60 and Over

Re: CPAP machine and ear plugs
josulli 15 Reviews 3508 reads
1 / 25

So, I am considering an overnight with a provider that I know very well.. She asked me if that's what I wanted....I told her that I wasn't sure I wanted to impose that on her.

My concern is that , like many of us  over 60, I snore like a banshee.. and I may wake up a few times a night .. go into the bathroom, pee and go back to bed.. I think I would be terribly self conscious about this.. but the idea of snuggling and falling asleep together after sex.. and waking up in the morning together and having sex is,frankly, immensely appealing... I don't want to embarrass myslf and can envision her cowering in the closet with her hands over her ears all night..

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 1282 reads
2 / 25

discussion of all your concerns with her ahead of time.  From your post, I assume you have seen her a number of times already, w/o the overnight.  If you are open with her about your concerns ahead of time, I'm sure she will be able to accommodate you with a minimum of discomfort on your part.  Remember, you are paying her to spend time with you.


josulli 15 Reviews 1082 reads
3 / 25
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1395 reads
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and her snoring may be what bothers you the most.

I've had many overnights, and nearly all of them snore, and snore loudly.

I've gotten inured to it, so I still do them, but don't let your snoring be the reason you don't indulge.

By the way, watch out for gals with the Jimmy legs, or restless leg syndrome.  That will make the snoring seem like ocean waves.

Then there was the gal who grinded her teeth, but I think you get the idea.

harborview 10 Reviews 1472 reads
5 / 25

Posted By: swimtrekr
discussion of all your concerns with her ahead of time.  From your post, I assume you have seen her a number of times already, w/o the overnight.  If you are open with her about your concerns ahead of time, I'm sure she will be able to accommodate you with a minimum of discomfort on your part.  Remember, you are paying her to spend time with you.    
If you know her pretty well, then it's time to be frank with her.  Guys who snore or need a CPAP  or need to get up in the night have done very successful over nights.  
Possible solutions?  A suite or a set up with another sleeping place.  After the last round of the evening, you might fall asleep together or not.  At some point, she or you would move to another place to sleep.  In the morning, you would get together in the bed...  with a decent amount of sleep.  You or she might want ear plugs or head-phones...  even in separate but adjoining spaces.  

edit:  To be clear, I'd not insist that she sleep (Zzzz) elsewhere but have a prior understanding / agreement that it is ok to do so as needed.  There are also options for sleeping in the same bed...  snuggled close to each other vs same bed but enough space that if one moves the other is less likely to be disturbed.  

I am up in the night because of a chronic condition.  I travel with an extra set of night lights...  the same low light glow pads I use at home...  so I can navigate & do anything I need to without turning on a bright light which makes it easier to get back to sleep.  Hint:  place the night lights so they shine on the floor, not into your eyes.  

-- Modified on 2/27/2014 12:31:37 PM

josulli 15 Reviews 1190 reads
6 / 25

The message I guess, is that none of us are perfect? I usually think of the women I see as perfect...... a revelation!

voyager-43 11 Reviews 1208 reads
7 / 25

I think you raise some concerns that all of us of this age have.  After all, we are getting into bed with younger women, MUCH younger in some cases.  We know our physical issues but we think that these younger women are not used to dealing with our snoring, bathroom or other problems. The advice so far here has been to have an honest discussion with the lady. Great advice.  I seriously doubt that she is going to decline the invitation after you have informed her what sleeping with you will be like. I think the suggestion of an alternative sleeping place is a good one. Just in case. I would also bring some ear plugs for her, again, just in case.  
Maybe you can suggest that if you wake her snoring, she should sit on your face and enjoy.  
I think we all would be interested to hear the outcome of the discussion and how well the overnight worked out

harborview 10 Reviews 995 reads
8 / 25

The fact that you have 'thought of everything' and are concerned for her comfort as well as your own should go over well.  
I can't think of anything worse than being 'trapped' in a room with someone who is sleeping but very loud so YOU could not sleep.  By morning the poor dear would be beside herself or exhausted.  Having the right space, the right equipment, and the right attitude makes any issue solvable.  Sleeping with TV on or a white noise recording is sometimes useful in these circumstances.  

I've been accused of snoring but I don't believe it...  SO, on the other hand, snores like a chain saw cutting firewood.  

If her sleep option is another bed, you are golden but a sofa/bed might not be equipped with pillows & blankets unless you plan for them.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 1845 reads
9 / 25

i have had overnights and love them..just do not over think the situation..you have to pee..so so does she..normal bodily functions are a given..just falling asleep next to naked and vibrant young women with the promise of morning head makes it all worth it..

Posted By: josulli
So, I am considering an overnight with a provider that I know very well.. She asked me if that's what I wanted....I told her that I wasn't sure I wanted to impose that on her.  
 My concern is that , like many of us  over 60, I snore like a banshee.. and I may wake up a few times a night .. go into the bathroom, pee and go back to bed.. I think I would be terribly self conscious about this.. but the idea of snuggling and falling asleep together after sex.. and waking up in the morning together and having sex is,frankly, immensely appealing... I don't want to embarrass myslf and can envision her cowering in the closet with her hands over her ears all night..

traveler_in_LA 1017 reads
10 / 25

Also, I don't find "the idea of snuggling and falling asleep together after sex.. and waking up in the morning together and having sex" that big a deal. Once a day is enough for me. :) The reason that I have done overnights is I like to have someone to travel with me on vacations. It's nice to share the meals, the sightseeing, and other daytime activities with someone you like. Although I think most providers may have learned to tolerate all our annoying idiosyncrasies, I do go over all my concerns that may affect our trip. A little preparation (such as earplug, sleep eye mask, 2 beds, 2 bedrooms suite, etc.) should take care most of them. I would only go with someone with an easy going personality because nothing is perfect. I think you should be able to have a great time without too much trouble.

GreekDeprived 1433 reads
11 / 25

A CPAP machine will take care of your snoring and might improve your health. The are machine thhat self adjust to you and less expensive machines that have to be programmed--guess which one an insurence co wants to help pay for?

If you are worried about getting up at night, sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door getting you into the bathroom.

Ear plugs, either the foam type in supermarkets and pharmacies or silicone ones which you must soften by heating them up with your body heat, do a good job of reducing sound. Pepole who just are not comfortable with both ear plugged while sleeping can plug one ear if they normally sleep with one ear in their pillow.

The most important though is that snoring just ain't good for one's body.

Posted By: josulli
So, I am considering an overnight with a provider that I know very well.. She asked me if that's what I wanted....I told her that I wasn't sure I wanted to impose that on her.  
 My concern is that , like many of us  over 60, I snore like a banshee.. and I may wake up a few times a night .. go into the bathroom, pee and go back to bed.. I think I would be terribly self conscious about this.. but the idea of snuggling and falling asleep together after sex.. and waking up in the morning together and having sex is,frankly, immensely appealing... I don't want to embarrass myslf and can envision her cowering in the closet with her hands over her ears all night..

josulli 15 Reviews 1049 reads
12 / 25

I know.. my brother has one of those things.. I'm not willing to go to one of those sleep labs to be told that I wake up a lot.. my Dad died, we suspect, of sleep apnea.. He stopped breathing and his brain didn't send a signal to wake him up.. he was 86.. not a bad way to go....

-- Modified on 3/1/2014 7:10:05 AM

vince59 15 Reviews 1037 reads
13 / 25

I have and continue to do overnights as often as possible. Have had many with a few of the same ladies. Most nights neither of us get much sleep. Too busy playing. Did an overnight last night and she had to leave at 630am. Well when we checked the time after having an all night session it was 555 am. So no sleeping last night. But I really enjoy the overnights. I highly doubt she will get pissed because you snore or need to go pee. As has already been said she may be snoring louder and we all have to go pee.

GreekDeprived 1048 reads
14 / 25

Posted By: josulli
I know.. my brother has one of those things.. I'm not willing to go to one of those sleep labs to be told that I wake up a lot.. my Dad died, we suspect, of sleep apnea.. He stopped breathing and his brain didn't send a signal to wake him up.. he was 86.. not a bad way to go....

-- Modified on 3/1/2014 7:10:05 AM
Talk with your primary care. All you need to buy whatever you like is a prescription for a CPAP machine.

My experience with the sleep lab was that they were set up to sell CPAP machines, rock hard bed to make you toss and turn, little insulation to block the sound of the techs, monitoring everyone, chatting with each other, easy to hear techs walking in the hallway.

the mythology, some mythology is true, is that stopping breathing while you sleep is detrimental to your health, that snoring disrupts your own sleep.

I got stuck with a company my insurance co picked out--they were set up to push as many replacement items as possible onto people.

I found a nice family run business in NJ on the net that I got excellent advice from and FAST service on any replacement parts I needed.


Oh. If you get testosterone replacement therapy, snoring is listed as a side effect.

SCBill 11 Reviews 1914 reads
15 / 25

I've used a CPAP for almost 20 years. On overnights I tell my partner in advance about it, why I need it, how it works, and without it the lady will be awake all night listening to me snore. It's never been an issue with the lady. To the contrary they are both curious and appreciative.  

You really should reconsider the sleep study. It will confirm that you have sleep apnea, or some other obstruction. Sure it will confirm what you already know your sleep sucks, but also the pressure setting for the CPAP for your specific condition. Every case is different.

That machine changed my life. Without realizing it I was horribly sleep deprived, I never got to the REM sleep stage where your body really recharges. I was falling asleep at work, in the car while driving, and feel into a serious case of clinical depression. In addition my risk of heart attack was significantly higher. And my ability to perform sexually was seriously affected. I didn't realize any of those issues existed until I went on the machine. I thought my lousy sleep was "normal".  

Self suffocation might not be a bad way to go, but consider all the young women you will not have the opportunity to bed and how better you'll feel. You owe it to yourself and your family to reconsider.

josulli 15 Reviews 1134 reads
16 / 25

Sounds like maybe an overnight might be a bad idea the night before a big meeting

Clrw_guy06 1128 reads
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Well, I've found women can snore pretty loud, not just a guy thing.  I have a different problem, I can't fall asleep with someone I am not used to sleeping with.  Takes a while to get used to a new SO, and I can relax and enjoy a good nights sleep.

harborview 10 Reviews 1101 reads
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last was with Civie GFs.  After a romp, I sleep very well indeed.

I did a sleep study...  no way I was going to sleep.  Too uncomfortable.  I fell asleep on the ride home, LOL!!  My GP sent me home with a little finger O2 sensor...  my O2 was fine so not sleep apnea.   Way cheaper than the stupid sleep study!  

I take LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) for another reason but also alters sleep patterns & it's cheap.  Compounded & not covered by insurance.  Oh, yes, no narcotic medications on it!   Never dreamed as much...  wake up with a good hard on from the sexy dreams...

traveler_in_LA 916 reads
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AdelleAnderson See my TER Reviews 1121 reads
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you don't have to worry about anything at all. Some providers like overnights and some don't. Some would do an overnight with people they know well, like this lady with you - some would do overnights with anyone.

I think that sometimes we build a 'fantasy' of what to expect; how the night will go and if it will be wonderful. Just relax and have a good time with your date. Don't worry about all those human things like snoring, coughing, peeing, scratching and farting. Everyone does all of them sometime. LOL. It is what it is....

Jump in and have a nice time.

Sensual Missy See my TER Reviews 1147 reads
21 / 25

I do agreed with Adelle, we are all humans, but I can also understand the embarrassments as well.  Just be frank with her and see what she says first.  There are several options you can do in order to feel comfortable, the 1st option is get a two-bedroom suite or 2nd option, have her wear ear plugs.  With me, most of you know that I am partially deaf, I take my hearing aids off and I don't hear anything, which I can sleep through it, lol.   I am sure you men know that some women snore too.  Just enjoy the night away hon.


voyager-43 11 Reviews 1068 reads
22 / 25

my experience with a sleep lab was horrible, and this was a world famous medical facility, not a storefront to sell cpaps. All the issues you mentioned plus they were having short circuits in the fire alarm system. Techs came in at 3:00am WOKE me up and slapped a cpap on my head that they had never pre-fitted.  Awful.  
Oh and on side effects of testosterone replacement therapy... what isn't listed as a side effect?

harborview 10 Reviews 1045 reads
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and the possible solutions.  She will appreciate your thoughtfulness.  Let her responses guide your preparations.  You'll both be able to have fun because you are prepared for any situation that might arise.  
It wasn't an overnight but I explained my medical condition to my lovely lady of the evening...  she simply said "It won't be a problem"...  and it never has been.

hbyist+truth=;( 998 reads
25 / 25

Will make her pretty tense the next day. Paying or not, people still need sleep. Might I suggest separate rooms so she can then, after a great nights sleep, come in and wake you the best way she knows how, after you have brushed your teeth,

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