60 and Over

Contrarian Opinion
phi68psi 21 Reviews 318 reads

I agree that personal medical advice should be pursued, but this is the over 60 board and some encouraging interaction should be tolerated.  

I am pretty up front about my use of trimix after a prostate laser reduction and think sharing opinions can lead guys to be more open about what works and what doesn't work.  

I would wonder about the explanation your urologist offered.  Hitting the sweet spot takes skill and practice. I once missed and had blood come out the tip of my urethra.  I think if you did that you would know it.  Abruptly ended the session.  Thank god the girl was someone who I have known for a while back even in the good old days.  Caused me to reevaluate my total injection technique and to not rush.  I have been much more careful and successful now.  There is so much going on with Trimix.  The stuff can spoil, the pharmacy can mess up the preparation.  And apparently there are instances where it looses its effectiveness.  

This is not offered as a substitute for medical advice so everyone else go easy on me.  It is offered as an encouragement to keep after it.  Work with your doctor or get another one.  I go to an academic medical center men's sex clinic.  They are very good and work with me the whole way.  I once went to a commercial men's health clinic mill and they were awful.  

Those of us who are older and have suffered prostate difficulties need to stick together.  I just hit the big 7-0.  It's not as good as it used to be but it still is good.  

bocaagain2863 reads

Due to prostate cancer, I have been injecting my penis for a couple of years.  Now it is no longer working and I end up with a sore/achy penis.  

I've discussed this with my urologist and he thinks I am inserting too far and hitting my urethra.  I haven't changed my technique since day one.

Any suggestions?

GaGambler223 reads

Everyone here is old enough to have been given the advice that washing down a couple of  ludes with a few shots of tequila was harmless fun. Or that taking a couple of reds was a great wash of coming down off of an acid high.

If we survived advice that bad, surely we can survive a couple of bonor pills, right?

Tequila , coke and Ludes .     Those those three gave me some great times and got me in the most trouble at the same time. If you can remember all the 60's and 70;s then you never really experienced them

GaGambler179 reads

I bet you are one of the few here to get the irony that Sgt Joe Friday had badge number 714. lol

We are probably all very lucky we aren't on trial with Bill Cosby, technically we were getting women "drugged up" in order to have sex with them, but is it really "assault" when she comes back night after night, week after week for more? lmao

Maybe I shouldn't admit to all this lest the PC crowd decides to brand me as "sexual predator" but I think we both know what I think about the PC crowd.

I agree that personal medical advice should be pursued, but this is the over 60 board and some encouraging interaction should be tolerated.  

I am pretty up front about my use of trimix after a prostate laser reduction and think sharing opinions can lead guys to be more open about what works and what doesn't work.  

I would wonder about the explanation your urologist offered.  Hitting the sweet spot takes skill and practice. I once missed and had blood come out the tip of my urethra.  I think if you did that you would know it.  Abruptly ended the session.  Thank god the girl was someone who I have known for a while back even in the good old days.  Caused me to reevaluate my total injection technique and to not rush.  I have been much more careful and successful now.  There is so much going on with Trimix.  The stuff can spoil, the pharmacy can mess up the preparation.  And apparently there are instances where it looses its effectiveness.  

This is not offered as a substitute for medical advice so everyone else go easy on me.  It is offered as an encouragement to keep after it.  Work with your doctor or get another one.  I go to an academic medical center men's sex clinic.  They are very good and work with me the whole way.  I once went to a commercial men's health clinic mill and they were awful.  

Those of us who are older and have suffered prostate difficulties need to stick together.  I just hit the big 7-0.  It's not as good as it used to be but it still is good.  

I know someone with one, and they are very happy with it.

there are pumps that have a feature that slips a cock ring on your penis as you pump up. I have not tried this yet, but it seems logical. I have tried cock rings and they do seem to work but take a lot of experimentation. Which my friend was happy to provide. You can also get cock rings with a small vibrating bud that is meant to touch the lady's  "bud".  My friend found this very very very stimulating.

nearly 2 years and still works wonder.  I keep it refrigerated and get a new batch after 3 months.  I supposed I could try it beyond 3 months but 2 ml bottle only costs me $65.  Take a look at this website but you may already found it.


Have you tried an automatic injector?  You can get them on Amazon.  Less painful and controls the depth of the injection.

noagenosage275 reads

My urologist, a highly recommended doctor in a major city, did the implantation of seeds way back to cure my prostate cancer, and I still see him once a year.  He said last year, "you're in good shape for a guy your age, so whatever you're doing, keep doing it."  We all know what this is.  
He also said, "trimix works.  We show you how to do it, and then we have a session where you inject while we tutor as necessary."  I would think something like this procedure would be necessary for anyone trying trimix, for which there can be complications.  
As for me, I chickened out.  I don't like the idea of injecting, esp in front of my ATF, who nevertheless said, "If it works for you, I'm OK with it."  So we do work-arounds and we both seem to enjoy the unrestrained playtime with many positions and very powerful ending, almost like the old days.  So for now, I'm OK but making these choices and navigating the options is not easy.  And each one of us is different, except that we are all still horny, and for that let's be thankful.  

bocaagain209 reads

Thanks to all who contributed thoughtful comments.

RICHNFMS234 reads

I had a prostatectomy in 2013.  Dr. recommended the injections and showed me how to do it. At first I just did it manually, but to be honest I really hated doing it...something about putting a needle in my penis didn't appeal to me.  However, I did get an autoinjector, you put the syringe in the injector, push the button and the shot is administered and you won't see the needle go into your penis.  There is a depth adjustment on the device so once you get it right, its pretty simple.  Make sure that you don't inject in the same spot of your penis as it can cause curvature, due to potential scaring.  I don't need the injections any more, I can get by with a combination of generic Viagra and a small does of yohimbe.

Using a syringe really requires more hands than you have available. With the auto injector, you just get everything lined up and push the button.

I will now give my usual warning about injections: they can and do cause scar tissue to form, and can cause Peyronie's disease and shortening of the penis.

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