60 and Over

I was 55. eom
sweetman 93 Reviews 635 reads


joepesci2082 reads

Not sure this si the right forum but hey we're all of that age.

I've been with my SO for over 40 years...dating then marriage... believe it or not...happy...blah, blah, blah. Always had many sexual fantasies like most guys but never acted on them. A year or two ago as I was closing in on 60 I had this revelation that holy shit...I really am not going to live forever and furthermore....all of those sexual fantasies that I subconsciously felt were going to happen at some point....are on a much shorter timetable. Since then I have started (mostly dabbled) with hobbying. Trying to stretch my limits with what I'm comfortable with. Contrary to what one would think I'm not headed full bore but rather easing into things. I guess my point or question is that I feel as though I am the only one arriving so late to the game. We always think we're so unique until we realize there are so many others with similar paths/thoughts. Anyone else a latecomer...been here..there?

Here_I_Go697 reads

... After years of virtually no sex, and then none at all.  I kick myself to this day for waiting so long.

I started this hobby at the age of 69 (no pun intended) I am now chasing 75 and coming up on  100 of these lovely women ( age range range from 18 to 70) that take care of us old timers. At least one new girl every month. Most are great, only a few have been less than satisfactory. I found that it took over a year to get established in the hobby so that the ladies would see me. (references)  Now I have them e-mailing me when they are in town. Life is great.  
 My wife stopped having sex with me after menopause, I told her I can't stop doing that so now we have a don't ask don't tell policy around our house. I still love her dearly but this is what I chose to do rather than a girlfriend  where the emotions run high and always the possibility of falling in love. Now I only fall in love for an hour at a time. The rest of the time I spend with my best friend.

cuppajoe843 reads

I was 36 and married 7 years (yeah right?) when I started thinking about it, all the different aspects of this topic.  I finally pulled the trigger 9 years later.  45 is not a latecomer, I guess.

I started at 54. The wife lost her desire due to medical issues. We also have a don't ask, don't tell policy. I've been lucky to find 2 girls that I see when I can. I also stayed away from a fyb relationship due to feelings that can happen between 2 people. We are all in this together so might as well enjoy ourselves while we can

I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think that they will sing to me.

------------------The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, by Tough Shit Eliot

I am 62 and have been hobbying for 30 years and it gets better every year.  The providers like older guys
There are slso providers who get in later in their 40'sand 50's.

The review boards mske it easy to sestch and choose for great ladiies.  I like the reading the review boards better than the sports pages.
All the best happy hobbying

a number of years of just self sex I joined the hobby.  I was 58, and had been to a few lingerie shops, gotten a hj/bj but wanted fs.  So, after I retired I went for it, and never looked back.  I have met and enjoyed ladies from 18 to around 50 and have no plans on giving it up.


Then, the exact same thoughts that you had began to creep in.

Like any major decision in my life, I always also consider the scenario of what might happen if I don't act on them.   I realized that I would someday regret not experiencing another woman, or some fantasies that were impossible for my SO to fulfill.

Thus, I found TER and met a few very special wonderful ladies.   I now have no regrets, and the 30 year waiting period just makes my "dates" even more exciting and special

My wife started saying no to sex at 45 so off I went. Still married but no sex with her. Thanks to many ladies I have done many great things and had hundreds of great Os

...due to a sexless 2nd marriage (the 1st one wasn't any better).  I walked out of that marriage and haven't looked back since.  I'd relish a sexually satisfying civvie relationship that didn't involve all the drama of reward or punishment in the bedroom, but I haven't found that woman yet, so I enjoy falling in lust one hour at a time.  Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the wonderful providers who have enriched my life for the past decade+, for giving me such unbridled pleasure.  I love you all for that!

joepesci764 reads

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts, insights and encouragement. It's appreciated. I'm very much looking forward to expanding on the next chapter. Cheers.

noagenosage723 reads

...so whatever yours is, it's valid.  As for me, I was a player earlier on, then marriage and family intervened for many years.  I'm still wrapped up in family in great ways, but great sex with my SO has taken leave, for a variety of reasons.  However, I still get the urge and if it's strong enough I can't sleep until it's satisfied with an interactive female partner.  I found a couple, and my current one and I keep each other busy for a wonderful hour, nothing more every week or two.  I love it, and I'm sure she enjoys it, and it helps us both -- she is an UTR provider.  I don't see how she keeps up her high standards, but she does.  Nothing's perfect, but after an hour with her I'm good for a week or two and she never stops smiling.  At my age, well into my 80's, isn't that enough?  I'm happy, and she says, "if you're happy I'm happy too."

Started about a year ago.  Stopped having sex wife about three years prior.  Got frustrated and made the move.

My brain got hard wired to the hobby many many years ago.  

Don't know whether that's fortunate or unfortunate. It is what it is.

The real fun starts as we age and can truly appreciate what good sex really is.

not the selfish "all me" type but the kind that is shared and enjoyed by both parties

Same thought process. My 1st time I thought I was easing in to a massage with a he. We ended up fs. Biggest grin on my face for days. Never looked back.

AZCalvin69677 reads

I had some of the same thoughts and in the same situation. Getting close to 60 and didn't want to be sitting in the retirement home wishing I had done things I had wanted to do. So I too, got into the hobby. Having a good time, mostly, but have made some mistakes which is to be expected. Not sure how much longer I'll participate but for now just taking it one day at a time and enjoying every minute I'm with a lovely lady, exploring fantasies and having no regrets.

WICardinalfan669 reads

Sexless marriage.....cut off once she turned 53.......same story.....different state.

Started P4P nine years ago at 51 after 5 years of no sex with the wife. Even then I kinda started by accident, lol. I was visiting friends out west and they took me to a brothel in Carson City. I didn't even know where we were going until we were there. I had a horrible time, and afterwards I was online trying to figure out what just happened to me and ran across TER. Jumped in with both feet!

Great postings on this topic...........I had the opportunity to see providers all over the world til 45, I did so selectively but they provided a great service to one who was never in one place for very long (strange life) I married at 45- the feelings died and I went to the Guest bedroom at 55, and began Hobbying thru TER, not too often but selectively in my area with a variety of ladies (the spice of life), now divorced at 65 I am looking for friends with benefits, not to depend on paid providers so my question and dilemma and don't think I am naive but chasing after some of the many divorced ladies in the community over 60..........I want to know what level are most women of this age as to sex drive.  They will be pasted menopause, so what do most men find???    Any comments will be appreciated.  Ladies and Gents, Thanks in advance

I've met/dated many civvie women over the past several years.  Seems to me that this sample of gals in their late 50's to late 60's (I'm 65) has been that same mix of experience I've had with women all my life:  some are randy, some are teases, some just want a friend w/o benefits.  

-- Modified on 8/6/2015 9:33:05 AM

I met many older men for whom I was their first provider experience.  Usually they are amongst my favorite clients. Xo Trish

It is comforting to hear so many stories  similar to my own.
40+ years of marriage to a wonderful woman but the last 15 were nearly sexless due to medical issues. The decision to seek companionship  5 years ago was not an easy one as I confronted issues of how I, as a moral, good person could even consider having intimate relations with others.
Five years later: My life has been enriched beyond words by the wonderful women in this hobby who have not only shared their beds with me but also their warmth, charm, compassion and love of life. I am a happier person because this missing piece is being fulfilled. And I do not feel any less about myself. No guilt, no regrets. Just a completeness that was missing.  
Best of all, I now have a number of special, genuine friendships with amazing women that have stimulated my mind, touched my heart and that I trust will continue way beyond my hobby days ( which I have no intention of ending in foreseeable future :).

I think the reasons that so many of us start this at such a late age is:

1) Availablity....I mean really, were the internet and this available as easily as it is now when I was 25, I may not have gotten married at all.

2) Moral compass.....today's moral compass is just pointed a little different (not saying it is wrong).  I think there is a predilection toward marrying later and that marriage is either open or doesn't last as long as ours did.

Posted By: joepesci
Not sure this si the right forum but hey we're all of that age.  
 I've been with my SO for over 40 years...dating then marriage... believe it or not...happy...blah, blah, blah. Always had many sexual fantasies like most guys but never acted on them. A year or two ago as I was closing in on 60 I had this revelation that holy shit...I really am not going to live forever and furthermore....all of those sexual fantasies that I subconsciously felt were going to happen at some point....are on a much shorter timetable. Since then I have started (mostly dabbled) with hobbying. Trying to stretch my limits with what I'm comfortable with. Contrary to what one would think I'm not headed full bore but rather easing into things. I guess my point or question is that I feel as though I am the only one arriving so late to the game. We always think we're so unique until we realize there are so many others with similar paths/thoughts. Anyone else a latecomer...been here..there?

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