identify as feminists find some of the happy hobbyist horseshit around here pretty delusional. And, it would be hard to find someone who spends as much time as you do trying to convince others he is right….about everything.

saturnsky4583 reads

"... The guys who are HERE have NO interest in the games played on other boards.  That's why this board is a sanctuary for many... "

Dude, you are kidding me right? With people posting crap to get reactions from the rest ( you as much joked about how some stuff is just posted to rile everyone up), people poking others to see how far they can get. These are not stupid little games? You seem to think this board is above the rest...it's like the rest. Hobbyists against providers, bitching about rates, bitching about reviews, bitching about how the women post, women haters, men haters, bitching about hygiene...same shit different board.

This board was created several months ago with the intent of being a sanctuary for many people who have NO interest in the crap that happens on OTHER boards.  Some do cross over if they feel like it, but in general the threads here are for those who seek a nice, quiet exchange of ideas and thoughts.

Again...learn the rules and you'll find that it makes playing the game so much easier :D

saturnsky4547 reads

Both of which you participated in that ended in name calling? Hmmmm, not very mature and not very sanctuary like. But then again, your idea of sanctuary and mine are obviously very different.

...board I believe. Anyway they weren't here. I believe that is what CPA is referring to ( the 60 & over board) in his statement that this is a sanctuary. I may be wrong but I believe that is why he said board not site when he made that statement.

saturnsky3496 reads

And since I have not had a post removed lately, I am playing by the rules ...on this board.

If you only would slow down a bit...take a few deep breaths and look around you and pay attention.

But continue to run through the china shop and keep on doing what you're doing.

It is making plenty of noise.  And quite a mess.  And all this from the prim and not so proper Saturn.

Start paying VERY close attention to the replies you are getting on the other boards and ask yourself "I wonder why they are saying those things".  There are reasons and I doubt you'll ever get it.  And only because you don't want to know.

As I have said a number of times...when you post, expect replies.  Otherwise just go back to your lurking stage and you can shake your head all you want in disbelief.  But you can't...you need to get involved.  And that is fine...just recognize that everyone has an opinion...and they're just like assholes.

saturnsky4092 reads

I am perfectly happy with the replies I am getting, you seem to be more bothered by them than me.

You are the one most bothered, I don't see many people posting under my comments to the contrary. I think this little crusade is all your own. Well have fun.

And I am now looking at your little tidbits of unsolicited advice and think they're sweet. Don't be offended if I ignore them.

where this thread is posted. He is not referring to the entire site as it appears you are.
Check out the threads posted here (the 60 & over board) and I think you will find that they are pretty much straight forward without the "games" as he referred to what happens on other boards on TER.

saturnsky5888 reads

Since I am not yet free to post without moderation, some posts are coming up out of context as there is a lag time.

My questions were seeking understanding. I think what you said in response was important for others to read.

saturnsky6386 reads

So they can all get huffy and cross me off their little "to do "lists. Hang on...that's my board persona...in real life I am way different a true supplicant who caters and to your every whim.

So given that response, don't get too bothered about what this personality posts...I have 4 others you might like...lol...;)

It cracks me up that you guys want the ladies to "behave" or they get the "we won't see you lecture" if you don't.  But it's okay for a guy to act like a jerk, because after all he's different in person and we ladies should take that into consideration and be lucky he wants to book some time....not bloody likely.

I haven't read every post in this thread, so maybe I missed it.  But, a lot of guys (including me) give a lady our TER handle and/or TER ID number in an initial e-mail as a way of letting her begin the screening process.  That doesn't meet your definition of an ass, does it?

saturnsky4524 reads

The whole thing was misconstrued...and I take some responsibility as I obviously did not explain myself very well. I personally love it when a guy gives me his handle or reviews. I get to find out right then and there if we are going to be compatible on some level.

What I was getting at way before was there are some hobbyists that are less than nice to and about the ladies in this profession. Given that they want to be seen by the very same ladies they bemoan, I would find it surprising that they would hand over their handle. If they did, given some of their posts I find that arrogant and stupid. Do they not think we will read the stuff they post and possibly deny them a visit.

This has actually happened to me. They guy had a horribly disrespectful board handle to begin with, his posts were crude, mean and disrespectful and when he communicated with me he gave me his handle. I checked out his posts etc and was horrified and told him we were not compatible...he then blew up my email with "why not" and then when I made the mistake of telling him I thought his handle was off putting and that the tone of his posts made me worry, out came the threats.

I hope this makes more sense. I am sorry if you took it the wrong way.

I love my 60+ men, the vast majority of my clientele. Great guys, wonderful personalities and fun to be with.

Firstly, I have been EXTREMELY fortunate to have 99% of the time met outstanding Gentlemen..However, I screen heavily and generally only see referrals who are White Listed by reputable Providers..Also, I don't have to rely on it..And I pass on potentials or those that don't submit the required screening information often. The one encounter that was unsatisfactory to me, I never talked to again. So, taking precautions before meeting has been beneficial for me.

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