60 and Over

Tri Mix injections for years, do they desentisize??
RomanticWarrior 5069 reads

Unfortunately have had ED for years, and successfully used Tri Mix injections. Now harder and harder to reach climax....in early years it was too easy, now can barely get there - in fact, sometimes I cant get there at all.  

Recently went to urologist and he suggested an implant, mentioned that injections over the long term can desensitize. Am always wary about medical procedures, docs have to stay busy and order treatment sometimes. But am beginning to think he is right.  

Anyone else have this experience? Also, anyone know a Boston area urologist who does a lot of penile implants?

For about 5 years and use it once a week for hobbying. Only take about 10 units per injection and no problem reaching a climax in about 20 minutes.  How much are you using per injection and Have you considered changing your formulation?

RomanticWarrior352 reads

I've been on it for 15 years and have to use more, 25 - 35 units. I will call MD and see what he says, thanks for the tip.  
Anyone with ED out there, try Tri Mix. Injecting penis not that big a deal. Doc will show u in the office 1st time, you'll be amazed at result. Much much better than viagra, no side effects.

You can learn the injection from watching Youtube.  Yes, its on Youtube!!!

I've been on Trimix for 4 years.  I sometimes have trouble reaching climax by PIV penetration, but a BJ or HJ takes care of that.   I haven't noticed any change or desensitization over the 4 years.  This medicine has quite literally changed my life.  Prior to that was using Cialis but eventually I could only stay erect about 10 minutes.  With Trimix I can stay erect for 2+hours, much more than enough to finish the job.  And I have had zero side effects or performance decline  during this time period.  The inject with an insulin syringe (tiny 31 guage needle) is completely painless, just be sure not to inject directly into a vein (visible to those without serious vision problems).

The only thing that’s kept me from trying the injection was someone telling me it had to be refrigerated. I have no idea how to hide it from my wife in that case. Does it need refrigeration?

Yes , it needs to be refrigerated.

Alternatives Caverject and Edex do not require refrigeration.  They are more expensive, however.

who "do a lot of penile implants."  Its usually only one per person.  

is an advocate of implants.  I'm just not ready.  

Just came across this and have never heard of these treatments. No that old yet, next year I'll be 50. I have psychological ED. Meaning sometimes I with a woman and we're passionate and I'm hard (always with viagra, long story) and with them I'm like a porn star, seriously. Other women first time I never get hard even with viagra. And sometimes with women I just can get it up with them, not sure why. I have no problem physically it's all mental with me.

Here's the problem all that above is with vanilla women and dating and sugaring; when I still did it, I just stopped. Well if I'm paying for a provider and can't get it up the first time or maybe subsequent times then it's not worth it to me.

So advice from those above who know about the medication you're talking about, will it get you up no matter what?

How much does Tri-Mix cost?

I have gotten a prescription for Bi-Mix. My urologist said to start with Bi-Mix and go to Tri-Mix if that stops working. Beyond that, you can go up to Quad-Mix. Starting with a low dose of Bi-Mix, around .5m. The cost is $120 for 5 vials of 1m each. So 5 doses if using the whole vial or 10 doses if only .5 is needed.

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