60 and Over

Are you referring to LA or in general?
OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 752 reads

There have been occasions when I got not replies from 2 requests in a row - but that is rare. Happened to me once in Atlante - of all places! ;-)

Lately, in the Boston area, I am being treated superbly (thank you ladies!). Visited LA a few years ago; never had problems setting things up there...

Not to be critical, but did you send 10 simultaneous emails? Any chance that the girls (who probably all know one another) might have compared notes? That would be the kiss of death...

Hey, you dated three - dat be very good; hope to see some interesting reviews from you :-

So I recently made a visit to LA.  I had a great time there and met some awesome ladies, but I find that many TER girls don't even reply to their emails.  I searched for potential playmates and sent nice introductory emails to 10 girls.  Only 4 even replied, and one of them had a schedule that did not work with mine.  I wound up dating the other 3,  thus the 30% success rate.  The girls I contacted all had good, recent reviews.  I was surprised so few bothered to reply.  Have you guys also found a very low response ratio lately?

There have been occasions when I got not replies from 2 requests in a row - but that is rare. Happened to me once in Atlante - of all places! ;-)

Lately, in the Boston area, I am being treated superbly (thank you ladies!). Visited LA a few years ago; never had problems setting things up there...

Not to be critical, but did you send 10 simultaneous emails? Any chance that the girls (who probably all know one another) might have compared notes? That would be the kiss of death...

Hey, you dated three - dat be very good; hope to see some interesting reviews from you :-

You make some good points, to be sure.  I started emailing the ladies who interested me over 2 weeks in advance, and no more than one per day.  Talking with the 3 TER girls I met, I got the impression that they did not regularly communicate with other providers, but who knows?  In the past I've emailed a much lower number of ladies, but the growing low response rate led me to up the number this time.  Yes, I was only describing my own experience in LA, but I'm interested in your experiences from other areas as well.  As for interesting reviews, the last two reviews I've posted were from this trip.  The third girl asked me not to write one for certain reasons.  Which was a shame since she was my favorite of them all!  I sure did have a great time in LA!  (also see my previous post "5 in5 days" below.  2 of them were not TER girls)).

Many gals stipulate how they prefer to be contacted.  If they require you to use the form on their site, or a text, you will get no reply to an email.

Now that you ask I have to go back and check on that.  Email is always my preference, but maybe you're right and maybe I did not notice if they had their own contact forms.

and that they simply don't reply to contacts through other means.  P411 is generally a good way to contact them.

So I went back and checked and just 2 of the LA girls I emailed did in fact have contact forms on their website.  They were 2 of the ones who did not reply to my emails.  So you may be right that some girls only reply to guys using their contact forms.

Since Black Wednesday, I've contacted 15 new, highly rated ladies. Out of those 15, most did not respond. Two responded with a single line. Not much chance of a connection there. C'mon, at least show a minimal amount of interest in me. Four responded, showing a lot of potential. I asked one for a date in November, and she never got back to me. Another one set up a date with me, then didn't show up at the arranged meeting place. A third set up a date with me, then proceeded to send me three different addresses for her incall, two of which didn't exist. That was a little flakey, so I cancelled. The fourth came through with flying colors (day three of my five for five). So that puts me at .067% success rate. Man, 30% is looking really good.  

In all fairness to the ladies, I've been privy to a couple of atf email lists while visiting them. Each had more than 100 emails sitting in their queue at the time. There's no way they could respond to all of them. So each lady, who draws that much attention, has her own way of weeding out the guys she doesn't want to see. My guess with some of your LA ladies, if you said you were from out of town looking for a good time, is that they wouldn't respond, wanting a more local clientele. Gentleman who are more likely to become regulars. Of course others didn't respond because they had too many emails, and didn't have time.

Every hobbyist has his successful method, I am sure. Mine is to approach a date request the same way I would in asking a lady to dance: Ask one lady at a time and wait for the answer before asking someone else (and make sure it is not obvious that she is second pick!). In my case, I wait a full 3 days before declaring the connection "dead" because of failed response.

You asked about other regions. Boston is phenomenal as are Tampa/Orlando - if you stick to well reviewed ladies. My one dry well was in Atlanta where I had two no-responses and one cancellation. I suspect that the latter was due to my choice of hotel; it was on the smaller side and required key access for the elevator.

I don't know about LA but in Chicago I find I have pretty much a 100% reply rate -- maybe 30% can't match my schedule but I'm pretty generally unavailable and always request a specific date and time.

Before I knew of TER I guess I got a lower rate by making voice phone calls. If they didn't pick up most didn't call back. Now I check their preferred contact method but generally make my first approaches by e-mail, P411 or the contact form on their web sites. P411, by the way, has been a godsend.

That one of the reasons you get such a low response rate is the age of the providers?  I noticed looking through your reviews that you tend to gravitate toward ladies in their 20's.  More mature ladies tend to also be more responsible about paying attention to pesky business chores like email.

Younger ladies (not all, but many) have much busier lives, with school, other jobs, friends, etc.  Some of them operate more from their phones....calls and text....than their emails.  Just a thought...

that mature providers are often better in tune with the rhythms of us "sixtiers" :-)

i was somewhat surprised by this thread. I have seen a large number of wonderful ladies (let's just say the number of my reviews only scratches the surface) and I can only think of two instances where I never heard anything back, and only one lady who elected not to meet me. I'm not sure what I do that others do not. I am very respectful in my initial inquiry and I have a large number of okays, many from very highly nationally ranked providers, on P411.

2014 has been a pretty dismal year for me in Atlanta. I am probably batting at a little better than 30% but not by much. In fact, I have started taking little one and two day trips to other cities just for some playtime and have had an almost 100% success rate elsewhere. It has been fun, actually, and now I am considering trying a trip to Costa Rica. I guess a horny old goat will find a way!

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