60 and Over

I'm 60. I like a lot of good kissing. I've seen providers...
xyz23 45 Reviews 904 reads

...as young as 22 and as old as 50. All of them were kissers. Never an issue with that from any of them. I never experienced the feeling of being undesirable.

Do most girls provide services that are in their reviews to 60ish men. I like kissing and don't want to be made to feel undesirable

I have passionate encounters with several providers around age 28 to 43. Fear not, give it a try.

Posted By: RB2332
Do most girls provide services that are in their reviews to 60ish men. I like kissing and don't want to be made to feel undesirable

I just hope I'm upright at 80.

Being prone is fun too, it just depends who you are prone with :)

Posted By: magoo251
I just hope I'm upright at 80.

A lot of my lovers in my personal life are older too.  I've got a real thing for silver hair.  ;)

Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
A lot of my lovers in my personal life are older too.  I've got a real thing for silver hair.  ;)
         Would a young escort be upset if no fucking but oral on me only. Do the escorts really need to get aroused to spend fun time a guy?

...and as long as what you want is a service she offers she will be fine with it. If all you want is a blow job it shouldn't be a problem. Of course taking a break from time to time would be recommended

Posted By: RB2332
Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
A lot of my lovers in my personal life are older too.  I've got a real thing for silver hair.  ;)
         Would a young escort be upset if no fucking but oral on me only. Do the escorts really need to get aroused to spend fun time a guy?
We don't necessarily need to be aroused, but it's definitely more fun to be!  One reason why I think I'm good at what I do is that it's easy for me to get aroused by all kinds of people!  I don't find physical characteristics a block to my arousal with someone.  I do of course sometimes meet people who I just don't click with... maybe it's the chemistry/pheremones or if I don't like how they speak to me, how they touch me, etc.  I try to leave myself open to arousal and connection with anyone who walks in my door, and let their personality, their touch, and their way of conducting themselves arouse me if it will.  I think it's easy to find something too be aroused by in almost everyone (except jerks)!  I can be heavily aroused just by a man's chest hair, his beard scruff, the way he nibbles my ear, the way he pulls me into him or the way he unzips my dress... very simple things.  I am very aroused by small details.  :)

That said, I don't know what that has to do with fucking or oral, honestly.  My arousal isn't dependent on having a dick in me or not having a dick in me.  There are so many ways to have a hot passionate encounter that don't involve penetration.  ;)

Robert_BadenPowell699 reads

The provider is focused on your having a good time.  I've had several sessions where the lady did oral on me only, and did not wish for me to reciprocate for whatever reason (a couple of times it was because it was "that time of the month").  I still had a good time and I think the ladies did also.

As for whether the provider needs to be aroused to "spend fun time with a guy"... all I can say is, it's a LOT more fun for me if the lady is having a good time also, and I do whatever I can (within the lady's boundaries) to help her have a good time.  And there's all kinds of ways to do that.  For example... ever do a nuru massage with a lady?  Talk about mutual fun and arousal!!  Or how about using a toy called a "Tickler" (looks like an ostrich feather on a wand) to tease each other's bodies, all over?  It's amazing what a mere feather can do!  :)

BTW, you have a great smile!  

(Running out to get some grey hair color....as if I need it...

...as young as 22 and as old as 50. All of them were kissers. Never an issue with that from any of them. I never experienced the feeling of being undesirable.

If you are a good kisser (generally NOT just jamming your tongue down her throat and leaving it there, slobbering all over her and letting copious amounts of spit drool into her mouth, and having a clean fresh mouth), you should have no issues at all.

The hottest youngest guy is undesirable if he kisses like that.  

Hang on, maybe there are women out there that like that, so I will speak for me...if a guy kisses like above I will do everything to NOT kiss him.

...described. It's awful isn't it! I agree with you I'll avoid that.

I guess they think it's good. "shrug" :-(

Any person that kisses like that is most likely to be avoided.  I have one regular that is the worst kisser I have ever encountered. Nice enough guy, a good source of income.

His particular style is to come at me with an open mouth and thick wet tongue protruding so when he makes contact there is spit all over my mouth and lips to the point I don't even hide the fact that I wipe it off.  

If I don't pull away immediately, he then shoves and I mean shoves his tongue further and whips it around my mouth, filling it with his spit...he does not even attempt to swallow it....absolutely vile.  

I have said something and he insists on kissing me in this fashion. I dodge and weave and limit the amount he kisses me.  

If you end up with a woman who kisses like this I truly feel for you.

I have been with someone in the past and always enjoy being with him.  He was in his 70s and I was in my late 30's and early 40s, when I was living in Seattle then.  Right now I live in Rhode Island and I do travel t the New England areas as well.   I sure do miss it.  I would love to meet someone in that age frame.  Check me out!!!

Lots of Hugs and Kisses,

If you're that sweet, you should have no problem getting lots and lots of kisses.

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