60 and Over

Are we what we eat?....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 8024 reads

Not talking about DATY here (Or else I'd be a real pussy 8o), but rather what we dine on.

My question to you gals is this:

What are your impressions of a man based on what he has for dinner when you dine out?

For example, if he likes a nice rare steak, does that make him some kind of animalistic he-man?

And if he prefers fish, how do you view that?

How about a guy who likes a weird game meats like ox or buffalo?

And what about cuisines of different countries?

And then there is the vegetarian, how do you feel about him?

Please use aliases because otherwise the tendency is to say that it doesn't matter, but I think there's some part of you deep down that knows there is a differnce.

I'll spill my guts and tell you my biases about gals and what they eat:  Those that like a nice rare juicy steak are real tigresses in bed.  No wonder the Maitre Ds at the local steakhouses are getting to know me by sight.

I am posting this on this board because this calls for a response from gals with a lot of experience and maturity - those who will put a lot of thought into this and share their varied experience.

I was once a filet mignon lover, that oh so juicy medium  cooked meat with crusted horse radish topping.
When I first moved to Chicago I could not get enough it was grilled to perfection . But I bounced back to
what matters most. My health . Red meat when broken down can collect in the colon later on drawing cancer cells to it. Bad news that tastes good. But now, I think it tastes bad .

I loved my dairy products. Cheesecake anyone? I would show up at a partys  with a freshly baked pie full of sugar , cream cheese, and lots of other junk . It tasted wonderful as a matter of fact at one party I made several mini ones the size of a saucer and found one hobby guy in the corner munching away  with little cheesecake in his palm .He looked so cute too.I was proud. I gave up that indulgence. Another cancer feeding mucous when it hits the digestive system. So....

The best things are from mother earth. I love fresh seafood , halibut, shrimp, ahi ahi, mahi mahi, tuna, grouper, and more excluding some salmon . Over a bed of risotto or with angel hair pasta and veggies  a nice glass of wine some freshly baked dinner rolls and I am frisky!

Using a juicer is my passion. I love to fix homemade drinks and even soups with that thing.
Here's to health ! Drinking a fresh juice of apple, pear, strawberry and black grapes juice over nice.

I know few people over 50 that aren't trying to do something to maintain health. I relate to people who eat some eat certain foods to either try to get healthier or healthy and wanting to stay that way,

The red meat eater would be either a man with stamina who has energy to spare or one in not so good shape and wants to self-pleasure himself what ever way makes him happy and eating meat works. The guy with energy to spare will rock for as long as the clock is going while the self-pleasurer will not be able to move much since the blood flow to his tummy is working overtime.  PS : 4 ounces of red meat makes me feel awful and in need of sleep. seldom eat the stuff

The fish man would be a man who keeps things light so he has more energy to play.

The vegetarian is the wildest man of all. He's agile, health conscious and down to earth. The one's I have met are creative and like things in different positions.

I only have a couple gentlemen who like different foods. One gentlemen is spanish the other indian. The first is hot blooded full of passion with tongue play throughout while the other seems more reserved and more or less seems to lay back and let you take control.

This is just my little bit of insight

Kisses Haley

Truly the main motivation behind what I eat was to stay healthy enough to enjoy the ladies!
And while it may sound cool to go in the saddle that would be a really rude thing to do to a lady.

havent had a piece of red meat in more than 30 years

never had a cup of coffee

never smoked a cigarette

eat fish at least five times a week

They do not seem to judge a man by what he eats.  On the other hand I dont even think about what she orders as long as she is happy.  

As for me I am probably the odd man out.  I enjoy a good steak.  New York Strip is my favorite. And I like baked potatoes with butter.  Not much into vegetables and I because of that I dont care for Chinese.  Oh i like fish, pork and chicken and even had rattlesnake but if its a special occasion, hello steakhouse.

So many of you men pass of vegetables. Maybe you never had them steamed of cooked to where they taste really good but when you wonder why you have a low stamina and notice changes in the bed its because you need to give your body the  nourishment and enzymes that vegetables provide for you. Tsk. Oh well.


Does a Blooming Onion and Steak Fries count as veggies?

I have always hated most veggies.  Even when very young I would only eat corn and taters.  Pretty much if its green I don't eat it.  I think I associate green with cow tank moss. Slimey and Smelly.

I love onions when cooked to a nice brown glaze on them over my favorite pile of whatever it is I want them on. I love everything. Sweet potatoes over white , as for greens , when you grow your own or buy from a farm stand you see your greens differently lol! Nothing should be slimey lol! When you steam them they taste so good with the right seasoning. But that is also why I juice. Before Jack La Lane died he did a wonderful thing by promoting the importance of juicing . So if you cant' eat it, juice it .


You got my COMPLETE attention.  Veggies huh?  Then I could last longer than 2 hours?  Ok an hour and a 1/2,  would you believe 65 mins.  

I am all for that.

Yes darling you can. I am 55 I tell it like it is. I have noticed that in since I used my juicer and changed my own diet, that I can be an energizer snow bunny . Do I have to bring that juicer to you ? LOL!
Carbs bring you down proteins bring you up up and away !!!!

I was born with beef in my blood. I still enjoy the occasional bleu cheese burger, but now it's once a month instead of once a week.

In fact, I eat so much chicken, I'm likely to cluck "hello!"


Posted By: mrfisher
Not talking about DATY here (Or else I'd be a real pussy 8o), but rather what we dine on.

My question to you gals is this:

What are your impressions of a man based on what he has for dinner when you dine out?

For example, if he likes a nice rare steak, does that make him some kind of animalistic he-man?

And if he prefers fish, how do you view that?

How about a guy who likes a weird game meats like ox or buffalo?

And what about cuisines of different countries?

And then there is the vegetarian, how do you feel about him?

Please use aliases because otherwise the tendency is to say that it doesn't matter, but I think there's some part of you deep down that knows there is a differnce.

I'll spill my guts and tell you my biases about gals and what they eat:  Those that like a nice rare juicy steak are real tigresses in bed.  No wonder the Maitre Ds at the local steakhouses are getting to know me by sight.


Posted By: Tabu
I was born with beef in my blood. I still enjoy the occasional bleu cheese burger, but now it's once a month instead of once a week.

In fact, I eat so much chicken, I'm likely to cluck "hello!"

Posted By: mrfisher
Not talking about DATY here (Or else I'd be a real pussy 8o), but rather what we dine on.

My question to you gals is this:

What are your impressions of a man based on what he has for dinner when you dine out?

For example, if he likes a nice rare steak, does that make him some kind of animalistic he-man?

And if he prefers fish, how do you view that?

How about a guy who likes a weird game meats like ox or buffalo?

And what about cuisines of different countries?

And then there is the vegetarian, how do you feel about him?

Please use aliases because otherwise the tendency is to say that it doesn't matter, but I think there's some part of you deep down that knows there is a differnce.

I'll spill my guts and tell you my biases about gals and what they eat:  Those that like a nice rare juicy steak are real tigresses in bed.  No wonder the Maitre Ds at the local steakhouses are getting to know me by sight.

Are a few of my favorite things :)

Posted By: mrfisher
Not talking about DATY here (Or else I'd be a real pussy 8o), but rather what we dine on.

My question to you gals is this:

What are your impressions of a man based on what he has for dinner when you dine out?

For example, if he likes a nice rare steak, does that make him some kind of animalistic he-man?

And if he prefers fish, how do you view that?

How about a guy who likes a weird game meats like ox or buffalo?

And what about cuisines of different countries?

And then there is the vegetarian, how do you feel about him?

Please use aliases because otherwise the tendency is to say that it doesn't matter, but I think there's some part of you deep down that knows there is a differnce.

I'll spill my guts and tell you my biases about gals and what they eat:  Those that like a nice rare juicy steak are real tigresses in bed.  No wonder the Maitre Ds at the local steakhouses are getting to know me by sight.

G26258 reads

I once had such an incredible BJ from a (civie) woman that I was compelled to ask her about it after I regained my senses.  She obviously had an oral fixation and devoured my penis like she was starving in the desert and it was her only source of nourishment.  I'm not complaining, mind you, just in awe of what I'd just seen and experienced.

Anyway, she admitted to having an oral fixation and loving to give BJs, so I jokingly asked her how I could find more women like her.  She surprised me when she gave me a serious answer.  She said, when you take a woman out to dinner watch the way she eats and how she enjoys her food, or not. She recommended going to a ribs joint and watch how she eats them- you'll know soon enough if she's into oral gratification.

I've only tested this a few times, but so far, she's been right on!  So forget the diet and order a rack of ribs.  You can thank me later!  LOL.

I do love a good rack  of ribs  and love to lick my fingers  off! heck I sucked my thumb in my sleep  well into my 20's  so I Guess I do have an oral fixation........someone once asked me what makes a BJ  great my answer was you have to love doing it ! And plenty  of eye contact can be sexy

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