60 and Over

I was upset with my own answer to Nates question
HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 4853 reads

I was tired last night when I answered it and left so many stones unturned. My somewhat short changed answer seemed more curt when I read it this morning. Didn't mean to be that way

Kisses Haley

nate19527324 reads

There's a Million Man Market out there. These are guys who have worked most of their lives, so they have a little money to spend - but not enough for a "trophy wife".

Their non-trophy wives - who stopped have listening to them long ago - have greeted the arrival of Viagra bottles with the words: "Oh my God! I thought we were all done with that!"

They have considered buying an inflatable doll - but there's no space for it in the garage.

These are the kind of men who need reassurance:

Reassurance #1: That a provider is real. In the case of "decapitated courtesans" - providers who have web sites where the photos are cut off at the neck - this is difficult. How many times do we see headless bodies walking around in real life?

Reassurance #2: That a provider is reliable. A self-built web site, with pictures from a camera phone, doesn't build confidence. This kind of man might be making all kinds of special arrangements. He wants to be sure the girl is there when he gets there. Can you say "fly by night"?

Reassurance #3: Following through on a provider appointment will not result in a stretch at San Quentin (add your institution here). These guys read the papers, and maybe all they know is that escorts sometimes ruin marriages and careers.

Reassurance #4: That, if Mr Johnson is "out to lunch" when an intimate moment arrives, that there will still be enough tenderness and romance in the session to make it worth while (no need to find a high roof and take a swan dive into a parking lot).

There are millions of these men out there. Are providers sure that they are doing enough to reach these guys?

... Nate

I myself, would love to have a large billboard on the busiest street in Orlando to fill my dance card but the cost out-ways it's effectiveness.

with all things equal as you posted, what more do you think ladies are missing. For that matter any man who can help get the word of mouth that i'm available and legit out there I am open to any and all suggestions. This info would be helpful to all us ladies.

PS : Nothing is ever a shure thing and even the best of the best can be taken down if a sting happens before your arrival time. I saw this happen in my area with a ladies incall.

Kisses Haley

G29151 reads

I can understand your concerns, especially since before TER I had some experiences that are probably worse than anything you can imagine.

While you can never eliminate risk in this business, you can greatly improve the odds of having the kind of experience you want if you do your homework.  Now, that doesn't mean you shouldn't always keep your eyes open and your wits about you.  I've posted several times in the last couple years on the Legal Board about personally avoiding stings by doing nothing more than using my head (I live in a high LE area).

But life isn't perfect and neither is this business.  There will be good times and not so good times.  If you can't get it up, for example, as in #4, there's going to be as many responses to that question as women you might see, so why worry about it?  In my experience, the ladies are pretty understanding about most things because they've seen it all before.  Plus, they know what business they're in and their primary objective is for you to enjoy yourself.  

For the most part, you have the tools on TER to manage your risk and comfort level.  But if a provider has children (and many do), there's little chance of her showing her face just to make you feel better.  Many also work full or part-time jobs and can't have their glamor pictures being sent around the office as an attachment to some email.  Nobody is forcing you to see these women, there are plenty of others that show their faces.

As a practical matter, I suggest you try to enjoy the experiences you find, and not worry so much about making them conform to  your specifications. That will more than likely set you up for disappointments.

Most of the guys on this site with some experience under their belts will tell you that it's the enjoyment of the unknown that is the biggest thrill of seeing providers.  But if you want reassurance and predictability, there are lots of women looking to get married that would be glad to meet you.

"Oh my God! I thought we were all done with that!"  
Nate, unfortunately, this is a familiar story.  One I have heard from many different men, many times over.  It is unfortunate.  But here is exactly where us courtecans come in!

Reassurance #1:  As much as I understand your apprehension to see ladies who either chop off or hide their faces, you need to understand our need for discretion.  The reviews here on TER help you determine if the "provider is real."  I have adult children, parents, many siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc...  So I will never post face pics.  I do not want anyone to know about this part of my life except for those whom I decide to share it with.  I would not want one of my children to find Mommy's ad online and recognise it is me.  Oh yes and please let us not forget about the legal ramifications that can be an issue in our profession.  

Reassurance #2: A well built website does not define the lady either.  I know several ladies who don't even have a website who are absolutely wonderful ladies and very reliable providers. These ladies have ads on Cityvibe, Eros, etc.  My website is a cookie cutter one from escortsite.com.  I did all of it myself.  I am no web designer.  But I did the best I could to make it look nice.  All of my photos are amatuer photos with my face blurred out and/or chopped off.  I have a lot of reviews here that say some very nice things about me.  :)  Here's your answer.... Please read reviews.  If you see only well reviewed ladies, then this should never be an issue.  Since you are on TER you are aware of the review system.  Please use it.  

Reassurance #3:  I gotta go back to "READ THE REVIEWS" on this one.  And see only well reviewed ladies.  

Reassurance #4:  Nate, once again...this is not an uncommon anomaly.  Mr. Johnson being "out to lunch" does not ruin a session.  It can be a bit of a downer for the guy.  That's where our expertise comes into play.  Like you said, there are many other things we can do together that will usually bring Mr. Johnson to stand at attention.  And even if he doesn't, we (and him) can enjoy a very sensual encounter.  I am sorry to keep going back to this....But once again, if you read the ladies reviews, you will be able to find out a lot about her from them.  Also, you can pm some of the gents who reviewed her and ask them directly about her.  I know many gents who have done this.  

Final thought...  "Are providers sure that they are doing enough to reach these guys?"  I am not sure how to answer this one.  I think we do the best we can by posting ads and participating on the boards, etc.  Untimately it is up to the gent to contact us.  I always hope they find me!  When they do, I hope they take some time to read my reviews so they will know I am legit and fully enjoy what I do.  I am one lady who chooses to hide her face.  I always hope the gents are understanding regarding my need for discretion.  I also hope they take the time to read my website and reviews so they will know I am real.  :)

Best, Betty xoxo

I have to say right on! You got it goin' on there. I have found all of the above to be true.

I concur. As usual Betty, you have articulately expressed a well thought out and insightful response.

That was a well thought out right on the money answer. You are such a great lady as well.

Me thinks I should have gone to bed last night !

Kisses Haley

I think we all have a gut response at times when we quickly post replies.  Then we look back and realize we were maybe a bit off base or took the post a little too personally.  I am guilty of doing that myself.  I wish I could delete some of my gut responses!  LOL    

I didn't take offense to your post.  An apology was not necessary.  But thank you just the same.  You are such a kind-hearted lady.  So no worries my dear...  

Hugs, Betty xoxo

I was tired last night when I answered it and left so many stones unturned. My somewhat short changed answer seemed more curt when I read it this morning. Didn't mean to be that way

Kisses Haley

I would like to also add that my site is a cookie cutter site, I did the best I can after getting ripped off by web people who snatch money and run . I put my face pictures hidden so that I know who I gave the password to
to keep my life drama free and give myself the same respect and honor as I give the client. Nate please take a look at the reviews and open your lines of communication with whoever it is you are interested in.

At least with the cookie cutter sites we are in full control of what gets posted.  I can also make as many changes as I want as often as I like.  I have had the option offered to me to get a custom site done.  I prefer to have control over my own website.  So, like you, I will remain....a cookie cutter!  LOL  ;)

Every lady does what she can and what she is comfortable with to get the word out there. The best thing you can do to be reassured is check the reviews. All the other things like ads and web sites are useful but the reviews will let you know what to believe and what not to believe. Yes, sometimes a guy has very different tastes as compared to yours. The way to deal with that is as you read reviews and see providers you'll find guys that have similar tastes to yours. By then checking their reviews you can have confidence the provider will be someone you can enjoy spending time with.

Just because we choose to keep our faces off the internet or our heads...doesn't mean we aren't real.
We have lives that we do not want ruined by someone recognizing us. Unfortunately that is how it has to be. A picture taken with a camera, no photoshopping, no blurring out the flaws should make you feel alot better. That in itself shows you she is real. That doesn't necessarily place her in a category of "fly by night".

Our reviews should give you reassurance. Having ads on reference checking websites should also add to your comfort.

When you see an ad that says "prefers longer appointments" that is to give you that romance and tenderness just in case Mr Johnson is "out to lunch". We want to be accommodating and make it a memorable experience, not one that you are running out the door.

It all boils down to research...do it before you ever make an appointment with anyone. Happy hunting!

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