60 and Over

I'm 65 and just hit the part of the curve...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 229 reads

where I know things will start to slide.

For now, I can still penetrate, but it takes some preparation.  A second shot is almost out of the question unless several hours have gone by.

Fortunately, I enjoy massages and cuddling, so I take heart in those pleasures.   I also know gals who are good company for conversation, so that certainly helps.

Growing old gracefully, it's an art; that's for sure.

WICardinalfan4270 reads

Welcome to my pity party, but I am wondering if and how others have mentally dealt with the departure of the boner.    

All the ED drugs used to work, then their effectiveness slowed to nothing.  Penis Pump works half the time now, an implant or injections are not on the table.  

The good news is I can still get hard enough for BBBJ and can still shoot a good load.  

I am not posting for suggestions on cures, I think that ship has sailed.  I am posting to see how others have dealt with the loss of performance physiologically.   My mind often drifts to the days when I could fuck, cum, and repeat.  All those mornings of wood I should have taken advantage off and do some fucking.   And yes there is a milestone birthday coming up......but not as old as you might think.  

I will stop crying in my coffee now, just wondered how others have dealt with this, as I know I am not alone.

where I know things will start to slide.

For now, I can still penetrate, but it takes some preparation.  A second shot is almost out of the question unless several hours have gone by.

Fortunately, I enjoy massages and cuddling, so I take heart in those pleasures.   I also know gals who are good company for conversation, so that certainly helps.

Growing old gracefully, it's an art; that's for sure.

the inevitable result of aging (I am 66).  Fortunately I don't have a problem getting hard but I do have a problem coming.  So I can fuck for a very long time but can't cum.  So when I am with a lady, we do he usual round of activities and then I try to finish with my hand.  On occasion I have found a lady that can make me come with her mouth  - rare treat.  But I enjoy their company, the touch, scent and taste of them and always leave satisfied with the experience whatever the outcome.

Beats the alternative LOL

"Don't cry because it's over; smile, because it happened."

Yes, we all lose performance in some way as age takes over, but celebrate because we lived (and still do) in an age where many women willingly and eagerly share their beautiful selves with us.

I am up there in years and whenever (however) I get a release, I smile, knowing that it might be my last.  But the feeling is still great.

cuppajoe161 reads

The body can still do it, so its in your mind. I think it gets harder to find a scenario that brings the boner. As we check off our bucket list items, we lose interest and need to move on.  

I've had dreams where I've woken up with a teenage boner, analyzing the dream gave me clues to what still motivates the lizard brain.  

Sometimes I envy the people that have developed a fetish, I think it short circuits the overthinking.

noagenosage180 reads

Each situation is different, but every male I have heard of has some kind of sex-related problem with aging.  Briefly, here's mine: diagnosed with prostate cancer 20 years ago; radiation treatments saved my life but probably did some permanent damage; pills help but not fully; my urologist says trimix will work and his staff will ensure I know how to use it, but I don't want injections.  Also, I don't want to put my wife through my experiments and anyway she lost interest after menopause.   ATF says if trimix works for me she's OK with it, but for me it would be a mood killer, so alternatively we romp through various positions until her incredibly skillful BBHJ makes me explode.  Sometimes she climaxes, sometimes not but I know she can find all the sex she wants without me.  Doc says having a surrogate like that is good -- not to put your wife through that at this stage in her life but good for you.  A session makes me glow and think straight for about 4 days; after 10 days or so I want it again.  Not like the old days but plenty good for an old guy of 84.  The brilliant Love Goddess who used to write a column for TER often wrote that "everyone is entitled to a sex life" and wives who expect their husbands to quit after the wife goes through menopause are selfish.  Amen to that!  And for all of us old guys, keep it up!!!  

but in my case, and the situation of lots of guys on here, it was the wife who was decades from menopause wanting to quit offering sex that drove us here.

Thank the lord for this hobby.

WICardinalfan189 reads

Very true.  I did not hobby until my wife shut down the sex.

WICardinalfan174 reads

I am in VERY similar domestic situation.  It has been nine years since my wife and I had intercourse, so there you go.  

care of your body, eat right, stay hydrated, well rested, decent physical shape, etc. then you should enjoy the journey and enjoy whatever happens.  

You might explore a true Tantrique since the practice, properly done, focuses on the whole body experience.  As has been well said before here, relish the past and anticipate a new and different yet bright future.    

I am here to help.  I have mentored a few Vet's after they suffered the same issue.  The penis pump is great, and I also recommend using a cock ring at the same time.  After a few sessions, now my clients do not need either.  Many times it is a mental issue as well.  I am very patient, and realize getting old ain't for sissies.  lol Smile 4 me!

There is hope.  Stay positive, and maybe hire a helping hand that is compassionate to your current situation.  Sometimes the load will never come, but you can achieve a dry orgasm.  

68 here. Viagra and cialis are slowly losing their effectiveness.  I'm tempted to try 2x100mg viagra, or 1 1/2. Anyone have experience with that dosage?

For those that get it up, but cant cum,have you talked to a doctor?  It may be a simple case of low testosterone.  I got a rx that I use every 2 weeks that works miracles for the plumbing.

ATLDAWG192 reads

Going over the dosage doesn't work well for me-I get the "Blue Vision" they talk about if I take more than the recommended dosage of either Viagra or Levitra.  I have gotten improved results though when:  I eat nothing and see that the last meal before the event is very light (as an example-you plan on having an encounter at 10 AM-have a light dinner and eat nothing the next morning-just drink water-no coffee, etc..).-I drink a lot of water-I take the medication an hour and a half to two hours rather that the one hour-take a head ache pill with you and take it as soon as you end the session.  Both products give me serious headaches shortly after the encounter-but I am willing to trade a headache for the opportunity !  Eat soon after the encounter-even consider putting a Glucerna shake in your car and drink it as soon as you get in to leave.

First, see your doctor. Second, the maximum recommended dose in 24 hours is 100mg. If you need more than that, you need to do something else.

The problem with testosterone is once you're on it you can't get off it (from my doctor).

Posted By: Robxxx
Re: By, By, Boner
68 here. Viagra and cialis are slowly losing their effectiveness.  I'm tempted to try 2x100mg viagra, or 1 1/2. Anyone have experience with that dosage?  
 For those that get it up, but cant cum,have you talked to a doctor?  It may be a simple case of low testosterone.  I got a rx that I use every 2 weeks that works miracles for the plumbing.

Most usually, there's an underlying medical problem that leads to loss of erections.  Have you've seen a urologist recently?

You wrote:  "...injections are not on the table".  Was wondering why?

Seems like almost all old men have some sort of problem.  Let me tell you about mine.  I'm 77 years old and everything worked good up until I was 70 or so. I had prostate surgery in 06,  that's when everything started going slowly downhill. Everything still worked pretty good but it just slowed down.  Then when I was about 70 I had the same surgery again,  after that all I could get is a dry climax.  Still feels the same but just can't do facials anymore.  I went through all the normal stuff, pills,  they worked for a few years, then went to injections which worked really good for a couple years, now they only work part of the time but they always last 4-5 hours.  Sounds great but a hard-on is hard to conceal from my wife. Plus the last couple hours are really painful.  Viagra stills works good for me but I can't climax if I use it. The next step is an implant, that would be hard to explain to my wife as we haven't had sex in years.
So what I'm doing now is mostly seeing massage girls and let them have their way with me.  I can still get hard enough for a HJ or a BBBJ.  Can't climax with a condom on.  Someone on this thread says just be thankful for what's been, not for what you can't do.  I have a great sex life for 60 years so I'm thankful for that.  Happy poonin' to all us old farts.

...us old guys should be glad we have problems because our buddies who didn't make it out of the ambush in Nam never got this far.  On the other hand, ladies in our little world here are very accommodating - they know you can separate erection, ejaculation, and orgasm and no judgements involved.  Just run with what you got brother.

Go to a urologist and try injection therapy.  It is not as scary as it sounds and wow what a boner!  I am 80..

There is another procedure Called Swiss Wave. You can goggle it for more information. I don't think urologist do the procedure. Check out male ED clinics in your area. I'm in Vegas and you can PM me for their contact information.

Words of caution:  
It is not cheap, if the clinic work with you financially leave they are a rip off.

There is some pain involved they are working on the penis and groin area.

It is not a one shot deal, multiple treatments are needed. Each of us are different.

It is not a cure all. You may still need some ED med and possibly a cock ring.

I have a sensitivity to condoms, but with a Female Condom I have a shot on goal.

Hope this helps and if you go it works for you as it did for me.


I’m not 60 yet, but I can share with you some things I’ve learned.  

First off, get your testosterone and other hormones tested.  If T levels are low, I recommend talking to your doctor about a low dose of Clomid to naturally raise your T levels (this drug is rather cheap and off label for men),  50mg 3x a week will work well.   Second, try an antidepressant, but not the traditional ones.  Wellbutrin XL will actually help you with your libido and doesn’t have sexual side effects.  Finally, exercises like rowing or even long walks will improve your circulation.  Walking 15 min a day and/or to 20min day rowing will help you tremendously    

Hope this helps.  

...in "Men's Health" magazine (Jan/Feb 2018) entire "New Year, New Dick." A number of techniques and treatments are discussed at length (no pun intended) and there is a sidebar about the use of high-intensity acoustic sound wave therapy, which is supposed to help grow new blood vessels (neovascularization).

with alternatives after V stopped working.  I went straight for injections and so happy now.

Jicar123170 reads

I'm 65 and have experienced some problems. I find that MJ is a big help, and many providers are 420 friendly. Smoking a joint during "recovery time" sets me up nicely for round two. And the gals get a kick out of getting high with an old dude...

souls_harbor177 reads

It's probably 50/50 on whether MJ will help or hurt.  However long term MJ use correlates to ED.

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