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Re: Having read about this combo here I thought I would try it
kayjaykay 26 Reviews 1426 reads
1 / 13

Guys.....anybody taking this combo AND Viagra?
Any negative interaction? Any positive results?
Do you feel arginine & pycnogenol work for you?
Any long term undesirable effects? I just started.

sweetman 93 Reviews 744 reads
2 / 13

But even though I looked at several Whole Foods/Vitamin Cottage/drug stores, I could not find the combination.  I did find some arginine pills and bought them.  But they were 1000mg and the pills were so damn huge I could not take them.  I told myself i was being a sissy just do it.  But they would get caught in my throat and nearly choke me before I could wash them down with water.  Extremely unpleasant.  I tried dissolving a pill in water but it tasted so dreadful I nearly puked.  Maybe OJ would mask it better.  Since then I have seen 500mg pills in the store and maybe I'll try them.  Still have not found any in combo with the pycnogenol and I won't buy any online since I can't see how big the damn pills are.  I take Viagra regularly so I was very interested also in finding out if they played well together

kayjaykay 26 Reviews 693 reads
3 / 13

I wasn't clear. Sorry. The two are available as a combo, I'm taking them separately.  
I got Whole Foods' brands for both and the pills' sizes aren't an issue. I know what you mean about having to choke down pills the size for horses.  Have since re-ordered on the internet based on a recommendation and reviews I found on-line. The arginine is a powder. And have checked into availability on the Swanson's site....much cheaper there.....and more choices.  

Posted By: sweetman
But even though I looked at several Whole Foods/Vitamin Cottage/drug stores, I could not find the combination.  I did find some arginine pills and bought them.  But they were 1000mg and the pills were so damn huge I could not take them.  I told myself i was being a sissy just do it.  But they would get caught in my throat and nearly choke me before I could wash them down with water.  Extremely unpleasant.  I tried dissolving a pill in water but it tasted so dreadful I nearly puked.  Maybe OJ would mask it better.  Since then I have seen 500mg pills in the store and maybe I'll try them.  Still have not found any in combo with the pycnogenol and I won't buy any online since I can't see how big the damn pills are.  I take Viagra regularly so I was very interested also in finding out if they played well together.  

HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 670 reads
4 / 13

Arginine is believed to promote the occurrence of herpes outbreaks by facilitating the growth and replication of the herpes virus.  

If you have had or prone to cold-sores perhaps taking smaller amounts to see how your immune system handles the overload. No one wants to kiss a gentleman with a great big ugly sore on his lips.  

For a man who has had herpes I would not suggest using this at all. Herpes is dormant in your system and this could bring it back when otherwise it wouldn't have.

Kisses Hale

NJFLArt 3 Reviews 553 reads
5 / 13

If so, it is available at Walmart in 500 mg capsules.

kayjaykay 26 Reviews 568 reads
6 / 13

Yes. L-Arginine and Arginine are one in the same.

Blofinger 12 Reviews 592 reads
7 / 13

First, as to herpes, read http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19288025
It seems l-arginine may help delay or prevent a herpes outbreak.
You can buy L arginine from amazon and pycnogenol from costco or amazon!
I was curious, don't really want to use viagra but want to keep my wood hard.  But I tried it, I don't know if it helps erections or not

HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 498 reads
8 / 13

I have never been on that site before but will use it often now.  

Kisses Haley

pugdog 5 Reviews 442 reads
9 / 13

I have started taking the combo too. I got mine at GNC. Seems to work so far

Blofinger 12 Reviews 375 reads
10 / 13

I'm not really sure, but after a couple of weeks I think it does help.
Or maybe the girls are just getting hotter!

phanto170 74 Reviews 432 reads
11 / 13

I found Larginine at walmart but cant find pycnogenol.  who handles it?

Posted By: kayjaykay
Guys.....anybody taking this combo AND Viagra?  
 Any negative interaction? Any positive results?  
 Do you feel arginine & pycnogenol work for you?  
 Any long term undesirable effects? I just started.

kayjaykay 26 Reviews 442 reads
12 / 13

I get mine from either Amazon or Swanson. Links below.
I need to do more research but I believe pycnogenol and pine bark extract are the same.
Pycnogenol's source may be different. Not sure. Must look into it further. I've done Swanson's
and Now's and I'm not sure I've noticed a difference. And I'm doing Now's Pine Bark now. Jury's still out on this one. Hasn't hurt and I think it helps. I need to conduct some more experiements!  

Hope this helps. kj

Now Foods Pyconogenol

Now Foods Pine Bark Extract

Swanson’s Pycongenol

Difference between pycongenol and pine bark extract

uplandier 420 reads
13 / 13

If they are a pill and not a gelcap, get a pill splitter and take 2 half pills.

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