60 and Over

I will be praying for you.
HuggyBear1200 6148 reads

I will pray that you noticed it early; if so it will not be a serious problem.

I had a melanoma behind my ear.  Nobody noticed it for I don't know how long.  The plastic surgeon was able to take it off in a fairly simple surgery.  I wore a bandage for a week and then a small bandaid for another week.  The melanoma was the first and least of my many health problems.

Keep us informed how you are doing.

Congratulations on the review.

well I woke up to a perfect score 10/10 review  that made my day  but then the DR called and unfortunately that darn biopsy was not what I had hoped for so am getting ready to start the good fight it will take alot to keep me down  in 3 weeks I will have my  surgery and have a great surgeon she came highly recommended I want to thank you all for your support and wonderful Pm's melanoma is no walk in the park but its on my arm so I feel  very blessed and with plastic surgery to follow i hope to be as good as new I plan on working and enjoying life to the fullest ! It's a New year and I plan on making it a great one! Cheers

I have had 2 small melanomas cut off me and a couple of other kinds of bad things too.  

Good luck,

I know everything will be fine and look forward to seeing you again.

Being positive is excellent medicine. Everyone here is cheering for you.

I will pray that you noticed it early; if so it will not be a serious problem.

I had a melanoma behind my ear.  Nobody noticed it for I don't know how long.  The plastic surgeon was able to take it off in a fairly simple surgery.  I wore a bandage for a week and then a small bandaid for another week.  The melanoma was the first and least of my many health problems.

Keep us informed how you are doing.

Congratulations on the review.

a chunk of my scalp removed (about 10 years ago) as well as two slices in my left bicep.  Just had my check-up this morning and I am now on a 1-year recall instead of every 6 months.  I guess it pays to use 30 & 50 sunblock and always wear a hat in summer.

You are in my prayers.

and that the medical staff brings their A Game... believe I am heading your way later this winter so let's schedule a physical therapy session.

Hi Victoria -

I have been through the same before and I know how how you feel - of course the docs will tell you what is right and many will say hey it's going to be OK and many will say fight the fight - and they are ALL correct - every one of them - god bless 'em - but I know how you are thinking and feeling and it sucks - wish I could make it different but that cannot be - all I can say is what happened to me - I was scared more than ever in my life - I went through all the stages of this stuff (anger-denial- resolve to beat it-despair-action-acceptance) - it's all a process - I never give advice...except now...let the medical people do their thing and they know what they are doing - you must focus on your feelings - good luck, my dear -I wish you the best!

Hi Victoria,

You're going to survive this I just know it. Keeping good thoughts
at heart for you for a speedy recovery !

Just got home and signed in  and was overwelmed by all the good wishes and advice I am so happy to have you guys as my friends ...I am a very positive person and am looking at this as just something I need to get through  funny I just got use to the idea of retiring next yr  made all my plans  and as the say  "if you want to make God  laugh make a plan" LOL on the bright side I might be able to get that puppy even earlier but my plans are to continue to work , play and  have fun ! and of course make my silly postings ! I do feel the love guys thank you

I know that horrible feeling when the doctor says the C word. I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (cll) March 28, 2008. I had a biopsy of a lump under my chin for which my regular doctor had predicted was a blocked saliva gland. When the ENT specialist that performed the biopsy told me it was actually a form of leukemia, I thought well that's it, time to get my affairs in order. But after the initial shock wore off, I decided to learn as much as I could about this incurable and somewhat rare type of cancer. I also got a second opinion from an oncologist that specializes in cll. The more I learned about the disease and the treatments available, the better I was able to realize that my life was not over and that while there was no cure, the odds were that I still had many more good years ahead of me. I am very fortunate that my particular form of this disease has a fairly slow progression. In fact, some of my symptoms, such as swollen lymph nodes, have actually improved since I was diagnosed.

I have also had several skin cancers diagnosed and removed. Fortunately, they were all either basal or squamous cell, which are far less dangerous than melanoma.

During all the tests, consultations and follow-ups, I have noticed that those patients with positive attitudes and strong determination to beat this beast are the ones that are most likely to win the fight. So I encourage you to be strong and keep that positive attitude. YOU CAN AND WILL BEAT THIS DISEASE!!

With your attitude and the many hurdles you have conquered, I know you will come through this episode with flying colors.  I'm sure that all of us who have had the pleasure of knowing you will keep you in our prayers.    Please keep us posted on your progress.

I am reading all these wonderful posts and Pm's  I am truly blessed to have all of you most of you do nor even know me  yet I am really feeling the love ........I promise you this I am not only going to survive  but also thrive ....yesterday I booked a fun filled photo shoot and danced around the studio  like there was no tomorrow even Nicky kicked his heel ups as we blasted the oldies  it was a good day and there will be many more I said this is going to be just a bump in the road but more like divot on my arm LOL but it could be worse like my face so I am already lucky !

gorgeous victoria, good luck on your surgery, hoping all will be well, your beauty on the outside is only topped by the beauty in the inside.

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