60 and Over

Re: Difference between ignorance and arrogance?
Roberto46 12 Reviews 2096 reads
1 / 17

I was just thinking about that expression.  I would qualify for that today based on the values I had when I was younger.  I'm not dirty.  I do enjoy sex with younger women, but that's largely because most women my age (68) are done with sex.  Does anyone know the origins of that expression?  I haven't heard it used in a long time, but maybe it's because my hearing is diminished.  Also, your thoughts about that expression.

inicky46 61 Reviews 715 reads
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But like you, I'm a "46" who loves younger women.  And thank god I'm young enough to still enjoy them.  I had some great fun with a 22-year-old, then took her to dinner at a high-end steak house with friends (another monger and his hooker date, who's also a buddy of mine) and was prepared for some old biddy to walk up and wag her finger at me, saying, "Shame on you!  She's young enough to be your daughter!"  My reply would have been, "Oh, no, madam! She is far too young to be my daughter!"
And that would have been true.
Life is good.

40Cops 515 reads
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mrfisher 108 Reviews 455 reads
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A much more noble term, and a rare case of women getting better treatment than men on the sexual playing field.

I think "dirty old man", is just an ageist throwback and used to deny us horny old guys our sexual fulfillment.  A pox on the people who first uttered it.

For a rousing and ironic take on the term however, The Fugs (~1965) recorded this anthem:

keridiamonds See my TER Reviews 370 reads
5 / 17

your the  best! I was dancing to the music..cause I did not knkow how to sut it off ..
BUT LOVE THE LYRICS!!!!  "dirty ol man"    lol...

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 578 reads
6 / 17

...to themselves as dirty old men during a date like a badge of honor lol. :)

harborview 10 Reviews 374 reads
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mconnection 58 Reviews 442 reads
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And do it the best! No matter how you cut it, they turn me into a dirty old man.

Posted By: keridiamonds
your the  best! I was dancing to the music..cause I did not knkow how to sut it off ..  
 BUT LOVE THE LYRICS!!!!  "dirty ol man"    lol...

scb19 10 Reviews 445 reads
9 / 17

Well like I always say....

One man's cougar, is another man's sugar baby.
Posted By: mconnection
And do it the best! No matter how you cut it, they turn me into a dirty old man.  
Posted By: keridiamonds
your the  best! I was dancing to the music..cause I did not knkow how to sut it off ..  
  BUT LOVE THE LYRICS!!!!  "dirty ol man"    lol...

emorf4077 64 Reviews 350 reads
10 / 17

I first remember it from Arte Johnson on Laugh In. But I suppose it was already a cliché that he was exploiting.

noagenosage 455 reads
11 / 17

Reminds me of the guy who asks his friend, "What's the difference between ignorance and arrogance?"
And his friend says, "I don't know and I don't care."

grumpyolguy 12 Reviews 375 reads
12 / 17

My SO constantly uses that term when referring to me. As far as I'm concerned I worked hard to get that title and I try my best to live up to it!

1705218 10 Reviews 454 reads
13 / 17

I intend to be a dirty old man until I'm a dead old man. 8o)

scb19 10 Reviews 419 reads
14 / 17

Posted By: noagenosage
Reminds me of the guy who asks his friend, "What's the difference between ignorance and arrogance?"  
 And his friend says, "I don't know and I don't care."  

I think that's the difference between ignorance and apathy

sweetman 93 Reviews 498 reads
15 / 17

I accomplished the dirty part many decades ago and now the old part is coming along nicely, thank you very much!

hgfgs 24 Reviews 490 reads
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An old man checking out teenage girls in the park, while he sits with a newspaper in his lap. I think you can get the picture.

More common is a good old fashion lech, hitting on young women. My daughter, 24, was laughing about a "Dirty Old Man" who tried to hit on her and a friend. "Ewe dad and he was even older then you." She will never know that was the day I left her out of the will

Stay_thirsty_my_friend 402 reads
17 / 17

My daughter was telling me about her friend that was dating an old guy......he was 29.  All her friends went eewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!

Stay Thirsty My Friend

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