60 and Over

An Old Lover... made contact... what am I doing?
harborview 10 Reviews 8320 reads
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"Old Lover" is an understatement...  a torid affair.  I was early 20's & horny single, she was mid 30's hot & horny married MILF.  She seduced me...  I fell for her.  We had a scorching secret summer romance...  eventually it became suspected & then an unproven open secret.  We met in secret for several years before I realized that no matter how much I loved her it was "Wrong Place / Wrong Time".  I suggested that she try to make Peace with her husband because she would never leave him (as she had promised at one point0.
So I am 60, she must be 70's.  She friended me...  which I accepted (temporrally).  Looked her pictures over.  I've certainly lost my male model look...  I recognize her face but the years have not been kind to her.  

I have wondered what became of her...  no husband listed...  but for better or worse I'm married now...   I looked through her pictures.  
She is NOT Local...  I don't intend to ever meet her.  

mrfisher 108 Reviews 5883 reads
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I had a similar situation come up recently and it was a complete disaster.  (Except for the sex part, of course.)

Prepubescent Child 6022 reads
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more than I did.  But I am glad you still enjoyed the sex.

G2 5694 reads
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I had something similar happen, also.  I made the mistake of trying to recreate an extremely hot tryst that happened about 15 years earlier with a woman I had just met.

This woman had moved out of state but contacted a mutual friend saying she was visiting.  The friend contacted me and said you ought to see her because you guys really hit it off in the past.  Yeah, that was an understatement, but she didn't know the full extent of things, and I wasn't about to fill her in on the juicy details.

Anyway, this woman smoked and drank heavily, but what was just fun and games at 35 turned into a severe case of ugly by age 50.  I actually didn't recognized her when I walked into the restaurant, and when she called my name, I just wanted to head for the parking lot.  I've never seen anybody age so badly in so few years.  Being a gentleman, I spent the afternoon with her, but it was clear any attraction between us was long gone.

I've had this sort of thing happen before, but this was the first time I followed through with a date- and it will definitely be the last.  I'm afraid it's very rare when you can successfully turn back the clock and recapture the magic of a particular moment, and it's almost always a mistake to try.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 6306 reads
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harborview 10 Reviews 5294 reads
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She was certainly a stunning MILF at the time.  We took insane risks to be together & lots of sex.  
Although I was certain it was her by the small dog in her picture...  a type she always had...  The initial contact I only gave the place where we met.  If I was wrong, it would mean nothing.  

At this point, she is being cautious, feeding me hints & getting me to supply confirming information...  details that only I would know.  

At one point, she was working overnight shift...  I would sneak in to see her & we'd screw in her company car.  Sometimes she'd find an excuse to go into an old mansion on the property, now used for office space...  we'd walk as one because the place had sophisticated motion detectors & a double signature would bring in security... but it was time together.  That was after her husband caught on...  the closest he came was when I went to see her in the hospital...  in the winter after the campground on the lake closed.  She had ovarian cysts & ended up with a hysterectomy (third surgery).  I went to see her...  husband came back unexpectedly.  Just my being there, was enough.  By then their camper was winter stored indoors in a pole barn, I found other employment to avoid a confrontation.  They moved to a different camp considerable distance away in the Spring.            

I was crazy in love with her.  Long ago in a previous life...

MSON123 44 Reviews 5261 reads
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I married a cougar.. So there will come a time when I will be old and single. I know of several old flames that are single now. I often wonder what would happen if...

My sister inlaw has a shack up going (after her spouse died) with a man she had an affair with 20 years ago. She still does not seem happy but he held that flame for 20 years and never married.

I think I will test the limits of "provider" and stick to the hobby. but it would still be fun to take one last tumble with an old flame just to see... but that may ruin the great memory.

harborview 10 Reviews 6865 reads
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I answered her question correctly, of course.  
I ended with: "I was crazy in love"
Her reply:  "I was too!"
I will enjoy remembering those delightful times...  

azvictoria See my TER Reviews 7131 reads
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I recently did it myself with a much younger man  I was in lone with think Demi  and ashner....dated five yrs broke it off with him and recently reconnected he still  has the hots for me but is now  married to someone  who although beautiful and young  he has no passion with her but alas I have now moved on and although I still have feelings for him the are more as a friend  my one love of over 25 yrs drank to much so  I had to leave him  but I still wonder about him and a few others too.... my advice do not live in  the past  look towards what the future holds love is out there I believe  you just have to be open to receive it

harborview 10 Reviews 5910 reads
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Had an interesting day, exchanging email messages.  With a little hint from me, she remembered the circumstances of our first kiss...  I always wondered if the physical contact was accidental or badly planned...  I was totally naive & unprepared to rebuff advances by a woman...  everything cascaded from there.  It would be indiscreet to get into the juicy details but clearly she remembers things the same way I do.    
I know this is "off topic" as it's not pay for play... but it was an illicit love affair...  Not trying to brag...  the whole thing was so stupid...  lucky the husband did not shoot one or both of us.  I was so in love, I did not date during this period...  when I should have been.  All sorts of consequences for me down stream.

She apparently stayed with the husband until he passed several years ago.  But this is a bridge to nowhere.  Fun to reminsce...  catch up on the years in between...  but no where for it to go.  We'll see...        

KathleenHoliday See my TER Reviews 7041 reads
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There is too much risk, when dealing with civvie relationships and marriage.  Although sometimes I think it is in human nature to self-sabotage.  We all do it in one way or another.

harborview 10 Reviews 5953 reads
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