60 and Over

Benign prostate enlargement -
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I have had no sex for two weeks, not even a short date with Mary Palmer. My usual up-and-down to pee all night ceased. Has anyone else with enlarged prostate noticed a correlation between decreased ejaculations and decreased urinary urgency?

I take a blue pill and things seem OK for awhile.. It seems to depend on how aggressive the girl I am with is..  
I did a double earlier this week with two very turned on women.. they were pretty demanding and used my cock like a sex toy.. also there was some pretty hard P massage as well.  and yes.. I was guessing that there was some bruising that occurred.. after a few days, it was better.. I slept a lot better last night.. but honestly, I accept the discomfort as a good price to pay..

Taking meds, but so far no improvement.


I have, what I believe to be a very good Primary Physician who happens to be Indian. He has a very strong, conservative philosophy. I'm 5" 11" and weigh 200 pounds.  He insists I need to get down to at least 180 pounds.  He believes alcohol is not good for me.  He'll accept a bottle of wine at special occasions as long as I share it evenly with my wife.  I love a good bottle of wine with a very good fillet.

Okay, enough of the background info. I generally drink about a quart to 1.5 quarts of water per day.  The goal has always been 2 quarts but I rarely make it.  With that being said, I generally have to urinate about every 90 to 120 minutes during my 8 hours of hibernation.  This changes to every 4 hours whenever I take the little blue pill and have a couple of bottles of wine with my wife over dinner.  Since this is not very often, maybe once a month, I do not know what conclusions I can draw.  Whenever I only take the little blue pill I notice a marginal difference but not as much as when I combine the wine with the blue pill.  I realize alcohol will dehydrate you.  So again not sure what conclusions to draw.

That has simply been my experience.  Take it with a boulder of salt.

A question I have is how are prostate changes observed from year to year during the prostate exam for an individual.  It's not like measurements are taken.  Furthermore, we are all different.  Some men are short while others are tall.  Some have big hands, others have small hands, etc.  I would think prostates would also vary in size (in a healthy individual) from one man to another.  

I will plead ignorance.  Anyone have any thoughts?

once, or even twice.  Then sometimes I sleep the whole night thru. I can't see any pattern to it.  I'm gonna pay more attention now and see if I can see a correlation with any other factor.

your prostate is enlarged enough to prevent complete bladder emptying. Five or more times......So basically what I had observed is that after almost two weeks of no ejaculations or other sex, that frequency was reduced to normal. What a trade-off!!!

and upon any medications.

My prostate is not generally enlarged (as is most often the case), rather, I have a cyctic enlargement located near my bladder neck and ejaculatory ducts. This means I get decreased ejaculatory volume *but frequency is unaffected) AND decreased urinary flow. With an Alpha Blocker med, I get normal urinary flow and full bladder emptying, but even smaller ejaculations. Looking for a doc who can do something for me that doesn't ruin my ability to ejaculate completely

I'm a one pop guy but can hold out for a long time before I pop .       Going to the edge time after time puts me in heaven when I pop.    Still get up once every night but drain better.

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