60 and Over

All things being equal, rates should be more dependent on your location. A lady in NYC . . .
geography_wizz 5928 reads

or LA should be getting more per hour than a lady in St. Louis or Cincinnati.  The larger cities have higher operating costs (hotel rooms, beverages, etc.).

Now, I can see where a guy would think he should pay less for a lady who is 50 (usually has some extra weight and wear and tear) than for a girl who is 25 (trimmer and hotter looking BUT usually with less experience for a true GFE).  Yes, there are exceptions to every rule.

Some men believe that once a provider reaches 50 , that she should lower her rates. I ask why? Why do hobbyists feel that  a providers rates can be higher if she's younger and should be lower if she's older?

-- Modified on 1/8/2012 10:25:18 AM

not this man    *

* probably a good PC comment in this thread, but true nevertheless

What is PC?

I take care of myself, work out daily, stay in shape, and have
only raised my rate one time since 2004. I offer enough specials
to keep the members happy and I am getting this my rates are
too high for my age from a couple of people who never met me.
WTF? And one who writes the same in his review, was upset because
he did not get the rate that he wanted after 3 hrs and I discounted him
350 off 3 hrs! Since he has reviewed me , seems he created a domino
effect because now the readers are following his lead. Manipulation  game?

Posted By: greeneyedude
not this man    *

* probably a good PC comment in this thread, but true nevertheless

G27613 reads

a group of people.  Usually a function of the audience involved.  On this board, that would mean not saying something that could offend older gents and providers.

Posted By: G2
a group of people.  Usually a function of the audience involved.  On this board, that would mean not saying something that could offend older gents and providers.

ageism is alive and well ...but it really depends on how well you keep yourself and your attitude ......I have had no one tell me to lower my rates due to my age  i like to think I am a better provider now than when I first started...where I have seen it affect my business is in reviews  when I came back to TER in August  several of my summited reviews were sent back and told to lower my scores ....there are some out there that feel you could not possibly be a 9 or 10 if your over 50  but beauty is in the eye of the beholder .......The reviews speak for themselves as a client once told me  scores are not the end all be all.....

TER can ask for performance rates to be altered or even do it themselves if the services offered don't meet the qualifications for a score above 7. But, they shouldn't be throwing the reviews back for rate adjustment on appearance. There are no guidelines that have to be met for appearance. If I were you I'd be questioning this or asking the reviewers to question it. I'll state again that anyone thinking that a more mature provider can't be a 9 or a 10 in appearance is clueless.

as the conversations will suggest that other body types, ehtnicities and such should also lower their rates.  These are usually promulgated by guys that simply can't afford what they want...hence let's bitch about it.

We just had a doofus post a thread on the Chicago board highlighting that there are NO real exceptional and dynamite looker type providers at "reasonable rates" in Chicago.  This is just another in a long list of disillusioned, lonely and angry guys that can't afford to play in this sandbox.

The really sad part is the other guys who believe this crap and go along with this doofus.  And get upset when the poor fella is "attacked".  There are so many sad, pathetic guys who are here looking for things that may not exist.  But it's even sadder to see these fellas vent their frustrations out in the form of "negative reviews" as you suggest.

I would recommend to ignore those fellas that are suggesting this to you.  They are "tire kickers" and don't really want to buy what you're selling...at least not at the price you want.

I've had many a conversation with ladies on how they arrived at a current price.  And in every instance they had a reason that made sense to them.  It doesn't have to make sense to anyone else however.  And I would take it as a compliment if a guy is interested in you, but is looking for a deal.  But it doesn't mean you have to take that deal.  No different than all the "tire kickers" looking at the new Mercedes S500....and then head over to the Kia dealership because that's all they can really afford.  But the Mercedes dealer isn't upset when Johnny asks if they'll take $ 25k for a $95k car.  He just says...move right along little Johnny..I see a real buyer is coming this way!

I did read that post you mention. I had to catch the better of myself
and not comment . What astonishes me is the newer members are not having a problem
at all asking for ridiculous rates. Makes me wonder what bottom feeders they have
engaged themselves with.

G25180 reads

And it doesn't matter what age you are, or anything else for that matter.  Now if a provider's phone stops ringing, then it's a sign she's either priced too high, or maybe stayed too long at the party.

But ageism isn't just confined to the hobby- good luck trying to get hired at a major corporation if you're over 50.

However, it is simply a clear indication of how clueless they can be. You shouldn't lower your rate because you are now older. You are also correct that when one says it the others will jump on the band wagon. It's more about their hobby money than it is your age and again the fact that they don't really know what is important.
That said. The hobby has and always will be different strokes for different folks. Those guys are welcome to think what they chose to think. The rest of us in the know will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to see the Fine mature ladies without interference from them.

I know, if anything I should have raised it . But due to the economy I didn't.
If anything , more experience deserves more not less lol!

but i'm sure on many of the other boards many do. There's something to be said for experience yet many men do want younger ladies as their companion. I have seen some mature ladies lower their prices because they were getting less attention. In most cases this didn't work for them and makes you look like you don"t feel  worthy yourself.

Some of us are beautiful and picture perfect while others are attractive and care less about going under the knife to look like some 20 something lady. Our body types may be very different and there's a wide range of ass and boob size but I assure you men really do like variety and that includes age.

I guess for most of us at one time or another our salary was dictated by someone else but as an independent provider you decide what your worth.  If your not busy and feel like seeing those men who feel your worth less than your rate I would never think badly of any lady for doing what every retailer is doing... having a sale

Kisses Haley

Haley is right on......love the skin your in .....at this age we  have earned every smile line .......

Dear Haley:
There certainly is something to be said for experience. Although the package might be tighter on a younger woman, there is certain things that can only be said and perfected by an older or a veteran. Henceforth it is like patronizing a world class physician in the sense that you know that she has perfected her craft and after a few times together she has mastered her craft and her game over the years that it is intuitive to her what you want and she has had so much experience she know exactly how to please you.
Also depending on where you are intellectually and socially the conversation is much more compatible for older men with veteran providers because they have seen more and experienced more and can discuss certain things with authority.

Although I am only 31, when I turned 30, I freaked out, but as a gentlemen I had the pleasure of meeting on my birthday said, "Women are like fine wine, you only get better with age"... that truly made my day:) I have actually raised my rates since surpassing 30, & see more mature, super nice guys than I did when I was younger. I do not think your age should affect your rates at all, & there are some ladies much older than me on here, who have fabulous bodies & could easily pass for waayyy younger!

I had a client ask me the other day if I was going to retire soon, as I was getting old, & most guys, like himself, prefer the younger ladies.... BTW, he's 81, lol...

I tell women that all the time. Many like you who are freaking out about turning 30 or 40 etc. I try my best to treat them like I mean it too. It is a cliche' and I don't want them to think it's just lip service to them to say it. Tell your client that I will be glad to take his place and see any older provider he has stopped seeing because he only wants to see the younger ladies. He clearly has no idea what he is missing.

What I was trying to convey then, was I thought the idea that a mature lady should discount her rates because of her maturity was absurd. My heading was something to the effect of the byproduct of a thoroughbred defecating, if you get my drift...

In any case, I also eluded to the fact that the ladies that posted at that time were people I'm very interested in meeting. Both are 'older' than I am, and yet possess a charm that I find refreshing and one I had the distinct pleasure of talking with a little over a week ago, and the other just today.  

I've read reviews from said ladies. It was pretty much unanimous that they know what they're doing, they're comfortable in their skin, and know who they are. I find that sexy as hell. I'm 44 and I have no problem whatsoever seeing a lady older than me, at her advertised rates, cuz something tells me she's going to rock my world!

geography_wizz5929 reads

or LA should be getting more per hour than a lady in St. Louis or Cincinnati.  The larger cities have higher operating costs (hotel rooms, beverages, etc.).

Now, I can see where a guy would think he should pay less for a lady who is 50 (usually has some extra weight and wear and tear) than for a girl who is 25 (trimmer and hotter looking BUT usually with less experience for a true GFE).  Yes, there are exceptions to every rule.

No extra LBS here I'm only 97.5 lbs and not a revolving door type
so not alot of wear on me I choose my men wisely lol!

Posted By: geography_wizz
or LA should be getting more per hour than a lady in St. Louis or Cincinnati.  The larger cities have higher operating costs (hotel rooms, beverages, etc.).

Now, I can see where a guy would think he should pay less for a lady who is 50 (usually has some extra weight and wear and tear) than for a girl who is 25 (trimmer and hotter looking BUT usually with less experience for a true GFE).  Yes, there are exceptions to every rule.  

There are also many men, like myself, who prefer women in their 40s, 50s and 60s and are happy to pay their rates for the opportunity to spend to be with them.  To me it's a matter of personal preference.  I like women of experience and real passion who have a lot to offer in addition to their physical attributes which in many ways improve with age.

Amen, brother! I will always go for maturity, responsiveness, compassion, experience and self awareness every time. If anything, the price ought to rise as time goes on...society has no problem paying entry level workers in all fields far less than proven seasoned folks. The vast majority of over 50 providers I have met are worth their weight in gold. That is not to say, of course, that younger women by definition are not worth their prices - many are, as the 20s to 40s ladies I see know. But to automatically correlate age with rate is illogical.

old_sam5544 reads

sets the rate.  Age has nothing to do with it.

LanceP6700 reads

I have no hesitation to pay the premium for an older lady who is exceptional and extraordinary.

IME, it is these ladies that really contribute to my life experience because they seem to be more grounded and are most compassionate.

My ladies who are around this age, have aged gracefully and carry themselves with much confidence and a very carefree  attitude. Sxy!

You  can see the  naughty sparkle in their eyes.


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