60 and Over

Here's one I remembered last night,
smallsteps 4 Reviews 541 reads

This was a totally innocuous event that I remembered last night while the ghosts and goblins were cluttering the streets with candy wrappers and discarded uneaten green apples. When I was a kid there was a strong tendency to serve a trick to those households that didn't give treats. Rude remarks written on car windows with wax or soap, tipped-over garbage cans or even outhouse.  
Since I was a boy scout and didn't usually do anything destructive, but one night a couple of my friends and I decided to ring the doorbell of that small house at the end of the lane and near the railroad station. It had the standard red light lit above the door to announce that a lady of the night was ready for customers.

We had planned on ringing the doorbell and crying trick or treat to see what she would say or offer us.  We rang the doorbell but before she opened the door we chickened out and ran like hell.
Do any of you ladies and gentlemen remember remarkable events in the past involving tricks or treats?

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