60 and Over

I am almost the complete opposite as you
compassionalism 4817 reads
1 / 13

In my late 50s and finding that it's more difficult to achieve and maintain an erection.  Even with smoking hot providers.  I typically masturbate daily, and achieve orgasm.  But, it does require a barrage of porn (multiple scenes showing at the same time, so that I don't get 'bored').

I'm not afraid to integrate porn into my session.  But frankly, it feels to me as though I'm insulting the girl ("sorry baby, sure you're hot.  just not 'that' hot").

Does anyone have a pre-date routine for the days leading up to the date to help "inspire" themselves when the time is right?  More porn?  Less porn?  More masturbation?  Less masturbation?  More hydration?  Different diet?  etc?

GaGambler 237 reads
2 / 13

I doubt if I masturbate more than once every several months, but I do try to have actual sex "almost" every day.

I don't have any kind of pre-date routine, although I will say at my "advanced age" which is approaching 62, (yes a mere lad by this board's standards) I no longer attempt to drink a full bottle of tequila before/during a date. lol

My suggestion is the same as I would recommend for younger guys, "More sex, less masturbation" and as for porn, I would just skip the porn and put all your efforts into the "real thing"  As we get older football, basketball, hockey and just about every other sport besides golf and bowling become "spectator sports" I have ZERO desire to have sex become a spectator sport for me. Stick to the real thing (if you are able) and I bet the problems you have listed will become a thing of the past.

dodge55 192 Reviews 219 reads
3 / 13

I watch a lot of porn and masturbate regularly. I am 70, and rarely hobby any more. But when I do, I lay off masturbating for a few days, maybe watch some porn to help build the anticipation and take a Viagra 1 hour before.  Even without the blue pill, I have no trouble getting and maintaining an erection, but the Viagra is "insurance" for the date and it seems to help. I've never watched porn during a date, nothing wrong with those who do, but I much prefer being totally immersed in being with a real woman.  

About porn, I remember when I had "the talk" with my son at about age 13  and he asked about porn.  I told him to remember it is not real, actual girls don't usually look or act like those actresses.  

cj2nels 8 Reviews 216 reads
4 / 13

you might have some issues with porn induced ed (pied).  before I got into hobbying I watch alot of porn and continued it along with seeing escorts. I started to have some issues, one day I watch a youtube presentation  your brain on porn by gary wilson and everything he talk about fit me perfectly. the cure is easy just lay off the porn. he has a book by the same name and its cheap 14 dollars. he does a better job explaining it: pavlov law the coolidge effect than I would. also a lot of people say I take viagra, cialis etc.  as insurance but i"M not ed. I think that do to pied also.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 206 reads
5 / 13

I've repeated this often on these forums, but a lot of young guys are having real life performance issues because they grew up on abundantly available internet porn.  Porn is pretty intense.  Real life isn't always quite as stimulating.  So they fail to get the same physical reaction that they get from porn.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 207 reads
6 / 13

seen have told me the same thing.  These young guys grow up masturbating to porn every night and the have desensitized their dicks.  The girls don't have the Kung Fu grip that guys have, so they have trouble creating enough friction to get them off.  When it comes to vaginal sex, forget it.  Many can only be finished with a HJ . . .  a very vigorous HJ.   This is the reason many providers are starting to require a minimum age of 35.  

TennGambler 19 Reviews 214 reads
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If you haven't seen this movie, check it out.

barebear3 38 Reviews 223 reads
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I am over 70. I only plan to cum every 7-10 days. During the rest of the week I don't jerk off.

Starting about 3-4 days before the date, I drink about 8-16 ounces of pineapple juice each day. It does work for me. For you, who knows?

One day before my date, I take half of my antidepressant dosage. On the day of the date I skip the antidepressant. (After the date I will take that days' dosage. BW, I discussed this with my psychiatrist and given my strong desire/need to cum they are OK with it.)

One hour before the date on a empty stomach I take generic sildenafil manufactured in California. (No foreign V for me.) I also hydrate, and have two water bottles with me for when the date happens.

During the session I tend to focus on mutual pleasure, especially DATY. Then it is my turn, and if I am relaxed and in a good space I have had multiple pops. Usually one, though.

Then a few days later I start this all over again.

I am also trying some of the herbs mentioned in other posts.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 236 reads
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it is usually in reference to making your cum taste better.  mrfisher is the resident expert in that area.  But if it works for you, that's all that counts.  Keep it up!  See what I did there?

theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 230 reads
10 / 13

At 70, I've been having similar ED issues for some years now. Libido issues as well, which your mention of requiring "a barrage of porn" puts me in mind of, though I don't know if that is also true for you. I don't have a fixed pre-date routine except that I don't masturbate at all for at least several days prior and try to get (what passes with me for) a good night's sleep for a night or two before. I've also started cutting back on the porn, not that I normally watch a huge amount. What I'm beginning to think might be helping even more than those things is going into the session without a lot of expectations and just accepting and enjoying whatever takes place -- lightening up and being more in the moment, you could say.

But whipping myself up before a date only goes so far. I decided I had to get working on the ED and libido problems, and for me that mostly has meant getting an exercise program going. Other aspects of health come into it as well -- I've really come to believe that my physical and mental well-being has everything to do with my sexual well-being, and if that is not addressed, then all the exotic herbal supplements and prescription meds and other techniques are going to have a small temporary effect at best. Now that's just me, and I'm the farthest thing from an expert. I just put my thoughts and experience out there in case there is anything you might find helpful. I *will* say that I've lost 10-15 pounds in the last six or eight months and gone from being the most sedentary, out-of-shape guy on earth to a guy who is slightly less sedentary and out of shape, and with these modest gains have come some modest gains in the bedroom (or hotel room or massage table).

Apologies in advance if I've rambled on (I'm claiming the privilege of being a garrulous old codger, now that I am authentically old) or given you responses that aren't helpful or relevant.

Fe26del 83 Reviews 212 reads
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I'm 65 and it's the Same routine for me. Lots of porn and masturbation each month but try to stop several days before a date. It helps. May try a low dose viagra too since occasionally 2nd or 3rd shot is dufficult.

OldCodger 233 reads
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Since I'm soon to be 81, I'm going to "claim the privilege of being a garrulous old codger" and give a big "AMEN" to theoldcavalier's post.  I enjoy the trip almost as much as arriving at the destination, whether it be vaginal or oral, and find that the (mostly mature) providers accept/tolerate/appreciate my frequent ED and are glad to have another nice ol' guy as a customer.  
I also concur with his comments about general health.  I'm a few pounds overweight, but have been an active walker (2.5 miles today on a windy 25 degree day0 for several decades and give that activity a lot of credit for my mostly good health at this advanced age.  I saw a lady last week and hope to see another one later this week - livin' the dream!!!

Rickshaw17 28 Reviews 209 reads
13 / 13

I have a sedentary job but remain pretty active. I’m not over weight.  I have no chronic health issues. I’m considered in good shape for my age. But...I cannot perform like I did in my youth and I probably need TRT.  I have not masterbated in years. Hand-jobs don’t often work for me. I rarely watch porn. I need the real thing, preferably with some genuine chemistry between me and my partner.  I do nothing to “prepare” for an encounter. What gets me going is passionate DFK with a provider who doesn’t rush. That is the single most important factor for me. A gorgeous woman with whom I have little chemistry and no DFK makes for a failed session where I have difficulty finishing. An average to below average looking woman providing the aforementioned components gives me great satisfaction. A beautiful woman providing what I need for a price I’m willing to pay is a unicorn.  

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