60 and Over

Agenda ....who needs an agenda with this bunchteeth_smile
wlmink1977 15 Reviews 4576 reads

With this bunch...I think an agenda is out of the question. Lets just let things happen.

Wednesday is hump day lets all hump on into chat and get to know each other.
I'll be in there at 10AM CST east coasters 11AM and PST 8AM but you are probably
still asleep at that hour. I'll be sipping my Dunkin Donuts coffee if anyone would like to
come chat .


Dear Angela:
What should be the primary topics of discussion for the chat? Also should the topics be relevant issues considering the age of the participants in the chat as well?

Hello Duplicitous

I don't think age is an important topic unless you yourself are under the age of 21.

With this bunch...I think an agenda is out of the question. Lets just let things happen.

11 am east coast. Won't be at my desk but I'll try from my iPhone, at least for a few minutes.
What a great idea! And I agree, let's just go with the flow this time.

ask my 25 year old daughter to assist me which is soemthing that I would really not like to have to do. LOL

I didn't see this til now, I have no idea how chat works on here either.  Maybe we need a tutorial thread on that first.

I use fire-fox so it is on the tool bar and easy to find. Had big problems myself finding how to change my pop-up setting but googled and felt real stupid.

Which Browser your using and then google it and turn on pop-ups. Remember to go back and turn the blocker on again once your done

Have fun I am busy today and may not join you. Remember you are talking with strangers so treat this accordingly.

Kisses Haley

Who are you on Chat Angela ? I use my member name do others use different ones or do they stay the same.

Kisses Haley

I don't have much time that i can chat. I go to work at 4 am and work overtime at least 3 days so get home late and When I get home early I go on my run and workout. Would enjoy it but just can't get to it.

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