60 and Over

One fan and one detractor, I'll take that ratio any day. lol
GaGambler 348 reads

but Stu has not only lost his mojo, he appears to have lost his sense of humor as well (as if he ever had one)  I guess someone got his last post pulled so he sent me a nasty PM just to make sure I got to read it. I think somebody needs a hug, or a bitch slap, and I suppose considering he is a guy, or at least he's not a woman, I guess I am not going to be giving out any hugs. lol

As for "tomorrow" you are absolutely correct. I now how fast the last ten years flew by, It seems like it was just yesterday that I was banging four or five different chicas a day, and know I can't even imagine doing that much fucking. Well OK, i can still imagine it, I just can't actually do it anymore. lol

-- Modified on 1/19/2018 3:06:28 PM

GaGambler3714 reads

So far, so good. Everything still works, but I have definitely noticed a big difference in my libido over the last ten years or so. Ten years ago running down to Latin America and fucking a dozen or more different chicas over the course of a long weekend was commonplace, something I did about once a month or more. Today, I have ZERO desire to do that much fucking, much less trying to do so while staying drunk the entire weekend.

I know we all age at our own pace, and that of course includes our libido and any ED problems. Right now I have zero need for ED medicine, but I have no delusions that somehow I am going to beat father time.  Here is my current state of affairs, I still don't need help to have sex every day, and I sometimes will go twice in a day, and on very rare occasions I can finish three times in a single day, but that's about my limit. I don't need ED meds for normal sex, but I will occasionally "cheat" and take about a third of a Cialis if I plan on seeing more than one woman in the same day as it helps me with my recovery time.

Here is my question for the class, when did you find ED meds were no longer just to "help" your normal libido and became necessary for having sex? Secondly, did your need for boner pills just occur as a part of aging, or was it at least partly due to other factors such as prostate problems or a side effect of prescription meds?

but I know that the day is not far off either.   I can get hard, but it's not quite the same as even last year, and last year was not even as hard as the year before that even.

As for repeat performances, I need about 4 hours now to recharge the phasers.   Even last year, I could get off twice in a two hour session, but no more.   There is one gal who has gone way over the call of duty to make it happen for me, but she had to toss in the towel on her last try.

Volume is also down somewhat, despite all kinds of things that are supposed to boost it like eating walnuts and acai berries.

When the day comes, I hope I don't get those side effects like headaches, etc.  I hope I can still ejaculate as well.

As for the prostate, the doc says it still feels normal size, and my PSA is relatively low, and in fact came down a couple of tenths of a point even.  My weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. are right where the doc wants them.

No need of any pills or any other “help” for adventuring. No idea if it is because of genes, good habits (little alcohol, lots exercise) or both.

Counting my blessings...

Senator.Blutarsky322 reads

...and like you have experienced a decline over the last few years. Now, instead of wanting it every day, it's more like every three or four days. Although, I still go on binges when I travel seeing a different girl every night. Once last year, I saw two on the day I arrived, one in the afternoon, another in the evening, and a third the next night. I needed close to a week to recover from that one. Still don't need help, and I still have a pretty good recovery time, but the second and third of a two hour session are usually dry.  

...but have noticed changes in the last 3-4 years. Doc tells me it's most likely minor side effects from meds and I'm still able to maintain an erection for quite some time. But I need more time in between sessions (days instead of hours) and I'm finding it more difficult to finish with most "normal" penetrative activities.

Best finisher so far is a good combo of 3Bj with alternating manual play.  

Very healthy outlook to every part of my life -- nutrition, exercise, lots of H2O, rational OTC supplements, high protein/low carb diet and see my doc at least twice a year for maintenance visits with testing.

Yeah, things aren't quite what they were even 5 years ago but things are still good. Just gives me more incentive to use it while I've got it!

...having issues with keeping an erection at about 55. After losing my erection and being unable to continue intercourse a couple of times with civies I asked my doctor about ED meds and explained I could get hard but not hard enough for penetration or shortly after penetration I would lose my erection. I have Peyronie's disease (bent dick). I asked if it could interfere with an erection. Not usually was the answer.  

He gave me Cialis samples. I switched to Viagra after a few tries with Cialis. Cialis in my experience was unreliable and side effects were severe. Viagra works. I've switched to generic sildenafil now. I don't need it for an erection, I need it to sustain an erection. The only time I take it is when I know I'll be having intercourse. Bbbj or hand jobs I'm fine without it.

I am healthy, eat well, and get exercise. I don't have any of the health problems many people my age deal with. High blood pressure, no. High cholesterol, no. Diabetes, no. Heart trouble, no. Nurses are often surprised when they take my blood pressure because they expect it to be high. Low heart rate, etc.  I would say health doesn't appear to be a reason for my ED. I do know the more passionate and into it the lady is the less trouble I have getting and keeping an erection.

I am a one and done in an hour. I'll get an erection but can't orgasm again for several hours. I have visited a strip club and gotten a bbbjcim in a VIP room two or three hours after a session with a provider.

Been an official member of this board for 5 years. I’m in good shape, good health, running my  business which can be very busy at times. I’m guessing those are some reasons why I don’t take any drugs.  However, I have slowed down and two pops hasn’t occurred in awhile, and can’t remember the last “balls to the walls” session.  

Once  in awhile I do misfire. I’ve just learned to deal with it. If the misfires become more regular than I’ll talk to my MD and consider a course of action.

I noticed a decline in my early 50's. My doctor first gave me Viagra which worked like a charm but gave me tremendous headaches so I switched to Cialis that worked fine for years then not so much. Switched back to Viagra but the headaches were still there and no boners. Then tried daily Cialis that only worked for a couple months.  
  My doctor has suggested injections and from what I hear that works quite well. I have a problem sticking a needle in my dick though as one of the three things I hate. I can't touch my eyes so contact lenses have never been an option and don't touch my feet.  
 I will still take a Cialis before sex. It only gets me semi hard. Fulls service is pretty much a thing of the past but I still love getting head. I have no problem ejaculating and can still usually go twice in an hour but I sure miss fucking like I did a decade ago!!!!!!

How refreshing to know that you'll be putting up even more posts on this board as you do on every other discussion board in TER to hear yourself talk! Don't wait till you turn 60, GaG! Post away!

GaGambler341 reads

Except for the Newbie board and possibly The Erotic Highway I can't think of another board where you could post a serious question and get seven serious answers before some moron tries to hijack the thread.

Yes, I may indeed start spending more time on this board, just to irritate the likes of you. lol

BTW Stu, I've read a few of your posts, and I seriously doubt you have any mojo.  If you had any mojo you would care how much I post.

So, if you choose to be an interloper you should at least be respectful of your elders.

Welcome Ga.  

You are one of the few that I  look for in any or all the discussion boards.
Your insight, humor, sarcasm, and experience tops all of us.
As far as this group, Fleetwood Mac said (sang) it best:

Don't stop thinking about tomorrow,
Don't stop, it'll soon be here,
It'll be here better than before.
Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone

All I want is to see you smile
If it takes just a little while." longer

GaGambler349 reads

but Stu has not only lost his mojo, he appears to have lost his sense of humor as well (as if he ever had one)  I guess someone got his last post pulled so he sent me a nasty PM just to make sure I got to read it. I think somebody needs a hug, or a bitch slap, and I suppose considering he is a guy, or at least he's not a woman, I guess I am not going to be giving out any hugs. lol

As for "tomorrow" you are absolutely correct. I now how fast the last ten years flew by, It seems like it was just yesterday that I was banging four or five different chicas a day, and know I can't even imagine doing that much fucking. Well OK, i can still imagine it, I just can't actually do it anymore. lol

-- Modified on 1/19/2018 3:06:28 PM

Why in the world would anyone EXCEPT YOU want to have it pulled? Let's see how fast you can get it pulled this time. The reason admin gave for pulling it, BTW, was that it's off topic from the original post. Really? And the rest of the posts that remain are all on topic? As I explained in my email to you, you obviously had it pulled because it clearly outs you for the tool you truly are. Let's see how fast you can get it pulled this time, here it is:

 Oh come on, Gag, fess up. We know you read more than just "a few" of my posts. You went and read all of them to gather as much armor as you could for your most effective retort. You're that petty. And I couldn't help laughing with what you came up with, dude. On rare occasions you do sound somewhat intelligent but this reply to me? Straight outta 3rd grade, man.

You go ahead and keep posting though. I really don't mind.

GaGambler357 reads

Are you seriously that fucking stupid? Even if I did read every one of your posts, that's all you have is a few. Let me repeat my earlier question. "Are you seriously that fucking stupid?"

You do realize I purposely gave you a segue to repost the post that got pulled, don't you?  

and I am so happy that I have your permission to keep posting. BTW who the fuck are you anyhow? I see you've been here all of about 45 minutes. I guess you are already an expert about all things TER.

LOL!!! Calm down, GaG, I'll leave you alone now and won't reply to anymore of your posts.  Thanks for showing your true colors though, It's been fun!

Looks like 4 now with the "likes" you got. Yes, I was one of them and am not counting myself twice. LOL

I have a lot of health issues. Not going to get in specifics on the public board. The usual problems that accompany being overweight. The blue pill not really working as much as a year ago. The first time I took it I could have tipped it with a point and killed somebody it was so hard.  I don't think I could slap a feather and do any damage on the V.  

Switched to Levitra and it works really well. You can guess what I have going on because of the switch.

Getting old isn't for sissies.

Also, if you're not getting hard enough for penetration, try the female condom. It slips right in and easily.  Short term solution, but workable as you decline.

I was truly interested & then it became something else unbelievable.  Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree.

I am not old enough to be on this board, but maturity does not always come with older age.  

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread.  I greatly appreciate honesty & it helps to understand everyone's situation is very different.

GaGambler323 reads

Oh well, I suppose that's the risk you run when you post as much as I do.

I am not really bitching about having stalkers, I just wish I they were a bit brighter and less boorish. Come on guys, if you are going to insult me at least be creative with your insults

Tippecanoe368 reads

You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny.

ED meds merely fascilitate an erection.  They do not increase your desire for sex (libido); hormones do that.  As your T levels decline your sex drive diminishes. This can make getting and maintaining an erection more difficult even when you feel sexual desire.  ED meds increase genital blood flow by vasodilation typically.  This is why the manufacturers warn against taking them with blood pressure medicine; vasodilation lowers blood pressure absent a corresponding increase in heart rate.  I cannot take ED meds because the side effects make me feel light headed, I see halos around objects etc. due to the blood pressure drop.  If you can have 2 or 3 satisfactory sexual experiences in a day you have nothing to worry about.    

My advice to y`all is Do not, repeat, do not take BP meds on race day if you`re using Viagra etc. Check with your Dr to be sure but I got that advice from my cardiovascular surgeon. He said also don`t drink until after play when the V meds have worn off as booze also lowers BP.   (Jog around the hotel to get your heart rate back up again, lol)  
Seriously, I`m 72 and know all too well the side effects of Viagra, Just like Rickshaw said, light headed, messed up vision driving home etc.
I also skip my Lipitor and Flomax on race days. You can miss one day not taking this stuff and be fine. When I skip them I  experience only very slight side effects and perform well then eat and drink plenty after session, works for me.
Always  ask your Dr.  

I just turned 70 last month.
I'm pretty active and eat and stay healthy.  
Love Irish whiskey, martinis and good food.  
Couldn't fuck three times a day but happy with twice.
ED meds aren't necessary but I take them once in a while for a confidence booster.
Sounds like you take care of yourself and if a third of a Cialis helps in any way you'll be fine for a very long time.  
Just my two cents but when I was your age ( and younger) I played as much as you do.

I had serious heart failure problems for a couple of years in my early 50's....libido was almost Zero and I can only remember having a hard on twice and getting laid once during the 2 years before receiving a heart transplant.        ( I got lucky 😋 )
After the heart transplant my dick came back to life and my libido was as strong as ever for about a decade.
Coincidently right after my transplant I contracted Pironnis disease ( crooked dick )...fortunately BIG doses of Vitamin E  ( 1200 mg daily ) cured the problem in about 2 months.
In my early 60's maintaining as strong an erection as before became somewhat problematic so I consulted with a couple different urologists. At first ED  meds ( Viagra  ;) did the trick for me but the resulting headaches prompted me to try Cialis and Levitra. Also one Doc had me try the injections and despite my trepidation about sticking a needLe into my dick I did it a coule of times...got a strong erection but it had the side effect of causing my prostate to hurt so Doc recommended stopping injections.
Cialis did not work for me but Levitra did the trick well for several yrs before their effect stated to wane a bit.
About 5 or 6 yrs ago I began experimenting with various cock rings to maintain a stonger erection during penetration in particular. Ultimately I found that the wider and very snug ones work best for me and have been using one in addition to taking Levitra before dates ever since.....with the cock ring my dick bulks up and bulges and I can last a loooong time but now fucking with other than Natural Skin condom is not very pleasurable and cumming in a tight latex condom is problematic....even female condoms have their limitations as far as my pleasure is concerned....without a condom my orgasms are as intense as ever.
Bottom line....unless your overall health declines precipitously and your libido goes south also, there's lots of alternatives at your disposal to utilize and continue hobbling for a long time 😋

I am 69 and have noticed  a decline on libido and performance the last 5 years. I gave been using Viagra but doesn't seem as effective lately, plus it is expensive .  I tried just the active ingredient lately but didn't do the trick at the dosage I tried. I will be trying a higher dose and see what happens. The want to is still there, but the performance has dropped.
I can get it hard enough to masturbate  so all is not lost.

Thanks for sharing your honest post. At 72 I have a similar scenario as you but I`ve done a lot of homework, experimented and made changes that really helped. IMO you should change over to Sildenafil  which is exactly same as Viagra only ridiculously cheaper. I`m up to 100 mg per session which works fine but might even tweak up to 120 mg next time but never will go higher than that
See my post 3 up from yours for more of my spin on this subject, YMMV
One other thing, DO NOT masturbate for at least one week before your date as it seriously impairs performance and results. Again YMMV. Do your homework on male enhancing supplements as there are some good ones out there Tongkit Ali for one. Hydrate before sessions but the biggest game changer for me has been female condoms! I`ll never go back to male condoms. Amazon has them.
 I`m seriously researching  Clomid on You Tube and Google and so far I can find no negatives. Going to Urologist soon to request prescription. This natural Testosterone booster might be the game changer  us Oldges are looking for.
We have reached the age where we can`t just take things for granted. Now we have to experiment, then stick with a menu, meds  and a routine that works.  
This 60 and Over board has helped me tons.
Good luck.

Posted By: bruceruns69
Re: Libido and performance  
I am 69 and have noticed  a decline on libido and performance the last 5 years. I gave been using Viagra but doesn't seem as effective lately, plus it is expensive .  I tried just the active ingredient lately but didn't do the trick at the dosage I tried. I will be trying a higher dose and see what happens. The want to is still there, but the performance has dropped.  
 I can get it hard enough to masturbate  so all is not lost.

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