60 and Over

Huckabee wants a national sales tax not income tax. That's how ...
artrides 10 Reviews 1900 reads
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I was reading that Mike Huckabee wants a national sales tax of 23%, in part, so that prostitutes and pimps will have to pay taxes, which they don't now.....he claims.  I've wondered about this and I know it's none of my business, but I wonder how someone with an all cash business that brings in thousands of dollars a week, and business expenses to boot, manages in our non-cash economy.  The only other comparable business I can think of is that's legit is a food truck.  So, what do you old guys think that the ladies do for "fronts" to deposit their income?  I know that some ladies are building up a nest egg so that they can retire but that means a big bank account with a lot of cash deposits.  Do you think the DEA has banks flag these kinds of accounts?

ATLDAWG 673 reads
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Who of you all has put a pencil to these flat tax "Proposals" that are being tossed around and compared that to what you actually are paying as a percentage of your gross income-?  Who also has looked at what the implications are for those of us who put money into ROTH IRA's ??

Unless there are some sort of deductions retirees will likely pay significantly more in federal tax than we do at present..............will these proposals do away with  state and local taxes?  None of the "Huckabee" types seem to carry this thru the entire process.....Anyone actually know how this is affected in the whole ??
Posted By: artrides
I was reading that Mike Huckabee wants a national sales tax of 23%, in part, so that prostitutes and pimps will have to pay taxes, which they don't now.....he claims.  I've wondered about this and I know it's none of my business, but I wonder how someone with an all cash business that brings in thousands of dollars a week, and business expenses to boot, manages in our non-cash economy.  The only other comparable business I can think of is that's legit is a food truck.  So, what do you old guys think that the ladies do for "fronts" to deposit their income?  I know that some ladies are building up a nest egg so that they can retire but that means a big bank account with a lot of cash deposits.  Do you think the DEA has banks flag these kinds of accounts?

emorf4077 65 Reviews 615 reads
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But there are few that are legit and leave no paper trail. In the 80s a friend was searching for a cash business with no inventory cost. He opened a dry cleaner. Today, many folks use cards for even small purchases, so the options are thinner. In addition to a food truck you mentioned, farm stands and news stands may be all that's left.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 593 reads
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Huckabee is a Huckster..

2236707 3 Reviews 601 reads
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I certainly expect and hope that the smart ones pay tax. You might want to do a search on the General board.

sweetman 93 Reviews 786 reads
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and have asked some providers who know me well enough to talk about money.  they claim they have it under control but declined to mention details.  I do have one lady friend who is a no shit athlete and personal trainer and uses that cover for outside income.  She can personally train me over and over!

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 709 reads
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......down by the river.


Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 771 reads
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You know that we're all seeing like 8-10 guys a day, right??

I get told all the time how busy and popular I am!!!   They clearly know something I don't lol.  

Obviously, since my schedule shows I'm available 8-9 hours a day, that's how many dates I get.  

Oh, and I recently got told that another provider in my general area MUST be seeing 20 men a day!!  How did someone draw that conclusion?  Well, because she has ads everywhere, never posts here on TER and can be available almost anytime.....  duh.  

So yeah.... we're all earning somewhere in the mid-6-figure range.... how do you not know this?!



xyz23 45 Reviews 455 reads
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...he would accomplish everyone paying taxes. He did say pimps and prostitutes but he didn't limit it to them. He named others as well.

BustyDarla See my TER Reviews 704 reads
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Industry = porn movies (I've done) and webcams for the last 5 years.  I do not include prostitution or what my sugar daddy gives me.  I would be too worried about consequences.  I had a friend who had a red flag put on her safety deposit bank.  She got tipped off and flew to that bank to get her diamonds and some cash.  I have used my money to buy a home, furs, cars, and I invest in the market.  I do pay taxes.  I only glance at these boards 1-2x a week happened to catch this one.
Escort is just plain prostitution not the industry.  Web cams and porn are legal.  I get sent a 1099 every year.

Clrw_guy06 496 reads
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if a guy who dots the I's and crosses the T's, has ever sent a gal a miscellaneous 1099 if they paid more than the 600 bucks a year for non employee compensation??

keystonekid 114 Reviews 518 reads
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prostitution related charges, boot legging, or anything else illegal in the 1920's.

2236707 3 Reviews 430 reads
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2236707 3 Reviews 556 reads
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is a federal crime, whereas depending on circumstances prostitution might not be.

"Income from illegal activities, such as money from dealing illegal drugs, must be included in your income on Form 1040, line 21, or on Schedule C or Schedule C-EZ (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity."

Also, and this is not pointed at you, personally I want everyone to pay taxes. I pay mine and don't want to carry others on my back.

donbecker54 19 Reviews 549 reads
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even if the gambling wasn't legal. You also have to pay taxes on the legal gambling run by state governments. Double standards, anyone?  

There's some popular providers I've seen who I guesstimate make more than $250K a year. Others I don't think make $1000 a week from escorting.

vamikey 74 Reviews 629 reads
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that's $ 1050/day X 4 days = $ 4200.  Take out $ 200 night X3 for hotel, & you're down to $ 3600, take out $ 600 for travel expenses & you're still up $ 3K four 4 days, & you have 3 days at wherever you are next, home or another town.  Change it to 4 guys/hours/day, or up the price to $ 400/hr., & it just increases.  I think we all know that the ladies do this to earn money & most really enjoy sex.  But it can be quite lucrative for top talent, and thousands/week is not out of line.  I know a few that are doing this for a few years to build a nest egg for whatever purpose.

islandgent 542 reads
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A National Sales tax is not an income tax.  A National Sales tax will tax a person at the cash register when they make purchases.  Hence, the pimps and the prostitutes will be paying the Sales tax when they buy their fancy clothes, jewelry and other items.  They, of course, will be making these purchases with the cash that they earn and spend even though they do not put a cent in a bank.  The more purchases one makes, the more taxes that one pays.

beach6216 8 Reviews 430 reads
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Read this short book to get a good insight on a flat tax.  No more IRS.  I love the idea.  It'll never happen in my lifetime though I'm sure.

The FairTax Book by Neal Boortz and John Linder.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 520 reads
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Actually the exact quote is, "I sell shrimp out of a van"  and I added "down by the river" so to be accurate, I mixed the two lines.

Couldn't find a clip of just that joke, so it's at  1:11:18  of the complete "Behavioral Problems" show, linked below.  


-- Modified on 9/19/2015 9:03:21 AM

scb19 10 Reviews 427 reads
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The only defined "flat tax" proposal this year is Rand Paul's so far and I've done the math and would pay about $2k less in taxes, and that's with losing the mortgage deduction.   As to the so-called Fair Tax, it's actually a 33% tax on all NEW goods and services.  They claim it's a 28% "imputed" tax, but in the real world, where real math counts, tax rate =(last-first)/first.  It's NOT =(last-first)/last.  Also, it taxes consumption which accounts for about 70% of our economic activity.  Then, it's only on NEW products so who would buy anything NEW if you can get used for 33% less off the top?  The good news?  It eliminates all payroll taxes.

Posted By: ATLDAWG
Who of you all has put a pencil to these flat tax "Proposals" that are being tossed around and compared that to what you actually are paying as a percentage of your gross income-?  Who also has looked at what the implications are for those of us who put money into ROTH IRA's ??  
 Unless there are some sort of deductions retirees will likely pay significantly more in federal tax than we do at present..............will these proposals do away with  state and local taxes?  None of the "Huckabee" types seem to carry this thru the entire process.....Anyone actually know how this is affected in the whole ??  
Posted By: artrides
I was reading that Mike Huckabee wants a national sales tax of 23%, in part, so that prostitutes and pimps will have to pay taxes, which they don't now.....he claims.  I've wondered about this and I know it's none of my business, but I wonder how someone with an all cash business that brings in thousands of dollars a week, and business expenses to boot, manages in our non-cash economy.  The only other comparable business I can think of is that's legit is a food truck.  So, what do you old guys think that the ladies do for "fronts" to deposit their income?  I know that some ladies are building up a nest egg so that they can retire but that means a big bank account with a lot of cash deposits.  Do you think the DEA has banks flag these kinds of accounts?

scb19 10 Reviews 570 reads
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no it's not...Let's not diminish the memory of Chris Farley as a Motivational Speaker for David Spade and Christina Applegate.
Sorry, couldn't find the whole skit...

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 437 reads
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to which I added "down by the river" and thus the confusion.    


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