60 and Over

other ways to help
voyager13 130 Reviews 2253 reads
1 / 9

First of all, I'm posting here because I'm well past 60, and also because I know I'd get flamed as a "White Knight" on the general board by those who don't seem to enjoy any connection with the ladies, let alone even like & respect them.

Second, I'm not one to blindly trust all or most providers - I would never send a deposit to someone I didn't know well. I do however have an ATF that I've known for years - well enough to know her real name & life and know that she is a real sweetheart with a big heart who has done a lot for others over the years. She's also very squared away and has a susccecful non-hobby profession. Unfortunately, that other job has been hit as hard by the COVID-19 crisis as her hobby work.  

In a different situation I could help her out a little by getting together more often or for longer visits, but not with the current health risks. Instead, I went ahead and pre-paid for some future visits. It's not charity; I know I'll be able to collect down the road when life hopefully returns to some kind of normal. I'm just investing in some future fun and helping her a little in the moment. Maybe an idea for others who are in a similar situation.

Steve_Trevor 177 reads
2 / 9

It’s helping someone impacted by the CV crisis.  A lot of people are stepping up to do that in various ways. It’s the one positive thing from this mess.  

I did something similar for my ATF in December.  Like in your case, I’ve known her for years.  I trust her completely.  And like your ATF she has a big heart and has helped many others.  She needed extra cash for a short time to achieve a life-long dream.  So I prepaid a couple of sessions.  No biggie. Some of her other regulars helped her out also, and she realized her dream for herself and her kids.  

I’ve let her and a few other trustworthy providers I’ve known for years know that I’m glad to pay in advance if they need help in the coming weeks.  Like your ATF they have other jobs that are impacted by CV.  They said they’re ok for now.  

Those of us who aren’t impacted financially by this crisis also need to remember all the other people in need right now. Those checks won’t be arriving from the IRS for awhile.  Food shelves, for example, are having a tough time—fewer donations and more demand.  

Kaylie See my TER Reviews 182 reads
3 / 9

Thanks guys!  You might also ask her how you may help.  You can buy her points or credits at P411 (or site of her choice) for her to use for future advertising (not all advertising is free)  all online.  Just my opinion but choose one regular who is local, very low volume, and sitting home alone, not touring...

IMAWINNER 51 Reviews 172 reads
4 / 9

It’s the same as supporting local businesses and the people you care about who work there.  I offered to pay for prebooking to three ladies I see often if they needed it.  So far they haven’t but in a time of crisis it’s important to help if you can.

voyager13 130 Reviews 98 reads
5 / 9

Thanks Melissa. I hope you’re weathering the storm ok yourself! Take care.

SMILEY 30 Reviews 193 reads
6 / 9

And it felt wonderful to do.. I was going to start a thread encouraging others to do the same and was so happy to see the idea is already out there.  
   Everyone is going to suffer due to the Covid- 19 shut down and the government is helping most workers through extended unemployment  but almost all these ladies are independent and would not qualify.  Business is down to zero for many of them and they have families to support. No one knows when it will be safe to hobby again and some could lose  everything.
    I am not a wealthy man but over the years I have had enough to enjoy the company of many providers helping me get through hard times. I figured I could afford to give what I would have spent On one session . If every hobbiest  did the same it would help our whole community. I suppose someone could organize a “Go fund me/fuck me” charity but there would be too many thorny issues of collection and distribution so one to one giving is probably best.  
      Remember: Good sex will get you through times of NO MONEY better than money will get you through times of  NO SEX

Black-Panther 173 reads
7 / 9

I hope 60 stays a safe haven. the P and R folks spilled over to the General Discussion board and shat upon it, and it still reeks.

I would do the same for a couple of women I know. But the truth is, they wouldn't ask in the first place. Catch-22 in some respects. That being said, I would help out a couple because the feeling is mutual.

TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 197 reads
8 / 9

Prepaid dates are great incentive for both parties. :)

danielledupree See my TER Reviews 181 reads
9 / 9

I have a client that I share a similar situation with . He know my real name and my life situations with and he absolutely called me up a week ago at midnight and offered to help me out the same way. When I tell you guys like you are rare and sooooo wonderfully genuinely appreciated.  I love a older man BTW.  Stay safe

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