60 and Over

By definintion, you can not expect anything in terms of time off the clock....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 797 reads

But, it happens often enough if you are with someone you get to know well and you both seem to click.

Then she'll be asking you to come over and give her a hand with some chore, or want to be driven around to do errands if she hasn't a car, or some other situation will develop.

It's a minority of the interactions I have, but always fairly pleasant and I'm grateful for them.


We older gents occasionally enjoy social company.

One would expect a wide range of views and thoughts on an evening out, sometimes combined with 2-3 hours of BCD time.

Ladies, what are your thoughts on putting together a package on social and private time?

Gents, what are your expectations?

I look forward to an interesting discussion.


Unless you develop another kind of relationship

TaylorSteele1004 reads

Seems like we run into each other again ;)

Well from my perspective as a lady here, I have requests for alot of social engagements, ie cocktail, lunch, dinner, theatre, club etc. What works for me personally that I feel is most successful for both sides is to offer the gentleman a No Clock afternoon or evening package at what I feel is a fair price. I guess others would call it an extended date but not broken down by the hour, more like by the overall engagement requested. Kind of fusing the two I guess.  

To not have to stare at a clock so that an unrushed time together can be shared is relaxing, fun, intimate and natural for both of us. At least that's what I have found works best for me and for the gentleman in question. It may look and be a bit higher than a typical hourly date as it envelopes many different aspects into coming up with a fair rate, but if you really do the math and break it down by the hour at the end of the day, he's really paying half the typical hourly being charged for the overall time being spent together. Hope that makes sense lol. I mean I personally want him to feel like he's getting a great deal in regards to the social and the play time and everything in between in making him happy. As long as he is comfortable and understands the rate structure for the how, why and what it is, both parties will have a successful and terrific time together.  

For me, there's clearly a distinct difference between the two kinds of dates and the gentlemen who seek them here. Social engagements aren't "session" dates, they are "experience" dates. I think most fall into one bucket or the other but sometimes it's fun to mix it up a bit if your connection is there and you enjoy spending time with that certain someone.  

Hope that helps,  
Happy Thanksgiving!!

xx kisses, always ;)

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 4:02:44 AM

Thank you for the insight.  

Fellas: she has an interesting blog--good reading.

And I have a clock free date listed on my site just for these wonderful kind of dates! Also my 3 and 4 hour packages include time out and about as well as time in a more intimate setting!



That's a good word for a concept I haven't had a name for until now.  I happen to own a lovely sailing yacht and truly enjoy offering that experience to girls, with no quid pro quo expected.  So far, in many years of Hobbying, only one girl took me up on the offer of an afternoon on the water.  She had a great time and I loved it.  I felt I gave her something real by offering her that experience.

Lady to lady! I usually do extended dates even from day one. I prefer longer dates for many different reasons. Especially when the chemistry and connection are made.
I have seen ladies that distinguishe no difference in rates no matter what the activity, and on the other hand be very generous with there time when they are interested in regular engagements that include BCD fun and out on the town fun.
 I do find this happens more frequent when you invite a lady into town for exclusive encounter they do tend to be more generous!
I do recall one special lady that would never take any rate for company except the BCD fun

Bornagainhorny791 reads

While my experience in this new-found hobby is limited I have had social activities with all but 2 ladies. One retired after only 2 meetings but I think had she not retired we had a lot in common and would have shared some off the clock activities,. I saw the other only once--nuf said! The  remaining ladies have shared personal time with me numerous times, ranging from a breakfast to an all day visit to a tourist attraction, Several have visited me at my home for lunch or dinner. One had me join her and several of her friends for lunch. I am fond of all of them and more than just fond of one.  

I am not in this hobby just for carnal satisfaction. I enjoy the companionship. After all they are companions, right? 8>)

Senator.Blutarsky768 reads

No watching the clock... But a planned evening with someone you connect with... I think the best way is to do this with someone you've already established a relationship with through a previous meeting or meetings.  Then you both can discuss the "ground rules/expectations" face to face and reach a mutually satisfying arrangement.  Just my two centavos.

Stephanie has a very nice clock free package and is great fun and company! She is easy to look at as well!

But, it happens often enough if you are with someone you get to know well and you both seem to click.

Then she'll be asking you to come over and give her a hand with some chore, or want to be driven around to do errands if she hasn't a car, or some other situation will develop.

It's a minority of the interactions I have, but always fairly pleasant and I'm grateful for them.

.... a few years a go, I had a standing opera date (yes, I adore the opera) with a gentleman who had a wife that loathed opera.  We always met for a cocktail before our date, and enjoyed a coffee and dessert (not that kind of dessert) after.  I charged him a flat fee, as we spent a great deal of time keeping silent.

   Social dates that involve social events; sports, cocktail events, out door adventures, are billed by the hour.

    Extended travel dates, with "favorites" always receive time off the clock.  I am not going to charge a gentleman to sit next to me, when he is purchasing a first class/business class ticket. That is just wrong.  

    Another fun option is one I have with my ATF.  I keep a Wish List on sites such as Amazon, e-bay, etc, and should he purchase an item from my Wish List, we meet for a cocktail "off the clock" so to speak, so that he may deliver my gift in person.  Our cocktail date might last an hour, or it might last two.  Oh, and as a sidebar, we did make a quick stop on the way home from our over night date, so that I could pick up a few things I can not find in the district!  Serioulsy.

    Carpe diem!

Hugs and Kisses,

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 5:08:45 PM

An evening out combined with 2-3 hours of BCD time seems to me to be an extended time rather than a "social" date. A social date is just that--social time, nothing more. I personally prefer the extended time format, whether it is a 3 hour dinner, an evening music concert, an overnight, or longer travel. With the right person, the relaxed and enjoyable social time combined with some playtime is most synergistic. I never expect the social time to be "off the clock." But, most ladies have a sliding scale that effectively reduces the hourly rates for the longer formats.  

As for true "off the clock" dates, I have always felt that this is up to the lady to offer, not for the gentleman to request. I think that many ladies will occasionally do this as thanks for a beyond-the-call-of-duty favor or other kindness, in much the way that a gentleman will leave a large tip or gift for the same reasons. However, I would never expect this to be the routine.

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 5:54:04 PM

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 8:14:31 PM

I always thought it would be fun to take a girl for a cruise. Pay for the cruise, all the drinks an anytime while we were having fun in the cabin.  But I know that's not going to happen.

Since I live alone a provider I know and enjoy very much is bringing me a home-cooked Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving day after she has hers with her family. This only one of many social dates we have enjoyed.

They are by far my favorite kind of date to have in this secret little world here!



who I saw at least once a week, we went on a lot of 'social dates' OTC. Lunches, dinners and movies. And, of course I'm sure the key was I was a 'regular'. Since I was paying for everything (except her time), she said she felt guilty asking for 'time' compensation. She was a rare person. You won't find many providers who will do that.

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