60 and Over

I'm 61, she's 24... and dam that girl can rock my world...
Hpygolky 208 Reviews 594 reads

And she's the only under 30 I would consider seeing.

-- Modified on 12/21/2016 3:10:50 PM

I have a naughty fetish for older guys. I'm 31 but the older the better.  
I enjoy how experienced older men are with the woman's body from physical desires to mental stimulation.  

The biggest age difference was when I was 21 and "met" a 71 year old.  
What's the biggest age difference between you and a provider

When I was in my twenties, I saw at least one gal who was at least fifty-something.

I had a great time with all.

I've seen a few ladies in their early 20s, but not too often.  The most recent was last year ...she was 22 and I was 59 at the time.

OldCodger494 reads

I didn't read EVERY post in this thread, but I think my 56 year (76-20) age spread may be the longest, or at least close.  While I RARELY see gals under 30, it happens occasionally.  Age is just a number - chemistry and attitude and skills and appearance are all more important than age.

And she's the only under 30 I would consider seeing.

-- Modified on 12/21/2016 3:10:50 PM

... I was recently in Los Angeles for two nights and saw a new SB each night. They both were in their twenties and very very hot and accommodating. The difference? I don't see as much potential for a real relationship with the twenty somethings but of course I don't live out there fulltime. I'm much closer with my 2 thirty-somethings here in New York. I'm 65, btw.

I'm now 70 and no longer participate in full service.  But when I do, I generally go as low as the thirties; so that's about half of my age.  Any younger and I'd feel a bit guilty.

Most of you gals advertise well below your real age, so I'm not sure. I prefer older, milf type women, but every once in awhile I see a younger, more popular lady just to be able to use her as a reference. In those instances, and I'm truly guessing at their ages, I'd say the age difference was roughly 30-35 years.  

But I have a good friend in real life like you. She's in her 20s, and listens to nothing but 60s and 70s music. She also married a 60 year old. She's a trip, in a good way.

At 59, I saw a woman who was 20. Now, at 62, one of my regulars is 23. So, not quite 40 years difference, but close.

My regular ATF is 26 (and I'm 62), and we have LOTS to talk about, so age isn't everything.

20 or 21. So to answer the question, about 36 years difference.

Now, I prefer ladies at least 30 but if the right 20 something with exceptional skills comes along, I just might have to visit her.

percy1969420 reads

I am 69 and spent time with 2 different beautiful young girls age 23 this year.

'Lovin' these "age" posts, keep em 'comin'.  As a 71 yo relative newbie I`m a little queasy about reaching out to a 20 something provider. After reading these posts my queasy is turning into confidence. Yeah!

Don't give it another thought. My experience is that providers prefer older men.  We are more reliable and treat them better.  They are not looking for love.

...for me was about 4 decades younger, but hey, even the over 50's are youngsters to me (I'm 66).  A provider who mentions her appreciation of older men in her ads/website etc. is someone I take the time to know more about.

I do see girls in their 20s but also 30s, 40s, 50s and up to 60. Can't decide what I like best. Probably 40 year olds. If they've been in the business a while it's awesome (to use a kid's word) what a difference all that experience makes. FWIW my ATF is a little over 40.

I saw a 22 year old today and will be unwrapping a 23 year old on Christmas Day.  The biggest age difference was a few months over 50 years.  I was 68 at the time and she had turned 18 a couple of months prior.  I fully expect to break that record before I retire from the hobby.

-- Modified on 12/22/2016 8:33:21 PM

Older guys are smarter  
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who are 50 years younger than me. But earlier this month I enjoyed the company of an amazing 18yo, so I'm up to my maximum, 51 years age difference. I'm 69 now so it won't be long till I'm 72. If I can find an 18yo to play with at that time I'll be four times her age. Good to have goals, right?

Indeed it is, Sweetman!  It's just difficult to find teenagers who aren't total flakes.

My goal every year is now is see a girl under 25.

For me it was 57 years, she is 18 and I'm 75.  I prefer 40 to 50 year old but the opportunity to see this young lady presented itself, so I took advantage of it.  She said she had a good time with me. This is a great hobby.

Some of my friends that do not know of my passion for the ladies here....
Think I need a hobby...lol
I just can not tell them I HAVE THE BEST HOBBY ON EARTH!!!!!
Merry Xmas & Happy Holidays to everyone else.

...I'd say 40 year difference for me.  Interestingly I actually prefer women over 30 not sure why.  I seem to sync better with women who know & are comfortable with themselves which often means she is over 30.

oldwarrior301 reads

I am 69 and seeing girls in early twenties.  Everything seems fine but I know my money is the only reason they see an old, beatup Marine like me.  But they listen to my bs, laugh at my funny stories and allow me to enjoy their delights with no outward expressions of revulsion, just amazement at the size of my cock.

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