60 and Over

My 3 cents worth (adjusting for inflation)
trex44 9 Reviews 475 reads

As a 64 year old dinosaur (thus the handle) who still enjoys playing, I focus on providers who are generally 35+. However, I keep an open mind and a penis who can be convinced.

As an example, I attended a local board-hosted M&G last February and met a number of lovely providers. Some I clicked with, some not so much -- but one young lady caught my attention and we spent the better part of two hours talking, touching and a bit of foreplay. I wouldn't have sought out her company from an ad, as she was 26 at the time and I was 63 ; but the chemistry was there in person and we had 3 sessions during the first part of 2017 (the first session two days after the M&G).

So while my "35+" rule is more of a suggestion, I'm always open to possibilities. I have nothing against young providers but my general comfort level is with someone 35-45 -- most of the time. ;)

I recently had someone relate to me that I was too young, too wild to see, this after saying he's admire me from afar & read my reviews... He identified himself to be in the "older category"... I as a provider prefer older gents to see then younger in this hobby world.  

As an older gent do you prefer to see "mature providers"?  I mean I'm very mature for my age, mentally & intellectually I can converse about any topic out there. Some of my fav "friends" I see are 60 plus...  

I had a mature provider I've done doubles with tell me to up my age when advertising.. What changes do I need to make to allure more mature clientele friends to visit & feel comfortable with my services...  

Any feedback would be very appreciated!!  

Happy holidays & new year !!!

I'm 65, but I enjoy seeing younger gals who are a bit wild at times.   It makes me feel young again.

I also see older more sedate providers as well.   I find that a mix of personalities is good, and prevents me from getting into a rut.

Always be yourself.  Who else would you be?

I'm in my early 60's and I do prefer the person I see to be in her 30's or older. I'm not into the early, mid 20's...been there.
I saw your ads and they read ok and your pictures are nice, some are very classy, good job.
So maybe you might want to state your "very" close age or is 29 a close age?
Now why that gent would relate that, " I was too young, too wild to see" probably has to do with him getting cold feet and being intimated by your reviews or the amount you have for being only 29.
Yes he read your reviews but that was the voyeur in him, when it came time to pull the trigger, he probably suffered a
pre-performance anxiety attack...If there's such a thing, if not I just made up a medical term...lol
Hope this helps...Doc Happy

I generally prefer mature providers as a preference but there is nothing about you, based on your ads, website and reviews that I view as a turnover to older gents.  Except for the fact that I never pay deposits, I would see you if you were in my area.  You seem fine to me

and up; old enough to have some experience but not close to my age. You fit that criteria.

I have looked at both your P411 ad and your website. There are different ages listed on each. Also, according to your website you require a deposit for all sessions which is a deal breaker for me.  

Finally, you list an hourly rate at less than $500 yet your touring rate for a minimum 90 minute appointment is over $1000. What kind of rationale prompted this?  

Good luck.  

-- Modified on 12/29/2017 10:03:23 PM

souls_harbor510 reads

As a Minnesotan I've several times considered booking with you when you visit Minneapolis, but as keystonekid points out, your rules and rates are confusing.  Of course I may be exactly the kind of client you want to discourage.  So maybe it works for you.  But in general I tend to quickly skip past providers who project too much negativity in the way of restrictions and limitations (i.e. 90 minute minimum for new clients, etc.)

DAVEPHX491 reads

I am an old man in 70's but only physically attracted to for the most part say 25-40 year old women.  I admire wisdom of age but enjoy smooth skin to caress, slimmer bodies and natural smaller breasts. Am odd.

Fortunately, many younger women do seek us olf geezers.  I am a bit spoiled by so many great dancer friends at strip clubs in Mississauga (Canada) and especially in the older days at clubs in Phoenix,

I moved from Richfield, Edina, St. Louis Park about 30 years ago to escape winters and humid summers but had my first wonderful experience as a shy scared lonely guy at a Hennepin Ave strip club probably 50 years ago (Skyway) and dated a dancer.

One of the primary benefits is variety. Thus, I am able to sample any age, although I steer clear of providers in their early twenties since I recently celebrated my 65th. Generally, I gravitate toward “30-ish” providers (meaning they are probably in their early forties 😉) which gives me a hope of common interests.

Echoeing a previous post: dont change yourself because of one person’s opinion. Your reviews are excellent and I have noticed you from your occasional posts on TER - you clearly are a fun person!

There is no most appealing age when it comes to an individual provider, lawyer, truck driver, or any individual.. I have long admired your ads and wished you were centered in Philly.  
I am in my mid 70s and run a very very busy and highly unusual medical practice that is part of a national experiment to demonstrate what can be accomplished in caring for older people.  I am the oldest by far employee of this national group and every time i suggest a new service I am told that it would only work for my practice but most physicians don't have the energy and drive to make it work i  other practices. ( I don't think this is correct just that the younger physician directors have young families and can't devoted the time I can to new projects.).  
Age is a number and saying some INDIVIDUAL is too old or too young is expecting every person of African descent to play basket ball well,every Jewish person to be good at managing money, every person of Asian descent to be good at playing the violin and doing math.  
I used to travel all over and certainly would have tried to see you  those days.  I am so busy I seldom get away except as part of my job and I have trouble getting free even in Philly without plenty of warning.
Age is a number and I treat people in their 90s and a few over 100 who are among the most imaginative active people and some of the non physicians who work with me are in their early twenties and are as sensitive and effective as anyone.  
For me, please don't change a thing except maybe your location.

my personal experience (and I'm willing to wager, yours as well) is that the hobby is the greatest thing keeping us old coots happy and healthy.

This should be borne out by statistics, and then push to have Medicare cover our hobbying costs.

As a 64 year old dinosaur (thus the handle) who still enjoys playing, I focus on providers who are generally 35+. However, I keep an open mind and a penis who can be convinced.

As an example, I attended a local board-hosted M&G last February and met a number of lovely providers. Some I clicked with, some not so much -- but one young lady caught my attention and we spent the better part of two hours talking, touching and a bit of foreplay. I wouldn't have sought out her company from an ad, as she was 26 at the time and I was 63 ; but the chemistry was there in person and we had 3 sessions during the first part of 2017 (the first session two days after the M&G).

So while my "35+" rule is more of a suggestion, I'm always open to possibilities. I have nothing against young providers but my general comfort level is with someone 35-45 -- most of the time. ;)

cuppajoe589 reads

Gallery suggestions - less duckface, fewer face shots and more full body images.  Let me imagine you more fully as a person.

... and have a wide age range I enjoy seeing. It's more about the individual and the connection than the age.

I have always thought you seemed like a lot of fun, and I would love to see you. It has never occurred to me that you would be too young, or too wild, or too anything. But not all of us older guys are affluent or free of other expenses, and for me personally I'm not likely to be able to manage your rates, especially with a 1.5 hour minimum. I'm not angling for a discount or implying the time with you wouldn't be worth it; I'm just saying for this particular old guy that is the issue.

As for changes that might lure more mature clients--well, first, you might want to think about the design of your website. The "Services" page is blank except for some ads, there's some raw HTML at the bottom of the "Who's Gemma?" page that doesn't look so good, the ads generally are obtrusive ... *you* are appealing, your pics are attractive, but the site just doesn't present you in the best light. It's kind of like Tiffany-quality jewelry displayed in a disheveled storefront. Beyond that, looking at the content itself, there would be nothing wrong with coming right out and saying older gentlemen are welcome, you love older men, something along those lines.

...What changes do I need to make to allure more mature clientele friends to visit & feel comfortable with my services... ?

The words "I enjoy meeting mature or retired gentlemen"  tell me you are not put off by grey hair.

... playful but also a little silly.  I didn't read all of your reviews, I'm only reacting to the pictures and the text on your website. You are sticking your tongue out in one not like you want to pleasure me but like you're a spoiled kid who didn't get what she wanted.

I'm 62 and I think that older guys have a better sense of what they want. Some guys may want a girl who is not takinig herself very seriously. But I think most of want to know that if we're booking a session and spending good money, the girl is going to approach it as a sensual experience.

Your photos don't make you look young -- you actually look closer to 40 in the pictures. But they are not good pictures; they're grainy and overall, they don't really make me feel confident that I know what you look like.  

The impression you're sending is that you want to have fun. I want a girl who is going to be sensual.  You say "I like to giggle." I don't think older guys really have much interest in girls who giggle when they're spending $400 for a GFE session.

At my age & condition, I look for a provider who is patient, gentle & gifted. I've met younger providers who can be this as well as mature providers who cannot. "Mature" is an attitude that can come with age but can also come with the personality of the provider.

"Wild sex" is beyond my capabilities, but I have a gifted tongue & touch. The deadly combo of ED & condoms essentially eliminate the prospect of penetration. Those who have enabled me to experience penetration with a condom (not really any other way) have taken their time and have patiently brought me to a level of hardness to permit penetration. But at this point, I get more our of a sensual BBBJCIM that I used to get out of penetration.  

Key is communication, patience & sensuality.

Absolutely agree with all the above. But simplest way to begin is better images ! With a photographer that knows what they are doing. And who has a professional Studio with professional quality lighting available.  I do. Shoot me a message for free, as in totally free 90 minute photoshoot.

I prefer a partner...  most likely 30+ ... all the way up to age appropriate.  Knows herself a little better & non-judgemental.   A touch of silly might be ok in private but is difficult to convey in words or pictures.  

Sometimes an older guy needs more time to get going.  I’m not often able to just walk in a room and throw down. I need some DFK to get my engine running.  I like being seduced.  The guy you’re referencing might be similar. He may have felt intimidated by your reviews.  

and my sweet spot for a long time has been the 45+ provider.  It goes to comfort level, connecting well, and to what ultimately turns me on, which is a confident sexuality and the ability to cause me to forget it is a service.  Variety is nice though, and I've stepped out of my comfort zone on occasion when the attraction is something I can't ignore.  I'd say that the one single thing you should do to attract an older clientele is to boldly indicate in your media how much you "love, love older men".

Good question.

I would agree with other posts that say to just stay who you are and not to modify your profile too much. As an older gent, I find that a simple line in an ad that says, "I enjoy the company of mature gentleman." is alluring.  

A line like this is not limiting, per se, because its interpretation is in the eyes of the reader.  To me, it is inviting because I read it as you enjoy the company of older men.  To the young reader, it could say that you prefer men who are mature in communication and comportment.  

Boogie Boy399 reads

He obviously doesn't remember but I recall an outstanding response to a preference for a Provider's age given by "mrfisher."  As I plagiarize his response, "I prefer an older Provider who thinks younger and a younger Provider who thinks older."

I was, in fact, repeating something someone else had already posted.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was Ben Franklin who said it.  He was a real hound dog.

I'm now 76 and have been hobbying for what seems like the better part of my whole life.  For several years now, the ladies I have been seeing are in their 30's.  I don't think I intentionally planned it that way but I'm finding that more and more providers tend to be in that age range.  I'm not saying that I wouldn't shy away from or enjoy a younger girl but I just find women in their 30's for the most part are in the height of their sexual lives and that usually means two things to me.  One - they are more apt to be 'real' about the whole experience and make it genuine for both of us and two - they tend to be more patient (and I really need that at my age) and take it slow with me.  I recall a few years back seeing a young lady of 18 who was absolutely incredible - mature way beyond her years but I really feel she was an exception (not to mention - an exceptional young woman!).  Unfortunately with her, after just one visit, she moved out of the area to go to college.

Hey There!  I enjoy the variety of ages, sizes, shapes and crazy requests!  My skill set has increased with experience so there's one plus for us, more mature folk.  Variety be the spice of life!  Even the most classy woman can get spicy!  

Live life to the fullest!  And like any flu season, always wash thoroughly before and after.  I am sanitizing hotel rooms; perhaps a bit much but, better safe than sorry.  

Always a pleasure~ Kaylie

AzureDee388 reads

Ms. Gemma.... if you're still participating in the hobby world and by now would be a  couple of years older....one of these days you'll be asking the opposite question.  And like the gentlemen that can relate to this thread... so can I.  And to the many that I've heard say the usual cliches, "you're like fine wine...with age you're only getting better".. " age is just a number" ...to this one I say it's more...., without age there is no experience,  without experience there is no wisdom etc....  

A lot of it has to do with perceptions as well...see, men and this is very broad,  are visual creatures aroused by women's bodies, not so much aroused by  our personalities because they are trained early into that response... This is where perceptions play a part... what they're trained early into is what they "perceive" later on. They look at women's bodies, evaluate, move on; their own bodies are not looked at, evaluated, and taken or passed over.... I was trying to illustrate this point a  while back in another thread somewhere else... it was a voting thread where I posted a black and white drawing of a woman and asked  "what do you see" with only 2 answers to choose from... Young woman/Old woman and the outcome was a larger percentage of hobbyists regardless of age was seeing the young woman in the drawing. This thread reinforces what I've been hearing and reading.  This thread 60 and over..  the majority of who responded picked a median age of ladies that were still half their own age...

You said a mature provider told you to up your age?  Isn't it ironic that the flip side of that is those that are older, the mature provider will be advertising her age as much as 10 years younger? Why do you think that is?

For some men, It takes them well into their golden years to appreciate the more mature woman .. more likely because they themselves have come to terms with their own advancement and have shifted gears in what is more important to them, like appreciating the journey more and less emphasis on the destination... and there's  wisdom to that which is knowing what they know about themselves, which adds to their level of comfort,  experience in  areas of skill, and knowing what floats their boat.

"The recipe for what makes a woman sexy at any age? Is simple, beauty, brains, and class, all served straight up, with a healthy dose of confidence" ~~ anonymous

Greta response.  Since this thread is itself ‘of a mature age’, I just researched the originator and the most recent poster.  
I think Gemma is still providing and if the photos are accurate a beautiful mature lady.  Now as far as AzureDee, I looked at your website.  Went to the gallery because after all you said it, men are a visually stimulated species.  I looked at Dangerous Curves photo gallery and WOW, you are amazing!  Stunning and beautiful!!  I only wish I was in Boise.  
Both of you please keep going and if our paths can cross, I will be grateful!  

@hobby48 ... just getting back to this site as a VIP, now I can read and write stuff lol... Thank you for the compliments and your enthusiastic appreciation of what you see.  I know that Boise isn't exactly a major hub, being Seattle born and raised transplant for the last 20 years, it's still the difference between night and day.  I hope you are well and staying that way.  xoxo Dee

Black-Panther419 reads

In shape and taking care of yourself. Christie Brinkley is 66 and I'd definitely see her.  :)

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