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Re: Happened to me too. It's the photo hosting site
nmlsbobby 8 Reviews 267 reads

Sometimes right clicking and opening a new window works.

This doesn't happen all that often, but today it was prevalent. When I open a thread and there is a picture attached, instead of the picture opening up, I get a little box with some kind of symbol in it. It's too small for me to tell what the symbol is. On the Photo Only thread, at least half the pictures did this.  Any suggestions?

... the little symbols look like a question mark.  What I think is happening is the photo hosting site is down or unreachable temporarily.  Or it could be some other problem related to retrieving the photo file, although those cases are usually explained with a message like "photo is no longer there" or "user has exceeded bandwidth" or "photo violates rules for hosting site."

Same problem. I thought maybe it was just my computer.


...is my guess. Sometimes refresh will help.

Sometimes right clicking and opening a new window works.

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