60 and Over

Re: For one, you're hot!...regular_smile
azvictoria See my TER Reviews 5206 reads

we have such a soft spot  for our animals.....I have seen grown men talk about losing a pet 10 yrs ago a their eyes still fill up with tears....having lost a pet in a accident I know the heartbreak  it took me over a yr to not cry just speaking  his name .....some are so affected they  vow never to get a pet again ....big  mistake....  the love of our animals keep us going they give us a reason to get up every day as MP67 said  the are our kids especially for those of us who never had children or married...adoption  is a wonderful thing the best gift you can give yourself as soon as I retire I'm getting another dog  that will be my gift to myself

It has been pr oven that certain people have a gene that predisposes them to cuteness such as puppies, baby Polar Bears, kittens. So I thought I would give us a dose of cuteness right here.
(now granted I am a little prejudice) But here is Nicky looking just about as cute as a button all dressed up and getting ready for Valentines Day
  I would love to see some of your cuteness. Care to share?

And I am dog gone proud to have such a handsome date. Now if I could just train him to bring me gifts.

Clrw_guy065148 reads

I'm afraid I wouldn't even notice that cute pup, I'd have eyes only for his mistress.....  Gotta admit her picture she posted got my day off to a very good start.

He was 5 1/2 pounds when I first brought him home and now 6 pounds soak and wet. He's 13 years old and still runs in circles. I must admit a pet can takeover your heart and make your life feel full of love unconditionally. I am a member of the SPCA and with that said please take the time to adopt a loving pet who may be in need of plenty of hugs and kisses. Your love ill be returned 10 fold.

Kisses Haley

Lemme see what I can do about sending a pic of my puppies.

Well, they're not puppies cuz they're 10 years old, but they're the closest thing I have to kids. That I know of... ;)

we have such a soft spot  for our animals.....I have seen grown men talk about losing a pet 10 yrs ago a their eyes still fill up with tears....having lost a pet in a accident I know the heartbreak  it took me over a yr to not cry just speaking  his name .....some are so affected they  vow never to get a pet again ....big  mistake....  the love of our animals keep us going they give us a reason to get up every day as MP67 said  the are our kids especially for those of us who never had children or married...adoption  is a wonderful thing the best gift you can give yourself as soon as I retire I'm getting another dog  that will be my gift to myself

I've had a pet cat for over 40 years, got my first one a week ather the original Woodstock when a neighbors 16 year old girl was thrown from a horse, hit her head on a rock and died three days later, she had a bunch of animals, and I took in one of her kittens who was a BIG part of my life for 18 years until her passing

You should have seen the look on one of their faces when we were leaving to go for a ride and left them at the house.

It was like:  "What do you mean you're not taking us with you?", kind of look.

Just about broke my heart to see that.

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