60 and Over

hobby philosophyred_smile
macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 6152 reads

they say you cant teach an old dog new tricks...they also say that variety is the spice of life..which do you adhere to? do you stick with the girls who you have already seen because they know your wants and needs? or do you want to try out the new girls on the block? stay with the tried and true? or walk on the wild side?

See my favorites and also go see new providers. Who knows I may find another favorite. I've been in a see new ladies mode mostly right now. It's about time to go back and see some favorites.

But I occasionally need to get some VIP credits accrued.

I only hobby when I travel for business. I can now happily say that there is one special woman in each of the cities that I regularly get to. It is nice to go back and be with these women, the subsequent meetings are always better than the previous ones as we continue to get to  know each other and look forward with anticipation to our getting together again. These are women with whom I feel a special bond and that makes the hookup that much more special and exciting for me. I sense that there is a feeling of mutuality although I am but one of many clients.
Every once in a while, I am also drawn to meet someone new and that too has its excitement as we undress for the first time, kiss for the first time and begin to explore for the   first time.
So I would have to answer, 90% of seeing old friends and 10% of seeking new adventures. I haven't yet decided which fav I will ask to introduce me to my first double. Definitely on the bucket list. :)

For the most part, I have adhered to this goal.

I think the hobby should be a blend of the familar and the new to keep things sharp.

Some of both.  I love seeing my favorites but also some the thrill of someone new

I have leart a few new tricks, and been reminded of a few from my younger days.  Some of the ladies are more like time machines, taking you back to those yester days and it is amazing to find the old dog still can manage those tricks.  

Now as far as to stick or not to stick?  That is a yes.  I gotta see the ladies that I know can push all the right buttons, but I still have to on occasion go seek out new incalls, to seek out new ladies and thier talents, to boldly go where I havent been before!  lol

I stick with Reviewed Ladies who have generally scored 8 or higher for “Performance.” Pay very little attention to “Appearance” scores, as I am all about falling in love with their Photographs.

Critically important is to “Review The Reviewer.” Reading the Review is of paramount importance. Some guys give a low performance score while writing how FABULOUS she was. Knowing the Reviewers habits and scoring traits are important. Of course, the more Reviewers who agree on the Lady’s Performance being excellent, the better.

I have been extremely fortunate in seeing previously “Unreviewed Ladies” in the past, but really no longer do that – unless of course I fall in love with their Phonographs!

...or they were recommended by a provider or a hobbyist I trust. I'm not TOFTT when I see a new provider. I simply mean she is new to me. I don't think the OP was talking about TOFTT. I could be wrong.

I have a half dozen or so favs, but since I usually see touring out-of-towners, they're only here now & then, so I'm usually on the lookout for the new & unlnown, a certain excitement just from that aspect.  With the favs I know what to expect & of course already know that we get along so never a disappointment.  With new ladies, there's always a bit of the unknown and the asociated risk of disappointment, but then I realize that all of my favs were once new to me too.  Just try to always shop carefully & do my homework.

I generally like the ladies I have already seen. WHY?
Well they are usually professional and respectful and scheduling is easier. The new ones are a hit or miss ask 10 see one. Better use of time to ask one you know!

Funny how much value we put on our time.

I love it when old friends come to call.  It means a lot to me to know you think enough of what we've shared to share it again. Together, we know what buttons to push and we're usually comfortable enough to try something new and naughty. And often, we catch up with what is going on in our lives.

But I also love that thrill of not really knowing what to expect when my soon to be new boyfriend  walks through the door. I like that feeling of anticipation as much as you do.

As a single woman being a provider is fabulous. World class sex, a great profession and a wonderful circle of friends.

Life is good.

Smiles and Soft Kisses,
Anneke cN

I love my atfs but from time to time I also enjoy seeing someone new. And if we seem to hit it off pretty well she will become another of my atfs . My problem is I usually always see a lady at least twice. Unless the first time was bad. I've noticed that I am more relaxed and have a much better time if I have seen her at least once already.

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