60 and Over

Gout attack happening to me now... I can hardly move...
Noonie101 19 Reviews 8529 reads

I guess gout is mostly a male thing.
I use to get it quarterly, but it has been 6 to 9 months since I suffered from one before.
Gout is the crysalization of uric acid in or around a joint -- usually lower extremity joints like a big toe or the ankle.

I have a bout that appeared out of the blue 2 to 3 days ago.  It builds up in pain and swelling before reaching a height and then slowly begins to subside.

In a Hobbyist context, I'm quite embarasssed as I have a date with an extremely young touring provider tomorrow.
I forewarned her yesterday, and politely apologized ahead of time, that I might be coming to visit with a limp. OMG, it is going to be so much worse than that. I've been moving today like a snail even with the help of my dad's old cane. It got worse today than it was yesterday.

So... will be interesting to see how tomorrow goes.
I just can't cancel, because that is not in my bloodstream.
We shall see, though. ;p

I don't wish this on anyone. Anyone here ever had a gout attack in place while they had a date lined up?
Maybe I'll bite the bullet and just lie there with my foot elevated and take it like a man. LOL.

Sorry to hear of your plight, Noonie. Many of my clients have the same issue and it never seems to get in the way....afterall, What gout does NOT effect is that third leg that I love so much!!!! And if you are lying down....well gout won't distract you as much :)
Hope you have an excellent time with the young lady~~~~
hugs and kisses~~~~

I hope you're on some meds for this. Allopurinol, colchicine, uloric?

I doubt this younger provider will be offering you her cherry but do eat and enjoy and she'll never complain if you find activities are to painful for you.

I am so sorry you must suffer with such pain and gout is a very serious condition. I have a friend in his late 60's who has dealt with this since his 40's. He now can barely hold a fork to eat and can not use a knife at all. He walks with a walker and has aged so much. Over time this has taken a big toll on his life with his kidneys  failing  and heart attacks. One thing I will say, he never paid attention to his diet and ate what he wanted even when he knew it was bad for him. I would get on his case but he didn't want to listen. By now you know what you can and can not eat so follow that to the letter and don't cheat.

Cherries are a natural way to keep gout away although it doesn't work for everyone. I love fresh cherries myself and a daily dose won't be to hard to swallow. Their about $4 a pound but I think eating a handful a day should work. Now if your a Diabetic this is a real sugary fruit so be careful. I understand eating whats not good for you because i'm a diabetic and don't follow the rules at all. One day i'm sure the price for my over indulgence will be costly.

Hope you feel better soon

Kisses Haley

you can beat this.....First get treatment for this flare up... Prednisone is what they will probably give you. Then listen very carefully....it's caused by what you eat and drink.....Keep a food diary for about 2 months.Include everything you eat and drink...When you have bad days or good days look back about 24-48 hours and soon you will see a pattern emerge. For me the worst was Tropicana orange juice.and I loved the stuff.  The human body is about 70% water and just like a swimming pool it operates best when the PH is balanced. Most problems occur when the body is too acidic. Stay away from all carbonated drinks. Read up on food alergies. I feel much better now than When I was 35.Try fish oil pills and lots of water. In a few months you might be able to get free of a lot of meds and start rebuilding yourself. I'm living proof it works. Oh and dont think you cant enjoy what you eat. I can eat fresh citrus and many of my favorites. Once the body gets back in balance it isnt so sensitive. Most problems like this happen tp light skined fair haired people. Food can be your medicine....and I mean really good tasting food.

Thank God I realized last night that yesterday was the worst and I was on the mend.
You never know when "the worst day hits", but yesterday was both a bear.. and a nighttime when I started to see recovery.
I was determined not to cancel on a Touring Provider.
Though if my appointment was yesterday when I suffering to the nth degree, I might have struggled to cancel and figure out how to make her wholesome with some modeling gig payment.

Anyway, details are for reviews.... But... This young lady understood my forewarnings that I'd be walking in wiith a cane... and i love how all things went and how she reacted. I can't begin to thank her... and other great providers... for understanding that some of us Hobbyists are not in the same physcial shape as they, yet we treat them with the best of all kid gloves, and that many young biz providers prefer us over guys they couild date their age, if they chose to date during this professional gig of theirs.

For any of you with occasional gout attacks:  I feel for you all.
For gals here with an admiration for guys who treat them spectacularly, yet have something slower about them: Congrats on enjoying a few of us perhaps older, but maybe just as fun or more than your norm.

Okies... Off to eat some Black Cherries to be sure this gout attack is on the way out and I don't get it back too soon. ;-)

Thank God I realized last night that yesterday was the worst and I was on the mend.
You never know when "the worst day hits", but yesterday was both a bear.. and a nighttime when I started to see recovery.
I was determined not to cancel on a Touring Provider.
Though if my appointment was yesterday when I suffering to the nth degree, I might have struggled to cancel and figure out how to make her wholesome with some modeling gig payment.

Anyway, details are for reviews.... But... This young lady understood my forewarnings that I'd be walking in wiith a cane... and i love how all things went and how she reacted. I can't begin to thank her... and other great providers... for understanding that some of us Hobbyists are not in the same physcial shape as they, yet we treat them with the best of all kid gloves, and that many young biz providers prefer us over guys they couild date their age, if they chose to date during this professional gig of theirs.

For any of you with occasional gout attacks:  I feel for you all.
For gals here with an admiration for guys who treat them spectacularly, yet have something slower about them: Congrats on enjoying a few of us perhaps older, but maybe just as fun or more than your norm.

Okies... Off to eat some Black Cherries to be sure this gout attack is on the way out and I don't get it back too soon. ;-)

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