60 and Over

I think we will see deregulation and more national debt but that will mean more ..teeth_smile
AdelleAnderson See my TER Reviews 658 reads

$$$$$$$ moving around  in the economy for another 8 years before the wheels fall off again. Just my opinion and I have no idea if I am correct or not- LOL.

The inevitable deep recession we will be in as a result of the election?
I will.. I will have to.. Those funds come out of my saved funds (being retired) which will be reduced today a lot.. and for quite a while it appears.. estimates of the National Debt increase are pretty dire and that will continue to drive the economy into the cellar.. damn..

Hobby more!

The sun rose, the birds are singing, and hobbying is still good for stress.

$$$$$$$ moving around  in the economy for another 8 years before the wheels fall off again. Just my opinion and I have no idea if I am correct or not- LOL.

When I have money, I spend it.

When I don't, I don't

I guess the recession will start tomorrow ?  

Posted By: josulli
The inevitable deep recession we will be in as a result of the election?  
 I will.. I will have to.. Those funds come out of my saved funds (being retired) which will be reduced today a lot.. and for quite a while it appears.. estimates of the National Debt increase are pretty dire and that will continue to drive the economy into the cellar.. damn..

Or in a year when there has been a tax cut but the only thing trickling down is debt.. so asking.. I like Mr Fishers approac

I like this a lot Fish!  Reminds me of what my Dad always used to say: any idiot can die broke, but it takes real talent to die owing a million dollars!

RevEJones426 reads


Posted By: mrfisher
The biggest loser.  

Then let's see how the market and interest rates are trending. It's too early to get spook but I am sleeping with one eye open.

where are you folks getting all of these economic predictions?  Twitter? Inevitable deep recession?  Where do you get that?  
How, exactly, are your saved funds going to be reduced ?  Is someone going to come and confiscate your savings?  Who is predicting dire increases in the National Debt and based on what?  
Are you like the Millennials and base your knowledge on satire seen on Saturday Night Live? Or Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert?  
FYI...  the last 9 years have been an economic disaster for this country. GWB was not a great POTUS for the economy, but BHO was worse.  BHO is the ONLY POTUS in history to never have at least 1 year of growth at a minimum of 3 %. Even FDR had a year of 3% growth during the Great Depression. The USA has averaged annual GDP growth at 1% during BHO's  presidency. The National Debt went from $9 Trillion in 2008 to $19 Trillion today. Were you feeling this anxiety 8 years ago?
I get that a lot of people are unhappy about the election of DJT, but this sky-is-falling mentality has no basis in fact

What? are you that dumb? My funds are invested in the stock market.. It drops and they do too...
Huh? You think my funds are sewn up in a mattress?

Many of the plans proposed will cost a lot.. a huge amount and a tax break on top of that.. That's exactly how we went down the crapper with GWB.. and BTW, BHO reduced the growth in the national debt.. the market is up and m=a ton of new jobs were created.. If Drumpf can get past the Fraud charges then he has the child rape charges.. are you nuts? there will be a ton of very significant market fluctuations in our future.. get real..

Wow. Talk about dumb. Hold up a mirror.  Wed. the Market had its biggest day in decades. I would not have my retirement savings in the Market regardless. It is in a bubble right now due to the Fed keeping interest rates low. If the Fed sees the economy heating up, they will be forced to raise rates and the Market will take a hit. Get a clue.
Are you confusing Debt and Deficit?  A lot of low information voters do that. The Debt has INCREASED from $9 Trillion to $19 Trillion. Look it up dumbass. BHO likes to say he has decreased the Deficit. Wrong. How do you decrease the deficit and the debt more than doubles?  Do the f'ing math.  That stupid ass argument that politicians are decreasing the GROWTH in a rate is only significant to the stupidest citizens.  
What ton of new jobs?  Are you fucking serious? No one could be dumb enough to buy that load of horseshit. Even Joe Biden doesn't believe that crap.  
Try getting information from reliable sources. Try looking facts up for yourself.  
Oh, and you're confusing Trump with Clinton. She will be the one facing fraud charges (along with her partner in crime, Slick Willie) ( and bribery charges and public corruption charges and perjury charges and more)when the FBI concludes their investigation in the Clinton (Family Slush Fund) Foundation. Trump isn't under Federal investigation.  Child Rape?  Again. That would be Dimocrat Weiner.  The hubby of Hilliary's BFF.  
There are always market fluctuations.

Posted By: voyager-43
Wow. Talk about dumb. Hold up a mirror.  Wed. the Market had its biggest day in decades. I would not have my retirement savings in the Market regardless. It is in a bubble right now due to the Fed keeping interest rates low. If the Fed sees the economy heating up, they will be forced to raise rates and the Market will take a hit. Get a clue.  
 Are you confusing Debt and Deficit?  A lot of low information voters do that. The Debt has INCREASED from $9 Trillion to $19 Trillion. Look it up dumbass. BHO likes to say he has decreased the Deficit. Wrong. How do you decrease the deficit and the debt more than doubles?  Do the f'ing math.  That stupid ass argument that politicians are decreasing the GROWTH in a rate is only significant to the stupidest citizens.  
 What ton of new jobs?  Are you fucking serious? No one could be dumb enough to buy that load of horseshit. Even Joe Biden doesn't believe that crap.  
 Try getting information from reliable sources. Try looking facts up for yourself.  
 Oh, and you're confusing Trump with Clinton. She will be the one facing fraud charges (along with her partner in crime, Slick Willie) ( and bribery charges and public corruption charges and perjury charges and more)when the FBI concludes their investigation in the Clinton (Family Slush Fund) Foundation. Trump isn't under Federal investigation.  Child Rape?  Again. That would be Dimocrat Weiner.  The hubby of Hilliary's BFF.    
 There are always market fluctuations.
Your an idiot.. Of course I have funds other than in the market.. I don't use those for hobbying.. I use my stock funds for that.. Yes the Dow jumped up.. That's one day.. hold onto your hat .. it will plummet.. for sure.. MR oneview of the World.. and yes there has been a ton of job creation.. crawl back under your rock and keep pretending ass wipe..  The debt blew sky high under Bush along with the deficit.. the rate of increase has slowed whether you like it or not.. the new admin has a ton of plans that won't help.. so get real there's no magic bullet.. I asked a question.. I'm not interested in anything you may have to say.. Go hate somewhere else..

Of course you don't want to hear anything I have to say. That is what children and Liberals do when someone presents them with facts. Stick your fingers in your ears for the next 4 years.

Well, if you are over 60 and all of your retirement funds are in equities and not balanced appropriately, you deserve to lose them all.  If you are that worried, it's time to move to fixed assets or maybe even cash with no growth.

Posted By: josulli
What? are you that dumb? My funds are invested in the stock market.. It drops and they do too...  
 Huh? You think my funds are sewn up in a mattress?  
 Many of the plans proposed will cost a lot.. a huge amount and a tax break on top of that.. That's exactly how we went down the crapper with GWB.. and BTW, BHO reduced the growth in the national debt.. the market is up and m=a ton of new jobs were created.. If Drumpf can get past the Fraud charges then he has the child rape charges.. are you nuts? there will be a ton of very significant market fluctuations in our future.. get real..

Posted By: scb19
Well, if you are over 60 and all of your retirement funds are in equities and not balanced appropriately, you deserve to lose them all.  If you are that worried, it's time to move to fixed assets or maybe even cash with no growth.  
Posted By: josulli
What? are you that dumb? My funds are invested in the stock market.. It drops and they do too...  
  Huh? You think my funds are sewn up in a mattress?  
  Many of the plans proposed will cost a lot.. a huge amount and a tax break on top of that.. That's exactly how we went down the crapper with GWB.. and BTW, BHO reduced the growth in the national debt.. the market is up and m=a ton of new jobs were created.. If Drumpf can get past the Fraud charges then he has the child rape charges.. are you nuts? there will be a ton of very significant market fluctuations in our future.. get real..
I have only hobby funds in equities.. and pretty stable ones at that.. the rest is in instruments with a guarantee of 7% interest.. the hobby funds are very available.. so if the hobby funds are hit by a market crash.. the rest stays put and not impacted at all.. .. it all isn't in one place.. obviously..

there is going to be a deep recession?  Bonds are due for a tumble due to the inevitable rise in interest rates which are a result of rapid GROWTH.  While that will decrease the value of your portfolio, your rate of return will increase.  
the plan is for a stimulus package of reduced tax rates across the board combined with infrastructure spending...both with create growth in the economy.

Posted By: josulli
The inevitable deep recession we will be in as a result of the election?  
 I will.. I will have to.. Those funds come out of my saved funds (being retired) which will be reduced today a lot.. and for quite a while it appears.. estimates of the National Debt increase are pretty dire and that will continue to drive the economy into the cellar.. damn..

That was done before.. It doesn't work.. The economy suffered.. I'm not really debating that with you.. If either of us knew the answer.. we could make a ton of money.. Not to be gloom & doom but things have been gong well. a change in direction will change that too.. I asked a question if the inevitable recession would curtail hobbying.. That was my question .. not a Pollyanna view of the future..  

This is exactly what I meant..

-- Modified on 11/12/2016 12:57:27 PM

capt._obvious414 reads

a change and the will of the people prevailed.  

You can bet our national security will be enhanced and there will be on emails leaked because of private servers.

It wasn't "on the internet" it was a statement from someone who knows a lot more than you.. and the "will of the people" ?.. wrong again bucko.. the majority of the voters did not vote for the President elect.. so close your ignorant trap and lets hope he isn't found guilty of raping a 13 year old child.. That trial starts in December.. go drink more Kool Aid.. it's seeping from your ass.. the man's a fucking clown.. that will become obvious.

Go to your safe space and stick your fingers in your ears for the next 4 years.  You know you sound like a 5 year old ?  4 years from now, you and all your crying , sobbing,  tantrum throwing friends are going to see what actual economic progress and safety and security look like.  
Typical and usual Dimocrat practice to deflect your own characteristic and tendency to your opponent.  I forget which one of the Rules for Radicals it is, you can look it up in your own book.  
Meanwhile, who won the election?  The guy that is going to be sworn in on Jan 20.  On Jan 21, your candidate will be in handcuffs. LMFAO

Your showing the correct demographic..
Undereducated white voter.. so accept that, embrace it and tell me how proud you are n a year or so.. if he isn't in handcuffs for rape of the 13 year old.. there are witnesses..

How many Master's degrees do you have?  2 here. One in Economics.  So, stick it where the sun don't shine, sport.

capt._obvious513 reads

years ago. Why did they wait until 2016 to "come forward"? Sure, because they received a check from the clinton foundation to "remember what happened".  

Trump could have had Monica Lewinsky tell about her oval office affairs too but he didn't.

Posted By: josulli
The inevitable deep recession we will be in as a result of the election?  
 I will.. I will have to.. Those funds come out of my saved funds (being retired) which will be reduced today a lot.. and for quite a while it appears.. estimates of the National Debt increase are pretty dire and that will continue to drive the economy into the cellar.. damn..

When I have it I have it,  i do save for the right providers and not any new ones right now

All 3 major index including S&P 500, DOW, and NASDAQ had an amazing run since the election.  The market is extremely strong.  It seems like that wall street really likes Trump.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.

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