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Question about your handle (screen name) on TERteeth_smile
Roadshow2 30 Reviews 5389 reads

How the heck did you come up with it?  Or what does it mean to you. Some are just simple and others are vague and make me wonder.  

Mine is from my motorcycle group.  They call me Roadie because I dont ride a Harley, instead I ride a Roadstar.  And I usually lead the mountain rides cause I know most every twisty up there from Cherokee to Roanoke.  They chuckle cause I have a habit of saying 'Lets get this show on the Road'  rather than others who say 'mount up'  So for some strange reason I just combined it to be able to remember my handle here.  The 2 was added cause some body else took Roadshow   The turkey!

OK your turn.

Sphinx - A mythical creature of great power.  No one knows the whole story of his creation.

nc - had to be added.  Obviously (at least to me)  North Carolina

9676 = On a telephone dial = ZOSO

location was on my mind and used my name with it. Because this is a national board my thinking of like minded people in my location could pick me out in a crowd even though I am 5'10" tall and over 6' in heels.

Kisses Haley

I have been involved in competitive swimming all my life, and also a big fan of Star Trek.  So I just combined them and added the r to make it a noun.  Homage to my English teachers....LOL


I used my middle name and age at time of joining. I wanted to use Gspotter. Thats the handle I use on other boards but it was already used here so had to choose something else.

I had another handle when I first joined TER. I requested to change it before I wrote my first review as there were people that knew the other handle. I was using it on another hobby related board and I didn't want them to make a connection. I sent my request to admin. They came back with instructions to submit 3 handles I would like to use. They picked xyz23 from what I submitted and replied that it would now be my handle. I chose it and the other two (they were similar) because of a particular letter that I found appealing due to it's strong and simple sound.

Life cereal ads (Give it to Mikey, he'll eat anything), and I'm from Virginia.

The name , Angela , because I am Italian, the word Petite because I am the most petite
person in the industry s far , and 2 because I am a size 2 .

My name actually came from a SD I had that I ask him to help me come up with a name. He said he always loved the name terrilynn so thats how I came to be terrilynn and TL obviously is just short for Terri Lynn
It could also stand for tender loving, too little or tit lover LOL!
Hugs and kisses

I was the biggest lil tomboy growing up and still am at heart! I guess you can say I am the true, new and improved version of Tonkas though......I am durable, unbreakable and has no OFF switch!!! wink!! LOL!!


I remember my amazement in myself that I was really taking the plunge, thus"wow" - am I really doing this! Then the frequently read admonition, particularly on the newbie board, to be careful and a thought to Shakespear's "beware the ides of March = mar 15). Today I would probably pick something more descriptive of me. LOL. But be that as it may, I am "wow0315" and my experience ( but not necessarliy my performance LOL) in this world has truly been wow!

-- Modified on 2/3/2012 7:12:22 PM

Name plus year I was born

I regret that I have but 1Woody to give to this hobby.........

My ATF and I are big fans of the old movie "Blazing Saddles".  In one scene, Lili von Schtupp (Madeline Kahn) offers the Sheriff (Cleavon Little) a gigantic German sausage she calls a "schnitzengruben" after a night of sex (if you haven't seen the movie, you won't get the humor).  Well, I am the total opposite of a schnitzengruben in size, so we facetiously call my unit "schnitzengruben" or "da schnitz" for short.  It just seemed logical to use it for my screen name too...

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