60 and Over

Prostate cancer surgery
Happy_Ed 53 Reviews 238 reads

I had prostate cancer surgery some 20 years ago, by a very skilled doc who saved the nerves.  Things are good.

Yes, there is no semen.  But my girlfriend said she never liked the taste, and did not have to clean up after.  Now that was a real boost.

I am 75 now, and have age going against me, but in the last several years have had good relief from providers.  I use a single sudentifil about an hour or two before the session, which works well.  I am only good for one pop, so take it slow and easy to get there.  Interesting none of the gals ever remarked on the lack of semen in the bag.  Sometimes it was a question "are you ok" .  

Only have a session every week or so.  However COVID has shut down any activity for the last year.  Just got my vacination, so hoping to get back in the game in a few weeks.

Ladies - I was diagnosed with prostate cancer back in late July.  Fortunately, the cancer is contained in one area of the prostate and hasn't spread anywhere else.  I'm having surgery to remove the prostate (and the cancer) on October 19th.  The doc says he can preserve the nerves which means I can still rise to the occasion.  But, without the prostate, I can still orgasm but they will be "dry heaves".  I want to have one last fling in the worst way.  If any of DC's stunning ladies are willing to be part of my life history on Thursday or Friday this week, I would be grateful beyond belief.  Thanks more than you know...

A good friend had his removed in January..now in October.. he is still scheduling follow up surgeries. No way around it.. but life changing. Scar tissue formation & removal.. stuff like that..

If you are having the “robotic “ surgery you should do well. I had my prostate removed this way using electronic controlled instruments and 10x magnification which enable my surgeon to preserve the nerves in the area.
  I told the story as it unfolded on this board 9/15 through 11/15.  I had the surgery in November and was back in the game by January .
  I found a great lady who was happy to accept my last ejaculation deep in her vagina. She is still active but in California, not DC . Hope you find a willing lady in your area or have time to fly out here.
   Be sure your doctor prescribes a small daily dose of cialis or other ED med for the first month after. I found orgasms to be a different experience without a prostate.. Cum is still a verb but no longer a noun..
 Thanks to modern Medicine I am enjoying the erotic life at 71- cancer is gone
Best wishes for your speedy recovery.

You will be fine.  i thought I would miss unloading and leaving my mark, but not really.
With the modern meds you will get it up after a month or so.  Most Importantly, the  
cure rate is in the high 90% range.  Good Luck

Folks -- Thanks BEYOND BELIEF for your advice, encouragement and your experiences.  I did have the robotic surgery a couple of weeks ago.  It went extremely well.  The doc got all the cancer because it was contained within the prostate as verified by the pathology report.  WHEW!  I'm now in the midst of having to "potty train" myself again.  That's going well.  As someone mentioned below, the doc did prescribe the low-dose Cialis.  He appealed to my insurance company and they agreed to treat it as a regular generic med.  So, it's costing me $10/month for the next three years.  I've been using the "visual stimulation" therapy (i.e.: watching porn) to assess how the nerves are reacting.  I can feel something trying to happen down there, but nothing approaching an erection as of yet.  I never did have a last fling and am looking forward to being able to once again engage in consenting adult activities.

kennred57277 reads

All went well and getting better!

I had prostate cancer surgery some 20 years ago, by a very skilled doc who saved the nerves.  Things are good.

Yes, there is no semen.  But my girlfriend said she never liked the taste, and did not have to clean up after.  Now that was a real boost.

I am 75 now, and have age going against me, but in the last several years have had good relief from providers.  I use a single sudentifil about an hour or two before the session, which works well.  I am only good for one pop, so take it slow and easy to get there.  Interesting none of the gals ever remarked on the lack of semen in the bag.  Sometimes it was a question "are you ok" .  

Only have a session every week or so.  However COVID has shut down any activity for the last year.  Just got my vacination, so hoping to get back in the game in a few weeks.

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