60 and Over

Even if true...
BenneeProfane 98 Reviews 258 reads

You have to understand that the way medical tests are performed at this point in history, there is no way research could prove this. You'd have to get hundreds of men tracked over years, asking them to complete surveys on their sex life. .

So much of what they're learning about cancer is that genetics are a factor but it's no guarantee: fathers and sons don't have the same genetic profile for everything.  

All we can do is work to stay healthy and I think those of us who are hobbying past 60 are probably in better shape than our peers who don't have the motivation to keep their bodies in good shape.

After family history of prostate cancer, I had expected the worst - now at 67, no issues.  Unlike my father and brother, I believe I am more active in the orgasm department than they were, average 5+ per week.  Is there any correlation medically which shows that the activity/frequency of orgasm affects the frequency of prostate issues?

My father died of cancer that started as prostate cancer, and two other sibs have also been diagnosed.

I'm hoping my active sex life will forestall any problems as well.

ATLDAWG279 reads

There appears to be no medical evidence to support the idea that lack of ejaculation causes prostate cancer or that frequent ejaculation prevents it.   Most often quoted idea is that long term diet is the key factor. (But don't let that stop you from seeking your own method of prevention) !

You have to understand that the way medical tests are performed at this point in history, there is no way research could prove this. You'd have to get hundreds of men tracked over years, asking them to complete surveys on their sex life. .

So much of what they're learning about cancer is that genetics are a factor but it's no guarantee: fathers and sons don't have the same genetic profile for everything.  

All we can do is work to stay healthy and I think those of us who are hobbying past 60 are probably in better shape than our peers who don't have the motivation to keep their bodies in good shape.

How the heck do you know how many orgasms your father and brother have had?   Have a good doctor, do a physical exam every year which includes digital rectal exam.  A female doctor with small hands is best.

I maintain an active sex life after 50, thanks to this hobby world. At  66 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and needed a total prostatectomy. I feared that this would abruptly end my sexual existance and in the months before surgery a got all I could. I never tried to look back to know what caused it. None of the men in my family had ever had it.
  I had the so called robotic prostatectomy in which a skilled surgeon operates tiny instumentd under 10x magnification to remove the prostate tissue without harming the nerves which carry those wonderful sensations.
For the first couple of weeks I was numb down there but as feeling returned I was able to rub a half hardon to a satisfying orgasm. In the year that followed I was able to regain erectile function with the help of modern pharmacology and of course the highly skilled and kind ladies of TER.  
    With no prostate to produce juice, orgasms are dry but I find them more intense than before and they re felt throughout my body.   In other words to cum is still a verb, but no longer a noun.
   The best advice I would give is to keep track of your PSA levels. I neglected this for too many years and was shocked to have a level of 9.7 when I was diagnosed. But do not panic if your level is slightly elevated. Just be sure to find a good urologist to guide your options.

Good to hear that treatment worked out so well. As people live longer, the odds are that most of us will eventually have to deal with this problem as some point.

About PSA tests -- I get an annual checkup and one year, it was elevated. I did some reading and saw that ejaculation within 24 hours can impact results. I got the re-test a few weeks later and was sure to abstain for 3 days before and it was back to normal levels.

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